

nowhere special
Dead flu cells which triggers your immune system to create immune cells, called lymphocytes, which respond by producing antibodies that attack the flu viruses in the vaccine. Sort of like training the immune system.
I have been diabetic since I was 24 which typically means one's immune system is compromised and that is why I get vaccines.
Some virus vaccines use dead cells. Others use live but weakened. Both ways can work.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Dead or weakened flu cells which triggers your immune system to create immune cells, called lymphocytes, which respond by producing antibodies that attack the flu viruses in the vaccine. Sort of like training the immune system.
I have been diabetic since I was 24 which typically means one's immune system is compromised and that is why I get vaccines.
You could just pay someone to punch you in the face


Inordinately Right
Not a thing.

Elizabeth Warren wants to defund Trump’s border wall and use the money to fight coronavirus

Key Points
  • Elizabeth Warren unveils legislation to defund President Donald Trump’s border wall and direct the money toward the coronavirus response in the U.S.
  • Democrats have argued the $1.25 billion in emergency funds the president has requested is inadequate to counter the outbreak.
  • Warren is among the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates who have focused more on coronavirus this week as concerns grow about it spreading in The U.S.
  • :wornout:
What an idiot.
She needs to drop out and get on her knees already and beg BSanders to be VP.
Pathetic old coot.


Just a turd
Dead or weakened flu cells which triggers your immune system to create immune cells, called lymphocytes, which respond by producing antibodies that attack the flu viruses in the vaccine. Sort of like training the immune system.
I have been diabetic since I was 24 which typically means one's immune system is compromised and that is why I get vaccines.
source (12).gif


Staff member
An ad hoc disagreement on that opinion.
I get the flu vaccine every year in August/September and I have not had the flu in over 30 years.
My wife, a dumbs:censored2:t when it comes to vaccines, has had the flu 6 times in that time period ... and I never caught it from her.
I also get a pneumonia vaccine every year and she has had pneumonia twice and I did not get it from her.
I also got the shingles vaccine this year so I'm protected for 5 years ... fairly common for people my age to get it.

I get all vaccines recommended by my doctor and AETNA and I'm still here and never had any side effects.

You trying to kill your wife?


Engorged Member
I think it’s a Chinese conspiracy to raise diabetes levels and obesity in ‘murica.

You people (intentional) are morons. When the supply chain runs out of your meds and parts that support Trump jobs in Middle America, you won't think it's funny.

All those Jesus-loving Trumpers in Indiana won't have Chinese-made parts to make your Winnebago. And, no, those parts won't be made in America either.


El Correcto

god is dead
Nope, I gotten use to her after 48 years of marriage.
It could be argued she is trying to kill herself since she doesn't get vaccinations.
At least she is not into homeopathic BS.
Back in the good old days we can rally up the boys to come drag y’all from your home and burn it down for refusing a vaccination.