

Staff member
Didn't say they would. They are for after. BTW-for the record: most likely(very) nearly everyone

(97%) will survive. 2-3 days? That might be way low or way high. And making fun of the

prepared? Peace. Good luck.

If it gets to the point that you need those bullets.

97% will not survive.

I would suggest toilet paper is more important

than ammunition.

Much more likely than a full blown apocalypse,

is the chance that there will be a run on the stores.

People panic easily,

and stores would run out of essentials...

A full pantry,

is a happy pantry.


Engorged Member
Fred asked me for a fair and balanced answer on that question. There is some doubt as to whether chinese reporting has been accurate thus i was reluctant to use their stats.

The death rate from Covid-19 is 2.5%, approximately 4 times the mortality rate for influenza. The 2.5% rate is about the same as the Flu Pandemic of 1917-1918, which caused massive economic disruption and deaths.

I would doubt anything reported by the Chinese. However, Sulfur Dioxide levels have risen sharply recently, a probable indicator of mass cremations.

Not reassuring.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
If it gets to the point that you need those bullets.

97% will not survive.

I would suggest toilet paper is more important

than ammunition.

Much more likely than a full blown apocalypse,

is the chance that there will be a run on the stores.

People panic easily,

and stores would run out of essentials...

A full pantry,

is a happy pantry.

I like your thinking. My wife is a half full type, matter of fact pie in the sky and rainbows.

We went to the dollar store this morning and I was trying to buy lot's of toilet paper and

soap. She frowned a lot. I'll just go on Monday and buy it anyway. We bought garden seeds at

the hardware store....she bought flower seeds. Thing is, we'll eventually run out of

most everything, especially if the Chinese all die off.


Well-Known Member
I swear if Fox News told people to shoot everyone wearing a Barry Sanders jersey, they would do it!

It seems like most people have more in common than they actually have differences, but cable news and social media thrive on the mutual hate.

People can’t even agree that keeping the population safe from a virus is important!

I am a Republican, but that is such a small part of my life


The truth never changes.
Cool. I've heard of Geritol. Didn't buy any of that today. I did buy 1000 rounds of 5.56 Ar15.

500 rounds of 9mm and 200 rounds of.308 oh and some Lysol. Debated with the wife

about generic brand vs. Lysol brand....BTW- the ammo was more than $500...
That getitol will help your energy level carrying all of that lead.


Pineapple King
No flamethrower?

You won’t be able to reload fast enough

Flamethrowers are for zombies.

You can always make your own later if the virus mutates that way.

I don't know if flame throwers are legal? Probably couldn't afford one anyway. Besides they are close

combat weapons. Too close for me. True about reloading but I will go down swinging. While amusing,

peace, good luck.

Flamethrowers are legal almost everywhere.

$500. For sale at the last gun show I went to.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Election? Who cares, they have them all the time clown!

I’ve lived through Republican presidents and Democratic presidents!

Do you have a real life outside of politics?

Liberals. Democrats. Such anger. Elections? Oh they matter, a matter of freedom and tyranny.

If you think every living second of your life is not influenced by politics, you are tragically

uninformed. And foolish. Why do you think the commie/Democrats are desperately trying

to get the presidency.