

I covered a route all week in an area occupied predominantly by Asians. A health care clinic had air and a pickup every day. The entire waiting room was people with masks on.

I wear gloves and 1,000 mg of Vitamin C. So I'm good, right?


Staff member
I covered a route all week in an area occupied predominantly by Asians. A health care clinic had air and a pickup every day. The entire waiting room was people with masks on.

I wear gloves and 1,000 mg of Vitamin C. So I'm good, right?
Tell us the truth. Did you try to hold your breath the whole time you were in there?!?


Engorged Member
And the coronavirus is 10x more deadly than the common flu. Look it up, peewee.

Not at all, I understand how vaccines work. You don't.

Covid-19 is 4x as deadly as the flu. No vaccine, just as there was no vaccine for SARS. Covid-19 has already killed more people than SARS and shows no signs of slowing down. Yes, warmer weather could help, but it won't eliminate the problem.

This is a political deal for Trump, who downplays the potential for disaster. He has an actual MD in his Cabinet, yet he puts Yes-Man Pence in charge instead of Carson.


Well-Known Member
That's insane, almost as much as Christians believing in prayer.

Oh, the irony. We will be fine, the virus will just go away when it warms up outside....amirite Fuhrer Trumpf?
Yeah, let's throw in some Christian bashing while we're at it. When the AIDS epidemic was slamming Africa full grown men were having sex with little girls, even babies because it was believed having sex with a virgin would cure you. Scientific ignorance is not the equivalent of having faith in an unseen deity and praying to him. Science can neither prove or disprove the existence of God but pretty certain they can explain how viruses work if only the wilfully ignorant would listen.


Well-Known Member
And the coronavirus is 10x more deadly than the common flu.

only on CNN

hope this helps



Well-Known Member
But no cure.

Kinda changes your argument, huh?!
Not at all, I under
only on CNN

hope this helps

Wrong, once again.

BTW- It's not January anymore.

"For flu one can roughly say that maybe 1 in 1,000 or less of infected people dies," says Christian Althaus, a computational epidemiologist at the University of Bern, Switzerland. "But for this new coronavirus it could well be about 1%."

In other words, a death rate that's about 10 times greater than the flu's."

Why The World Cares More About The New Coronavirus Than The Flu

rocket man

Well-Known Member
Here’s the thing the number of unreported cases is likely very high. Hell 14 people on a cruise ship tested positive for it and none of them ever showed any symptoms.

Add that to the fact that I’m neither 70+ below 2 or immune compromised and my chances of survival are likely over 99%
pretty good post but you're forgetting is always at 1%


Well-Known Member
Covid-19 is 4x as deadly as the flu. No vaccine, just as there was no vaccine for SARS. Covid-19 has already killed more people than SARS and shows no signs of slowing down. Yes, warmer weather could help, but it won't eliminate the problem.

This is a political deal for Trump, who downplays the potential for disaster. He has an actual MD in his Cabinet, yet he puts Yes-Man Pence in charge instead of Carson.

and yet were getting excellent results. Meanwhile 16 k dead for the flu that has a vaccine


Well-Known Member
Not at all, I under

Wrong, once again.

BTW- It's not January anymore.

"For flu one can roughly say that maybe 1 in 1,000 or less of infected people dies," says Christian Althaus, a computational epidemiologist at the University of Bern, Switzerland. "But for this new coronavirus it could well be about 1%."

In other words, a death rate that's about 10 times greater than the flu's."

Why The World Cares More About The New Coronavirus Than The Flu

16000 dead for a flu and you want to minimize the deaths by going to percentages.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Not at all, I under

Wrong, once again.

BTW- It's not January anymore.

"For flu one can roughly say that maybe 1 in 1,000 or less of infected people dies," says Christian Althaus, a computational epidemiologist at the University of Bern, Switzerland. "But for this new coronavirus it could well be about 1%."

In other words, a death rate that's about 10 times greater than the flu's."

Why The World Cares More About The New Coronavirus Than The Flu
We have no idea though. The number of cases is almost certainly way underreported. Many people are showing no symptoms or not enough to go to the dr to get diagnosed