
quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I swear if Fox News told people to shoot everyone wearing a Barry Sanders jersey, they would do it!

It seems like most people have more in common than they actually have differences, but cable news and social media thrive on the mutual hate.

People can’t even agree that keeping the population safe from a virus is important!

I am a Republican, but that is such a small part of my life

Well, Republican or not, you sure sound liberal. My sister in law is a liberal Christian.

The most dangerous creature on Earth. Will give away anything, including everyone's freedom

for the cause of liberalism.


Well-Known Member
Liberals. Democrats. Such anger. Elections? Oh they matter, a matter of freedom and tyranny.

If you think every living second of your life is not influenced by politics, you are tragically

uninformed. And foolish. Why do you think the commie/Democrats are desperately trying

to get the presidency.
My God, man didn’t you live through an Obama presidency for 8 years and George W before that?

Go outside and take a damn walk


The truth never changes.
Liberals. Democrats. Such anger. Elections? Oh they matter, a matter of freedom and tyranny.

If you think every living second of your life is not influenced by politics, you are tragically

uninformed. And foolish. Why do you think the commie/Democrats are desperately trying

to get the presidency.
Like a dog that eats it's own vomit? They can't help themselves. The few years in the spotlight won't be worth it imo but hey, someone's got to do it.


The truth never changes.
Well, Republican or not, you sure sound liberal. My sister in law is a liberal Christian.

The most dangerous creature on Earth. Will give away anything, including everyone's freedom

for the cause of liberalism.
To judge someone's position another person has to have a starting point. Where does the point originate from...our own opinion or from a hypothesis derived from other variables?


With the spread of the coronavirus expanding rapidly in the US, how/are any of you doing anything extra to prevent it? I personally bought some nitrile gloves, antibacterial wash and thinking about getting a small respiratory mask. Mask is probably overkill..

I wash my hands and don't touch my face.


Well-Known Member
unless you wear a space suit, masks and such aren't worth spit. This thing is air borne and you can't

get away from it.

Actually the masks do help.
When they say a virus is airborne, what they mean is that it is small enough to travel through the air on respiratory saliva and mucus droplets from people sneezing and coughing. The masks filter the spit particles so you don't breathe them in.

The chief epidemiologist at Harvard projected 40-70% of the world's population will at some point come in contact with the virus although symptoms will not manifest in everyone. He predicted the COVID-19 will become another seasonal illness like the cold and flu. Now its cold, flu and coronavirus season.

The problem is that coronavirus has something called ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement).
The normal immune system response to infection is to develop antibodies that fight the invading virus. But coronavirus actually uses these antibodies against the host to facilitate subsequent infections.
Basically, it becomes more and more lethal each time you get it.


no one considers UPS people."real" Teamsters.-BUG
Well, all I have taken from this is that quad decade nerd is a fox watching conspiracy filled no life prepper that uses to many paragraphs. Keep buying bullets and food weirdo.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
With the spread of the coronavirus expanding rapidly in the US, how/are any of you doing anything extra to prevent it? I personally bought some nitrile gloves, antibacterial wash and thinking about getting a small respiratory mask. Mask is probably overkill..
I'm going on vacation.

To put things in perspective, the measles alone killed over 100,000 worldwide last year, and 16,000 in the US from regular flu.