
Health experts say that ending the shutdown prematurely would be disastrous because the restrictions have barely had time to work, and because U.S. leaders have not built up the capacity for alternatives to stay-at-home orders — such as the mass testing, large-scale contact tracing and targeted quarantines that have been used in other countries to suppress the virus.

The Wall Street Journal always “forgets” to mention that the ratings for the White House Press Briefings are “through the roof” (Monday Night Football, Bachelor Finale, according to @nytimes) & is only way for me to escape the Fake News & get my views across. WSJ is Fake News!

3:35 PM - Apr 9, 2020

This is a ridiculous tweet. He could get his views across without bragging, endlessly repeating himself, and getting into petty squabbles with the junior varsity players in the WH press corps. And he could stop talking much sooner to give Pence, Fauci, Birx and Giroir more time.
Brit Hume …
17,383 dead Americans, 475,000+ known infected. Already 1,147 dead today. Record high unemployment. The Union couldn’t get an extra dollar an hour minimum for hazard pay. You can tell Teamster workers aren’t going to work.


Inordinately Right
Beating doomsday predictions because governors acted. Trump is still sitting on the bench. Not much of a team player.
Yes if not for that pesky Constitution thingy he could have been the true fuhrer the leftists desire.

Seriously, Trump was ahead of everyone on this thing. As a conservative, I wish he had done less, but certainly wouldn't ask for more.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Your Rights If You’re Exposed to COVID-19 at UPS
OSHA and CDC guidelines are clear about what management should do if a UPS employee in your workplace tests positive for COVID-19. Here's what to do if UPS isn’t following the rules.

Every day, growing numbers of UPSers are testing positive for COVID-19. In some areas, union action has forced the company to follow OSHA and CDC guidelines.
But in others, Teamsters who have been directly exposed to co-workers with COVID-19 are being kept in the dark and not given a chance to get medical advice and self-quarantine with pay.
Here’s what you should know about your rights and how to make management respect them.

OSHA Rules: If a UPSer Tests Positive for COVID-19

If a UPSer tests positive or self-quarantines for COVID-19, they should report this to management. OSHA and CDC guidelines require management to:
  • Inform workers of their possible exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace
  • Contact Health Department authorities
  • Identify employees who have been directly exposed to the sick co-worker
  • Put employees who have had direct exposure in touch with government health authorities to get advice on whether to self-quarantine
  • UPS also has to sanitize affected work areas, trucks, and equipment.

Confidentiality Do’s and Don’ts
OSHA requires management to tell workers that they may have been exposed in the workplace— while protecting the sick individual’s confidentiality.
Management is also required to contact health officials and identify co-workers who have had had direct contact with the sick employee so directly exposed Teamsters can get medical advice and self-quarantine if necessary.
In some areas, management is following these steps. But in others, Teamsters who have been directly exposed are not being informed so they get medical advice about self-quarantining.
UPS Teamsters who self-quarantine on the advice of a medical professional or the Health Department or CDC are entitled to two weeks (10 days) of paid leave.

Holding UPS Management Accountable
In many areas, UPS is routinely violating these OSHA and CDC guidelines and keeping Teamsters in the dark—even when they’ve been directly exposed to a co-worker with COVID-19.

There is no silver bullet. But here are tools that working Teamsters can use to pressure management follow the rules and protect our health and safety.
  • File a Grievance that management is violating the contract and OSHA guidelines by inadequately informing employees about their possible exposure to COVID-19.
  • File an Information Request demanding that management disclose the number of COVID-19 cases there have been in the building, the location of each case, and the action UPS took to work with health officials to identify and advise Teamsters who were in close contact with the co-worker who tested positive. Any shop steward has the power under Article 4 of the contract to file an information request.
  • Call OSHA. Management is required to disclose COVID-19 cases to OSHA, subject to the same rules and failure-to-record fines as other workplace injuries and illnesses. If management is keeping the workforce in the dark, the odds are that they are hiding these cases from OSHA too.
  • Contact the Health Authorities in your area and let them know that there are COVID-19 cases in your workplace.
  • Contact Your State Attorney General’s Office or hotline in your state if UPS is violating COVID-19 emergency mandates and Executive orders.
Letting management know that you’re prepared to take these steps is the best way to get results without having to do so. Contact UPS Teamsters United for help.

Taking Effective Union Action
We’re all in this together—and we’ve got to act that way. Before you act, talk to your steward, a safety committee member or other concerned Teamsters.
If you want management to address a problem, then you need to have proposed solutions. Go to management with specific actions they can take to remedy the situation.
The company should agree on a protocol with the union that brings them in line with OSHA and CDC guidelines so that Teamsters know if we have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 so we can get advice from medical professionals and health officials and self-quarantine if directed to do so.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Math: do you speak it?

Last year, 155,000 people died in the state of New York. Divide that by 365 and you get an average daily death rate of 425 people per day. Vital Statistics of New York State

So, if 425 people die in the state on any normal day, give or take a few based on season, how is the coronavirus being attributed with 800 deaths per day?

Classifying deaths as COVID deaths incorrectly is happening. But it doesn't make the total body count multiply by 2x-3x.

No disease has ever been attributed with double the daily body count of all other causes of mortality put together.

Do you think these extra 400-500 bodies are fiction?

Unretard yourself. I can't do it.

From the New York Dept of Health. It’s clear that New York, due to having too many people so close together, is the epicenter. But still averages out to a high recovery/low death rate. And the United States still has one of the most favorable recovery/death rates. Take your antidepressant meds. Calm down. And stop spreading fear.


Coronavirus Update (Live): 1,675,006 Cases and 101,483 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
18,009 dead Americans, over 488,000 infected. Louisiana has passed California in deaths. According to Dr. Fauci and Trumps AG. America will not be opening May 1. America is in the bottom of the 4th inning in this battle.
18,015 dead Americans, 489,000+ known infected. 1,324 dead today. America hasn’t had under 1,000 dead in over a week. Trumps $2.3 trillion bailout, has made me richer! My stimulus will be in my account. It’s pending! My fellow taxpayers did more for me than my union brothers. I will be donating to Planned Parenthood. God Bless.


Well-Known Member
From the New York Dept of Health. It’s clear that New York, due to having too many people so close together, is the epicenter. But still averages out to a high recovery/low death rate. And the United States still has one of the most favorable recovery/death rates. Take your antidepressant meds. Calm down. And stop spreading fear.

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Coronavirus Update (Live): 1,675,006 Cases and 101,483 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

Death and recovery rates are less important than death and recovery count. Until you understand that, you'll keep being stupid.