

Inordinately Right
in the middle of february you , me and everyone else here was dismissing this as another form of a flu that did not warrant that type of response.

we are all now experts in the other direction
Including the doctors and scientists that were leading our response.

Mainly because the data they were modeling the outbreak on was mostly falsified by China.


Yet, here we are.

I love America, but we’re dropping the ball.

At this point, you’re just trolling.

Wake up
The only reason this won't result in millions dead is because of awareness and distancing. I can't imagine how many infections and deaths would have happened if we carried on business as usual. There is no doubt it's working and that includes lower infected number areas.

El Correcto

god is dead


El Correcto

god is dead
The only reason this won't result in millions dead is because of awareness and distancing. I can't imagine how many infections and deaths would have happened if we carried on business as usual. There is no doubt it's working and that includes lower infected number areas.
This is accurate if we had a reliable denominator for the cfr. We don’t. You are flinging :censored2:, all their models are wildly inaccurate.


Engorged Member
Im saying enact these things in hot spots where the local representatives can act on behalf of their governed, there are merits to what the healthcare folk are telling us, you don’t want to get sick.

It’s just ridiculous to propose wide spread shutdowns across the nation over a pandemic which is mainly focused in New York over a third of cases last I checked.

View attachment 290295
when there is such a disparity of the number of cases I find graphs like this disingenuous. Dark red should be 50,000+ at least considering over a hundred thousand are centralized in New York.
View attachment 290296
Young people start going out and getting infected, suddenly the risk groups are categorized as 20-44. Give me a break, I’m seeing a lot of fear mongering going on by the “experts” and I see a lot of government actions being dictated based off this. Very disproportionate spending and blow to the economy over what seems to be misleading info geared to spread fear.

Your overall take on this is disturbing. Please remember that due to a LACK of readily available testing, that the cases, age distribution, and deaths are all UNDER-REPORTED and very likely MUCH HIGHER.

You're welcome.
13,866 dead Americans, 406,600+ known infected. 1,027 dead from Trump Flu today. With Georgia now 8th in the nation in Covid 19 deaths, and 10th in total known infected. UPS pleading ignorance is out the window.

El Correcto

god is dead
Your overall take on this is disturbing. Please remember that due to a LACK of readily available testing, that the cases, age distribution, and deaths are all UNDER-REPORTED and very likely MUCH HIGHER.

You're welcome.
And your overall take on this is very predictable.
Lets destroy America based on flimsy data.


You don’t know that.
It is a fact that social distancing is working to prevent spread, prevent rate of spread and thus saving lives in both ways. That isn't opinion. Heh and yes no one knows, but approaching 100,000 deaths world wide* and we know why the asterisk


Well-Known Member
Your overall take on this is disturbing. Please remember that due to a LACK of readily available testing, that the cases, age distribution, and deaths are all UNDER-REPORTED and very likely MUCH HIGHER.

You're welcome.

Absence of readily available testing for a newly created virus that the Chinese and WHO lied to us about through January? Really?

We were supposed to have a millions of test kits for an unknown virus sitting on our shelves? Really?