

read it again, between 41000 to 80000 in that county have antibodies, that were not tested for the virus
Even if they do test for antibodies, that doesnt mean other coronavirus aren't testing to a false pos. And it doesn't mean that having antibodies guarantees immunity, if the viral load wasn't very high


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Another way the Corona Virus is being handled.

In Sweden, Will Voluntary Self-Isolation Work Better Than State-Enforced Lockdowns in the Long Run?

There’s a lot of debate over the Swedish model of coronavirus response, but there are good reasons to think a Hippocratic approach to policy may pay off.

We don't know whether the Swedish model is better or worse yet. What we do know is that Sweden has not cracked down on basic liberties like others have, and has not wrecked society and the economy to the same extent.

As Hippocrates might have put it, "First, do no harm."

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
read it again, between 41000 to 80000 in that county have antibodies, that were not tested for the virus

4% of 2 million = 80,000