

Well-Known Member
A hospital in Brazil got confused about their Covid patients...

They called a family and said, 'sorry, yer mom died'.

The family buried the ashes.

Two weeks later, the actual mom woke up from a Covid coma and called the family..."Are you going to pick me up or what?"

Imagine getting that call...
That would be just the kinda trick my mother in law would pull on me.


Just a turd
The Swedes put out guidelines, didn't hammer their own economy, and are doing fine. South Dakota did pretty much the same thing. In fairness at the start it was prudent to do what we did. But now with more information we need to start thinking about pretty quickly getting our economy back on it's feet. Right?



Just a turd
Still alive!
tenor (52).gif


The Swedes put out guidelines, didn't hammer their own economy, and are doing fine. South Dakota did pretty much the same thing. In fairness at the start it was prudent to do what we did. But now with more information we need to start thinking about pretty quickly getting our economy back on it's feet. Right?
If doing fine is a death rate higher than the US and roughly 5x Norway and 10x Finland, they're "killin it"! alright
64,060 dead Americans, 1.1+ million known infected. 204 dead today. The states of Georgia, Virginia, and Maryland are becoming hotspots. Florida has seen a rise in deaths and known infected. Re-opening is looking like a huge mistake.


Well-Known Member
If doing fine is a death rate higher than the US and roughly 5x Norway and 10x Finland, they're "killin it"! alright
Except we now know that the virus is exceptionally contagious and millions in the U.S. and elsewhere contracted it without showing any symptoms. So it death rate is much lower than the official numbers. The younger you are the lower the risk. Keep the elderly sequestered and let's get the economy going.


Just a turd
Except we now know that the virus is exceptionally contagious and millions in the U.S. and elsewhere contracted it without showing any symptoms. So it death rate is much lower than the official numbers. The younger you are the lower the risk. Keep the elderly sequestered and let's get the economy going.

I must have caught the cornoavirus, thats twice today I have agreed with you


Except we now know that the virus is exceptionally contagious and millions in the U.S. and elsewhere contracted it without showing any symptoms. So it death rate is much lower than the official numbers. The younger you are the lower the risk. Keep the elderly sequestered and let's get the economy going.
Death rates are lower given asymptomatic transmission and piss poor testing, among other things, but did you just come to that understanding now? I agree about the econiomy, and we can't afford to spread helicopter money into the summer. There will be pain


Well-Known Member
Death rates are lower given asymptomatic transmission and piss poor testing, among other things, but did you just come to that understanding now? I agree about the econiomy, and we can't afford to spread helicopter money into the summer. There will be pain
Known it for awhile now. It's terrible how many have died, but it's a far cry from how many were being estimated to die.