

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You are correct. Speaking of a--holes, how about those super duper patriots who are getting in the faces of cops(sans masks) because they are inconvenienced by social distancing? Imagine the outrage on the Right if those protesters were Black or of Middle Eastern descent!
There would have been no outrage because Blacks or Latinos charging up the capital steps with guns would not happen.
Whites only.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
So you're in favor of imprisoning people who dont get vaccines. This Chinese Virus has successfully outed people like you as big authoritative government nutjobs.
If you have HIV and know it and have sex with someone and you didn't tell that person, and that person becomes infected and discovers that you had it yes you go to prison.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
I sold my motorcycle when the state said I had to wear a helmet.
Yes, seat belts are smart, I'd probably wear one most of the time even if it wasn't a law. But, when I don't, it pisses me off when I see the law coming and I don't have it on and I pull the shoulder strap down and around to fake them out.
Permanent violations by the state of my personal freedom/choice that involve me.

The mask is a temporary violation of my personal freedom. But, it just doesn't involve me. I'll do it for the safety of the people around me. At the same time, when I see someone who isn't wearing a mask or making an effort to protect others, right now, for some reason, I think they're ass holes.


Staff member
Love you brother

Love u 2 ...