

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
While most Americans will receive a $1,200 check with Donald Trump's signature as part of the coronavirus relief legislation recently passed by Congress, those who make over $1 million per year will reap a huge windfall that will cost the rest of us $90 billion.

That's because Senate Republicans snuck in a provision into the coronavirus relief bill that removes a limit of how much "pass-through" businesses can deduct on their tax returns.

What this means is that 43,000 millionaires and billionaires (the richest 0.1%) will receive more than 80% of the tax benefits from this stimulus.
What's the problem?
Sounds fair to me.
Evens out the Kennedy Center and abortion money.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
What's the problem?
Sounds fair to me.
Evens out the Kennedy Center and abortion money.

Lol, ok I'll bite!

The Kennedy Center getting a specific shout out In The bill baffles me. The only thing I can guess is the legislators were told by the Kennedy Center that payoffs were eminent before final passage then they had the layoffs before reaching was just passed, the day before.

Wtf are you talking about when you claimed, "abortion money?"


Well-Known Member
Cute the study! You heard from your boyfriend who heard from his side action say that on Fox news this dude said....... Conspiracy Story! This is what tRump has done to the brains of his sheeple.

"Sure of hell could of leaked" do you see the problem here?
If you'll be so kind as to Google "Wuhan virus came from lab" you'll see all kinds of articles from major news sources including CNN and NBC. Game, set, and match. Now go slink back, or is that slither, back under your rock.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
You're upset the tax code was put back to the way it was under Obama?
Keep crying snowflake.

The loophole was closed 2 years ago with legislation when they discovered how the rich were exploiting the law! McConnell used the CARES act to underhandedly give out hand jobs to tRump and his real estate friends by going back to the way it was before the loophole was discovered by the rest of the taxpayers!

How is it a fact?
Because it is a fact that it is IN THE CARES ACT.

Your claiming it isn't in there (if I remember correctly it's section 2304) is lying about a FACT!


Well-Known Member
Now the deal kick in the balls that @fishtm2001 left out is they actually wrote in the bill that this can be retroactively applied to the last 2 years taxes!!!!!
My, my, my can't believe you're attacking poor Nancy. You see Timmy, the House of Representatives controls the money. Not the administration, not the Senate. If there's anything in that stimulus bill you don't like better take it up with Pelosi and the majority Democrats. Couldn't have happened without them. Or do you have some conspiracy theory about Nancy getting caught in a closet with Chuckie Schumer and the Republicans have pictures?


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
If you'll be so kind as to Google "Wuhan virus came from lab" you'll see all kinds of articles from major news sources including CNN and NBC. Game, set, and match. Now go slink back, or is that slither, back under your rock.

OMG you IDIOT! They are stories about the government "investigating" (at the direction of the single worst president in history) CLAIMS that a lab which happens to be in there area of the outbreak either made and/or released the virus!

Yes, there is an "investigation" because The Orange Baffon in the White House ordered it trying to shift blame off him for screwing The pooch in responding to this crisis!!!!!

The conspiracy theory that you sheeple parrot is that the virus "came from a lab". Those are your words beavis!

I first heard this conspiracy theory on Lou dobbs or Hannity's show in early January!


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
My, my, my can't believe you're attacking poor Nancy. You see Timmy, the House of Representatives controls the money. Not the administration, not the Senate. If there's anything in that stimulus bill you don't like better take it up with Pelosi and the majority Democrats. Couldn't have happened without them. Or do you have some conspiracy theory about Nancy getting caught in a closet with Chuckie Schumer and the Republicans have pictures?

I could make a living out of fact checking your :censored2:!

The CARES ACT was written by tRumps whore, McConnell. He in fact excluded all democrats in the Senate. It went to the house controlled by the democrates. They somehow (oh say, like only having 48 hours to read an 800 page piece of legislation) missed this small part (again section 2304 I think) while trying to make changes to make the act better.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Lol, ok I'll bite!

The Kennedy Center getting a specific shout out In The bill baffles me. The only thing I can guess is the legislators were told by the Kennedy Center that payoffs were eminent before final passage then they had the layoffs before reaching was just passed, the day before.

Wtf are you talking about when you claimed, "abortion money?"
Attempted Planned Parenthood bail out.