

Well-Known Member
China couldn't cover up 20 million deaths. I have no doubt they lie about their numbers. But it ain't anywhere near that.


Well-Known Member
Imagine if we had a president where this argument wouldn’t even exist. A president that had class where no one would even entertain the thought that he called a worldwide pandemic a hoax. Too bad it’s all too believable that Trump did just that. You can quibble over semantics, or blame “the media,” but the fact that it’s debatable is the real problem. Our president is a d-bag.
Imagine if we had a country where our president didn't have to constantly defend himself against one bogus attack after another by political partisans snowflakes from the other side


Well-Known Member
I don't get why you kids think you can create a new definition of a word just because it doesn't fit your needs.
Create your own friend:censored2:king word!

Pandemic - a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world.

Definition of PANDEMIC

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The CDC defined a difference. Not me. Must be past the old mans bed time. And must you use profanity? Its so bushwa.
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