

nowhere special

Basically, every death certificate that comes across our desk now has COVID on it

In conversations with several funeral directors across New York City, O’Keefe uncovered a shocking narrative where, without fail, every director he spoke to expressed his or her concern that coronavirus deaths are being inflated and every death in NYC is being recorded as a COVID death with or without testing to confirm.
Funeral Directors Blow the Whistle on Deaths Falsely Attributed to Coronavirus

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
been following this virus on reddit since November, when the first video surfaced of people collapsing in the streets. china still refused to acknowledge it and continued to let people travel.

I don’t like Trump but it’s insane how much communist Chinese choad swallowing hard leftists are still desperate to perform. Even after the fault for the virus has become clear.

It must be out of a sense of deeply held shared values, a level of TDS I’d somehow underestimated, or both.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member


Just a turd
WHO lauds lockdown-ignoring Sweden as a ‘model’ for countries going forward

The World Health Organization lauded Sweden as a “model” for battling the coronavirus as countries lift lockdowns — after the nation controversially refused restrictions.

Dr. Mike Ryan, the WHO’s top emergencies expert, said Wednesday there are “lessons to be learned” from the Scandinavian nation, which has largely relied on citizens to self-regulate.
Do you honestly think people in America would self-regulate?
You can't even get people to drive the right way in the one way lanes of parking lots


Well-Known Member

Basically, every death certificate that comes across our desk now has COVID on it

In conversations with several funeral directors across New York City, O’Keefe uncovered a shocking narrative where, without fail, every director he spoke to expressed his or her concern that coronavirus deaths are being inflated and every death in NYC is being recorded as a COVID death with or without testing to confirm.
Funeral Directors Blow the Whistle on Deaths Falsely Attributed to Coronavirus
Fake news...

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Well, our fascist, punitive, and petty Governor Gavin Newsome is closing beaches in Orange County "only" today. He got upset when people went outside this past weekend and had a good time. smh. :drool:

Most people were following the social distance guidelines according to local police chiefs and mayors. But Gov. Hair gel didn't like the optics, thus the fascist, punitive, and petty title fits well.

All state and local beaches in Orange County must temporarily close, Gov. Gavin Newsom says


Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday directed the temporary “hard close” of state and local beaches in Orange County after thousands of Californians flocked to the shoreline there over the weekend in defiance of a statewide stay-at-home order enacted to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

OC Sheriff says he will not be enforcing that decree ... friend:censored2:k Newsome! LOL


Well-Known Member
Thanks for keeping us updated. We would sure hate to see a post from you that said "I'm dead".

A hospital in Brazil got confused about their Covid patients...

They called a family and said, 'sorry, yer mom died'.

The family buried the ashes.

Two weeks later, the actual mom woke up from a Covid coma and called the family..."Are you going to pick me up or what?"

Imagine getting that call...


Inordinately Right
Do you regularly get your talking points directly from the Communist government of China?



Well-Known Member
Do you honestly think people in America would self-regulate?
You can't even get people to drive the right way in the one way lanes of parking lots
The Swedes put out guidelines, didn't hammer their own economy, and are doing fine. South Dakota did pretty much the same thing. In fairness at the start it was prudent to do what we did. But now with more information we need to start thinking about pretty quickly getting our economy back on it's feet. Right?