

Well-Known Member
You are scared of a virus that has a 96%+ survivability rate. THAT is what’s funny.

Statewide morality in NY has tripled.

That is, three times as many total bodies are coming out of NY as a normal day. Flu has never done that. No disease has done that in over a century, to be able to triple overall mortality by itself.

You're all morons. I have roughly a 0% chance of dying, because I'm safe and I'm not a :censored2:. And I eat vegetables and exercise. I'm scared for others, not myself.

However, lots of people I love are cancer patients, had heart disease, are old, or have other things like that.

I'm in this terrible position of being smart enough to see how profoundly retarded you are, and yet not smart enough to unretard you.

Do you have an unretard button?


Well-Known Member
:censored2: New York.
Who needs em.

I don't. I wanted to quarantine NY and CA before it was cool.

A permanent quarantine for the region along the Mason-Dixon would also be awesome.

But even though NY is effectively a foreign country, with foreign people, who ruin every place they move to when they try to escape New York, they are still people.

So, I don't like it when their statewide mortality triples. And it also means that people who do live in decent places with decent people are threatened.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Statewide morality in NY has tripled.

That is, three times as many total bodies are coming out of NY as a normal day. Flu has never done that. No disease has done that in over a century, to be able to triple overall mortality by itself.

You're all morons. I have roughly a 0% chance of dying, because I'm safe and I'm not a :censored2:. And I eat vegetables and exercise. I'm scared for others, not myself.

However, lots of people I love are cancer patients, had heart disease, are old, or have other things like that.

I'm in this terrible position of being smart enough to see how profoundly retarded you are, and yet not smart enough to unretard you.

Do you have an unretard button?
Hospitals have been caught counting ALL deaths as coronavirus related. You are being manipulated. Sheep usually are. Crawl back under your bed. Or maybe hide in one of the many empty hospitals instead.


Well-Known Member
Hospitals have been caught counting ALL deaths as coronavirus related. You are being manipulated. Sheep usually are. Crawl back under your bed. Or maybe hide in one of the many empty hospitals instead.

Math: do you speak it?

Last year, 155,000 people died in the state of New York. Divide that by 365 and you get an average daily death rate of 425 people per day. Vital Statistics of New York State

So, if 425 people die in the state on any normal day, give or take a few based on season, how is the coronavirus being attributed with 800 deaths per day?

Classifying deaths as COVID deaths incorrectly is happening. But it doesn't make the total body count multiply by 2x-3x.

No disease has ever been attributed with double the daily body count of all other causes of mortality put together.

Do you think these extra 400-500 bodies are fiction?

Unretard yourself. I can't do it.


Well-Known Member
NY is burying unclaimed corpses stacked 5 high in cement coffins in unmarked graves.

It's just the flu, bro.

96% survival, bro.

Stacking bodies in Central Park is normal, bro.

Get back to work, bro.

We aren't China. Wait, we aren't Italy,. Wait, we aren't Spain. Wait, we aren't New York. Wait, we aren't Detroit or New Orleans.

It can't happen here, bro.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
That's why I concentrate on actual numbers reported each day.
Deaths are piling up but the trends on hospitalizations and intubation are looking better.

Yin and Yang!

Yin Yang Fire.jpg