
El Correcto

god is dead
No, i made the suggestion that we should have shut everything down for a month, middle of February.

If we’d done that, we’d be in a better place, virus wise and economy wise.

We’re basically in a shutdown because we couldn’t/weren’t able to get our sht together.

Guy, it’s clear you’re just trolling at this point.

Where were the calls and willingness to shut down in the middle of February when got Nancy Pelosi telling us to head to Chinatown?

If this had gone that direction you would of still been here doing what you are doing now. Hating Trump and spreading your :censored2: progressive commie bull:censored2:.


Well-Known Member
Where were the calls and willingness to shut down in the middle of February when got Nancy Pelosi telling us to head to Chinatown?

If this had gone that direction you would of still been here doing what you are doing now. Hating Trump and spreading your :censored2: progressive commie bull:censored2:.

Guy, Pelosi was saying the same thing as Trump, Cuomo, DiBlasio, etc., AT THAT TIME.

So, Trump is forgiven for giving the ‘all-clear’ at that time, but we should crucify Pelosi?

You can’t have it both ways.


Well-Known Member
Guy, Pelosi was saying the same thing as Trump, Cuomo, DiBlasio, etc., AT THAT TIME.

So, Trump is forgiven for giving the ‘all-clear’ at that time, but we should crucify Pelosi?

You can’t have it both ways.
We're bringing up what the Dems did because folks like you are trying to put everything on Trump.


Man of Great Wisdom
Where were the calls and willingness to shut down in the middle of February when got Nancy Pelosi telling us to head to Chinatown?

If this had gone that direction you would of still been here doing what you are doing now. Hating Trump and spreading your :censored2: progressive commie bull:censored2:.
And Devin Nunez(R) on March 15th telling people to go to their favorite Italian restaurant because there will be plenty of open seats.


I'm a star
We're doing great and the numbers will prove that. Then you ignorant liberals can eat :censored2:. You guys predicted 2 million dead let's see what happens.

No results will ever be enough to get them to admit they made and supported the wrong decisions. I have yet to find a predictive model that even calls for stay at home orders for uninfected/unexposed people. It's like the experts are saying one thing, and policy makers are doing whatever they want and claiming the experts are advising it.

A lock down in February would never have happened, one because the numbers weren't clear (still aren't really) and, two, there was no time for the propaganda machine to scare the sheep senseless enough to be grateful for being being placed under house arrest for no reason.

Most secondary infections occur when people are confined with other people. That's why there are so many famial clusters. Thanks, government, for actually making things worse while deceiving people into believing they are "safe". SMGDH.

El Correcto

god is dead
Guy, Pelosi was saying the same thing as Trump, Cuomo, DiBlasio, etc., AT THAT TIME.

So, Trump is forgiven for giving the ‘all-clear’ at that time, but we should crucify Pelosi?

You can’t have it both ways.
I’m highlighting that your calls for a full on nationwide shut down in February would of most likely got you laughed out of the room.

Your 20/20 hindsight power moves that you set as the standard just aren’t realistic.

Why should states be shutting down that aren’t New York? The government is ruining our economy over numbers that just aren’t believable, because their data is all over the place. You can’t give us China’s false numbers, Italy’s doomsday scenarios, New York’s rate of infection and deaths and apply them nation wide with any meaningful accuracy.

This is silly and not as bad as people think.


Well-Known Member
I’m highlighting that your calls for a full on nationwide shut down in February would of most likely got you laughed out of the room.

Your 20/20 hindsight power moves that you set as the standard just aren’t realistic.

Why should states be shutting down that aren’t New York? The government is ruining our economy over numbers that just aren’t believable, because their data is all over the place. You can’t give us China’s false numbers, Italy’s doomsday scenarios, New York’s rate of infection and deaths and apply them nation wide with any meaningful accuracy.

This is silly and not as bad as people think.


We’ll see, and I would love to be proven wrong.

But, if or when this turns out to be not as bad as we thought, are you going to say ‘I told you so’?

We’re slowing the spread of the virus right now, and when things start to look great, you might say “what a crock of sht, we didn’t need to do any of that”...

But things will start to look great because we’re doing what we’re doing now.

Success will look like things coming back to normal, which wouldn’t have occurred if we weren’t social distancing, etc etc.

El Correcto

god is dead

We’ll see, and I would love to be proven wrong.

But, if or when this turns out to be not as bad as we thought, are you going to say ‘I told you so’?

We’re slowing the spread of the virus right now, and when things start to look great, you might say “what a crock of sht, we didn’t need to do any of that”...

But things will start to look great because we’re doing what we’re doing now.

Success will look like things coming back to normal, which wouldn’t have occurred if we weren’t social distancing, etc etc.
Im saying enact these things in hot spots where the local representatives can act on behalf of their governed, there are merits to what the healthcare folk are telling us, you don’t want to get sick.

It’s just ridiculous to propose wide spread shutdowns across the nation over a pandemic which is mainly focused in New York over a third of cases last I checked.


when there is such a disparity of the number of cases I find graphs like this disingenuous. Dark red should be 50,000+ at least considering over a hundred thousand are centralized in New York.

Young people start going out and getting infected, suddenly the risk groups are categorized as 20-44. Give me a break, I’m seeing a lot of fear mongering going on by the “experts” and I see a lot of government actions being dictated based off this. Very disproportionate spending and blow to the economy over what seems to be misleading info geared to spread fear.


Well-Known Member
I tire of the local commercials where the newscasters inform us we will get through this. There are some good things coming out of this. People now have to pay attention to their kids education, it makes families closer. Also, the kids who are bullied get a nice deserved break. In our state it was proven that the teachers know the bullying is going on and don't do anything to prevent it. You can take time to finally do the stuff that needed to be completed. It shows people how to be self sufficient once again. Learn a new skill. It keeps the horders from bringing even more stuff home. HOWEVER, we need to make it a priority that we DO NOT trade with Communist countries. Check out the episodes about "Wet Markets" in Asia which is where this pandemic came from. I LOVE the new Chik Fil A billboards. I will now start having lunch there more often.


Well-Known Member
No, i made the suggestion that we should have shut everything down for a month, middle of February.


in the middle of february you , me and everyone else here was dismissing this as another form of a flu that did not warrant that type of response.

we are all now experts in the other direction


Well-Known Member
Guy, Pelosi was saying the same thing as Trump, Cuomo, DiBlasio, etc., AT THAT TIME.

So, Trump is forgiven for giving the ‘all-clear’ at that time, but we should crucify Pelosi?

You can’t have it both ways.

we should probably recognize that no one on either side based on information at the time believed this thing would spread as quickly as it did.

keep in mind the usa today front page we posted here from late january when Kobe bryant dies. the article next to is shows trump is already using fauci to work on this back then. Fauci did not recommend a shutdown until much later.