

Well-Known Member
I could make a living out of fact checking your :censored2:!

The CARES ACT was written by tRumps whore, McConnell. He in fact excluded all democrats in the Senate. It went to the house controlled by the democrates. They somehow (oh say, like only having 48 hours to read an 800 page piece of legislation) missed this small part (again section 2304 I think) while trying to make changes to make the act better.
My, my, my, what do you mean they only had 48 hours? The House of Representatives holds the purse strings amigo. They could take their sweet time. You do realize that when one house proposes a bill, the other house counters with their own bill, then members of both houses meet to hammer out a final bill that both sides can live with before a vote is taken? Being a constitutional scholar such as you are surely you know that? Are you saying Pelosi and team didn't do their due diligence? That they are incompetent? No way! The numerous pork items that the Democrats put in were the culmination of saying you can have that if we get this. If you think for a moment that the Senate Republicans forced the House Democrats to give in to their demands when constitutionally the House Democrats are in charge of allocating funds then I have a whole bunch of conspiracy theories I'd like to sell you. You're a little know-it-all who doesn't know much of anything.


So you’re implying that the US is in a better situation NOW than it was with Obama? If so you’re an idiot. Trump couldn’t have handle this situation any worse if he tried, especially since it was just one guy coming over from China...gdfoh
You said over 2 million would die. What happened to that?


33,931 dead Americans, 668,000 known infected. 1,343 dead Americans today. 7 states have extended their lockdowns to May 15, defying Trump.
Trumps Dow has only gained 3,000 points in 3+ years. He signed the largest bailout program in American history. $2.3 trillion is more than 3x Obama’s. Yes, America was better off under Obama. He battled the flu too, not Covid19.
So trump tells governors it’s their decision but they defy trump? Obama has quantitative easing of 4.5 trillion. Last thing you want to do is try a numbers game. You didn’t even know the governors were making the decision to open their states.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
"Now, here's something that has been bothering me for a while, but I finally got the research. So, the Centers for Disease Control is in Atlanta. This is the place you go for health information. They lag about a week behind. But listen to this, under one year, nothing, not one case in the USA. 1 to 4, this is deaths, I should say, no deaths. 1 to 4, 2 deaths, 2. 5 to 18, 1. Three deaths between birth and 18 years old in the USA from COVID. Now, remember, kids were going to school all over the place."--- Bill Oh'Really 4/16/20
35,353 dead Americans, 680,500+ known infected. America had another 2,000+ dead yesterday. Trump is pushing for a May 1 re-opening. That is in jeopardy. Record unemployment is now Trumps record. He’s willing to sign another bailout bill that will pay taxpayers $2,000 a month till Sept! I’m going to be rich with Trumps welfare program!


Staff member
Obesity may be one of the most important predictors of severe coronavirus illness, new studies say. It is an alarming finding for the United States, which has one of the highest obesity rates in the world.

Although people with obesity frequently have other medical problems, the new studies point to the condition in and of itself as the most significant risk factor, after only older age, for being hospitalized with COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus. Young adults with obesity appear to be at particular risk, studies show.

The research is preliminary, but it buttresses anecdotal reports from doctors who say they have been struck by how many seriously ill younger patients of theirs are obese but are otherwise healthy.

Obesity linked to severe coronavirus disease, especially for younger patients

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Obesity linked to severe coronavirus disease, especially for younger patients

Another NYU Langone study, which focused on patients under the age of 60, found that those with obesity were twice as likely to be hospitalized and were at even higher risk of requiring critical care. The association between obesity and more severe disease was not seen in patients over the age of 60.

Although most of the early reports from China pointed to risk factors like Type 2 diabetes and hypertension, which are common in people with obesity, scientists in Shenzhen, China, reported in The Lancet this month that COVID-19 patients with a high body mass index were at more than double the risk of severe pneumonia than those with a lower BMI.

Another study from China, which looked at outcomes among a group of 112 COVID-19 patients,
reported that of the 17 patients who died, 15 were either overweight or obese.

Americans are not Fat  They Are Big-Boned.jpg
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