

You want a toe? I can get you a toe.



This morning we have some data giving a little more insight into the great unknown of the coronavirus pandemic: just how widely among the population has SARS-CoV-2 — the virus which causes COVID-19 — spread among the general population. A team at the University of Bonn has tested a randomized sample of 1,000 residents of the town of Gangelt in the north-west of the country, one of the epicenters of the outbreak in Germany. The study found that two percent of the population currently had the virus and that 14 percent were carrying antibodies suggesting that they had already been infected — whether or not they experienced any symptoms. Eliminating an overlap between the two groups, the team concluded that 15 percent of the town have been infected with the virus.
COVID antibody test in German town shows 15 percent infection rate | Spectator USA

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

This morning we have some data giving a little more insight into the great unknown of the coronavirus pandemic: just how widely among the population has SARS-CoV-2 — the virus which causes COVID-19 — spread among the general population. A team at the University of Bonn has tested a randomized sample of 1,000 residents of the town of Gangelt in the north-west of the country, one of the epicenters of the outbreak in Germany. The study found that two percent of the population currently had the virus and that 14 percent were carrying antibodies suggesting that they had already been infected — whether or not they experienced any symptoms. Eliminating an overlap between the two groups, the team concluded that 15 percent of the town have been infected with the virus.

Data indicates a 15% infection rate.
Data from coronavirus deaths in Gangelt suggests an infection mortality rate of 0.37 percent.

The 15% infection rate is backed up by two other 'studies'.
1) The Diamond Princess, which inadvertently became a floating laboratory, showed a 17% infection rate.
2) A Chinese study in Shenzhen where scientists tested everyone who shared a household with people who were found to be suffering from the disease to be 15%.


This morning we have some data giving a little more insight into the great unknown of the coronavirus pandemic: just how widely among the population has SARS-CoV-2 — the virus which causes COVID-19 — spread among the general population. A team at the University of Bonn has tested a randomized sample of 1,000 residents of the town of Gangelt in the north-west of the country, one of the epicenters of the outbreak in Germany. The study found that two percent of the population currently had the virus and that 14 percent were carrying antibodies suggesting that they had already been infected — whether or not they experienced any symptoms. Eliminating an overlap between the two groups, the team concluded that 15 percent of the town have been infected with the virus.

Data indicates a 15% infection rate.
Data from coronavirus deaths in Gangelt suggests an infection mortality rate of 0.37 percent.

The 15% infection rate is backed up by two other 'studies'.
1) The Diamond Princess, which inadvertently became a floating laboratory, showed a 17% infection rate.
2) A Chinese study in Shenzhen where scientists tested everyone who shared a household with people who were found to be suffering from the disease to be 15%.
German media outlets are questioning the validity. The premise is that the antibody tests may test for all coronaviruses, or multiple other strains and skew the #'s. Interesting

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Death and recovery rates are less important than death and recovery count. Until you understand that, you'll keep being stupid.
You are immune to facts. Your skull is too thick for said facts to penetrate. For that you’ll continue to live in fear. You’d make a good mainstream “journalist.” Even ignoring the fact that our coronavirus death rates are inflated we still have over a 96% survival rate.

When this is over it’ll be even more crystal clear than it is now that the elderly, people with underlying conditions, and smokers were the overwhelming majority of victims. And people like you will end up with a years supply of toilet paper and ramen noodles, high blood pressure, PTSD, and germophobia. Weak minded people.
18,719 dead Americans, 502,000+ known infected. A new single day record of 2,037 so far. This is when you’ll see the numbers spike for for the next two weeks. The mid west, southwest, Deep South, big sky country are about 2-3 weeks behind. Any cities with international airports will now get rocked.


So the number could be lower?
Yeah maybe. Not sure if it matters, SK is reporting "recovered" patients becoming re-infected, anyway. Lots of unknowns and dangers if we think there is guaranteed herd immunity

Recovered coronavirus patients test positive again in blow to immunity hopes
The prospect of people being re-infected with the virus is of international concern, as many countries are hoping that infected populations will develop sufficient immunity to prevent a resurgence of the pandemic.

The reports have also prompted fears the virus may remain active in patients for much longer than was previously thought.

Korean health officials reported Friday that 91 patients thought to have been cleared of the virus had tested positive again, up from 51 people on Monday.


Well-Known Member
You are immune to facts. Your skull is too thick for said facts to penetrate. For that you’ll continue to live in fear. You’d make a good mainstream “journalist.” Even ignoring the fact that our coronavirus death rates are inflated we still have over a 96% survival rate.

When this is over it’ll be even more crystal clear than it is now that the elderly, people with underlying conditions, and smokers were the overwhelming majority of victims. And people like you will end up with a years supply of toilet paper and ramen noodles, high blood pressure, PTSD, and germophobia. Weak minded people.

I can't do this in a preschool level for you.

An alleged 96% survival rate disease just tripled NY's average daily body count after we threw everything we had at it.

It was arguable a month ago. It was arguable by ignorant people, but at least it was arguable. Now, it's a nice test to see who eats crayons for lunch.

Whats your favorite flavor?
18,719 dead Americans, 502,000+ known infected. A new single day record of 2,037 so far. This is when you’ll see the numbers spike for for the next two weeks. The mid west, southwest, Deep South, big sky country are about 2-3 weeks behind. Any cities with international airports will now get rocked.
Yes we all can read the news. Now for a love of God and for a wall being a brown cafe please shut the hell up

Poop Head

Judge me.
I can't do this in a preschool level for you.

An alleged 96% survival rate disease just tripled NY's average daily body count after we threw everything we had at it.

It was arguable a month ago. It was arguable by ignorant people, but at least it was arguable. Now, it's a nice test to see who eats crayons for lunch.

Whats your favorite flavor?
Old people die. Thats what they do

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I can't do this in a preschool level for you.

An alleged 96% survival rate disease just tripled NY's average daily body count after we threw everything we had at it.

It was arguable a month ago. It was arguable by ignorant people, but at least it was arguable. Now, it's a nice test to see who eats crayons for lunch.

Whats your favorite flavor?

New York is peaking. The country as a hole peaking. The curve is starting to flatten. It’s not the end of the world. But you, and the likes of you, should probably stay off the web and refrain from watching tv news. You people are pure poison for the soul. Hiding in caves (or mommy’s basement) would do you all and society a great service.