

Never bought my own handtruck
not as much as you do .


Well-Known Member
The only thing people need to worry about is a liberal media intentionally trying to destroy the economy. Every severe case has been in adults over 60 in poor health. The coronavirus is simply the name for a type of flu virus. This strain has been around since 2004. Look at a container of lysol wipes. They say on the back they are effective against Coronavirus. This is all literally media hype. Look at the headlines. It's almost all sensationalist verbiage "The markets were a bloodbath today as the Coronavirus reaches epidemic levels". The markets didn't start falling until the media told people the markets were falling over and over again.
Not everything is political man!! It is a real virus that could really kill many people. If you have stock and don’t want to sell..then DONT SELL.

Don’t put your head in the sand and think everything is some political conspiracy. People in both parties could die..believe it or not

It is a new strain of coronavirus


Happy Verified UPSer
With the spread of the coronavirus expanding rapidly in the US, how/are any of you doing anything extra to prevent it? I personally bought some nitrile gloves, antibacterial wash and thinking about getting a small respiratory mask. Mask is probably overkill..
This thing is just a distraction to keep us from paying attention to the real issues of the day.


The interesting point in this meme is the swine flu scare.
Everyone lined up like mindless cattle to get the "swine flu shot" and shortly afterwards it was announced there was no such thing as the "swine flu".

"That's great", I said to myself....
"What was it you just injected into me?", I said to myself.
What a fool I was.


I thought ebola was the interesting one. Sure, if you got it you were in trouble, but it would have been easy to avoid in a first world country. Don't touch other people's bodily fluids, especially when they have symptoms. Done.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Cool. I've heard of Geritol. Didn't buy any of that today. I did buy 1000 rounds of 5.56 Ar15.

500 rounds of 9mm and 200 rounds of.308 oh and some Lysol. Debated with the wife

about generic brand vs. Lysol brand....BTW- the ammo was more than $500...

And all you California lemmings, I didn't ask anyone permission or register anything.

Just did it. I can't imagine trusting my life to Nancy Pelosi or God forbid Bernie. Or any

liberal or Democrat. Can't imagine begging to be disarmed or made weaker.