

Man of Great Wisdom
I'm hearing so much crazy :censored2: about how you can catch it that I have become a germaphobe in the last couple of weeks wearing gloves , masks and hand sanitizing and washing like crazy.

work is definitely one place I can catch it but that's not a definite that it happened there. If you do the community investigation and find that people are catching it from each other at work then yes you have a problem there.

I also see a lot of people in the stores that are clearly not taking this threat seriously, I still see people having conversations where their face to face, people doing the bro hug etc.

I am no expert on this but I think people are probably catching it when they don't take the threat seriously
Can't wait to go out in public and vote today in Wisconsin. Another reason to respect Repugs.


Well-Known Member
How does anything Biden say change the FACTS of what tRump has done or said?

I'm laughing that your snowflake obsession forces you to go through extra trouble everytime you type trumps name. are your panties really bunched that tight?


Retired 23 years
I was bored and wanted to test my EXCEL formula memory ...

Georgia as of 7 p.m. 06April20

Group__Count ___%
60-69___77___26.3%___82% 60 or older
That takes a load off my mind. At least I'm not I that 60-69 age group. :-)


Retired 23 years

When is the last time you saw a cattle car?


Man of Great Wisdom
democratic governor with no balls?
Idiot republicans putting politics over people's safety. Moving the primary like many other states did seems to be an easy choice. Any one of these legislators and justices that gets on tv and says people should go out as little as possible needs to contact Covid and croak.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Reminiscent of Doug Collins after he refused Trump's position and continued his campaign for the Senate seat now held by Kelly Loeffler.

Rep. Doug Collins quickly shot down speculation that he would be nominated as the next director of national intelligence after President Donald Trump floated the Georgia Republican for the role of America’s spy chief, insisting Friday that he would instead continue his campaign for Senate.

‘Political Chaos’: Sen. Kelly Loeffler, Congressman Doug Collins Battle Enters New Territory For GOP
Incumbent U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler, appointed by Gov. Brian Kemp in December, has 20 challengers. But at this stage in the race, it’d be easy to assume she only has one: fellow Republican Congressman Doug Collins.

The contest will be decided by a “jungle primary,” or a free-for-all election in November without party primaries. Democrats and Republicans will all be on one ballot, which makes Collins’ decision to run especially controversial.

“We really are in unprecedented territory, and so I’m describing it a little bit as political chaos here,” said Heath Garrett, a Republican strategist who has worked for both candidates in the past, but he is staying neutral in this race.

“Both sides have kind of gone into their corners, gone into their trenches and basically are yelling at each other right now.”

Loeffler and Collins.JPG

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Well-Known Member
Idiot republicans putting politics over people's safety. Moving the primary like many other states did seems to be an easy choice. Any one of these legislators and justices that gets on tv and says people should go out as little as possible needs to contact Covid and croak.
It's always the Republicans fault.