

Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Without widespread testing, it is impossible to know how the virus is moving throughout the country and where to prioritize resources to slow the spread.
you realize you would literally have to test somebody everyday, testing one day dont prevent you from getting it the next day
Hey! I was talking to FUTURE, not you!


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
what you are shooting for is this

april 1st 150,000 test 35,000 postive
april 30th 350000 test 35000 postive

get it


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
It’s my right to decide if I want to wear a mask or not. Personal freedom.

it is society's right to remove those members who are a threat or a danger to others!

Noooo idea where it came from ... but what POS decided 2 give unemployed people 600 plus their unemployment?

or they could have suspended payments of any and all rents, mortages, leases, car
payments, ect.

Basic public health is shutting down the world and the livelihood of millions of people for something that kills less than 1% of people? That’s a new one.

What is 1% of 360,000,000 U.S. Citizens?

Yes it is. That’s the beauty of America I get to decide.

you DO NOT get to decide to become Typhoid Mary unless you move off the grid and not physically interact with anyone!


Well-Known Member
“What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately,” he wrote. “… Not worth the time & effort.”

Among the facts that the press refused to report was the president’s newly discovered gift for sarcasm. Sarcasm, he insisted, led him to his odd thoughts on the uses of Lysol and sunlight; it was another sarcastic joke, he said, when in a subsequent tweet he urged journalists who won the “Noble prize” for their reporting on the “Russian hoax” to return it.

The rarity here was not that the president was lying about what he’d said and why he said it. Anyone who watched the video of his original comments could see how earnest and hope-filled—how far from sarcasm—he was in pondering the wonders of disinfectant. The rarity was that he felt it necessary to explain himself after the fact. He seemed to be saying: I’m not stupid, and I know how to spell. I just have a sense of humor too sophisticated for the average reporter to grasp. Sarcasm! Sure, that’s the ticket."

Andrew Ferguson