

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
For those who don't know how it works.



Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
Absence of readily available testing for a newly created virus that the Chinese and WHO lied to us about through January? Really?

We were supposed to have a millions of test kits for an unknown virus sitting on our shelves? Really?
Conspiracy, the dam Chinese had to eat crap cause they’re government is communist and won’t take care of them , then held the real story for months. GDI


There is no evidence that the virus did not start in the US or elsewhere. It's not impossible we imported it to Wuhan.

Either way.. It is quite possible that since there are multiple strains of the virus including east coast and west coast, a west coast strain developed over the winter under our noses.

This may be why CA total deaths and hospitalizations are very low-herd immunity for a virus that was largely undetected November-March. While NY faces a worse strain, currently.

Only immunity testing will give clues to that.


Inordinately Right
There is no evidence that the virus did not start in the US or elsewhere. It's not impossible we imported it to Wuhan.
There is no evidence it did not originate on venus and the lizard people that run the world behind the scenes brought it here to keep us distracted while they change the batteries in all the birds so they can keep flying.

Freaking idiot.
Stop pushing communist propaganda.
It started in China, they lied, people died. Time for them to pay for their crime against humanity.