u r wasting ur time listening to this crapGonna be the same event regardless of the stream host. Here’s Fox News’ stream:
o yea!o yea?
thats amazingo yea!
u r wasting ur time listening to this crap
As an evangelical friend of mine recently said to me, “Masks are for Democrats.” State mask mandates don’t matter in the presence of a pervasive anti-mask, anti-distancing and generally anti-science counter culture on the right that we all know Trump is encouraging.
alot of the christian right dont believe in science and they view trump as a useful idiotAnti-science? Lol. You mean anti-"muh experts!"
Anti-science? Lol. You mean anti-"muh experts!"
Hey, whatever you want to call it. The White House is gonna lose moderate votes in droves with the maskless rallies and White House Office of Science and Technology Policy claims that they’ve already defeated the virus as people continue to die from it.
alot of the christian right dont believe in science and they view trump as a useful idiot
so doctors who study science are wrong? you'd think they would maybe change the rules at their clinics if that were the case.The point is that the people claiming to be pro-science are acting in an anti-scientific way. You start with the conclusion that masks and social distancing are important tools in fighting the spread of the virus, and then you interpret all other data through that lens. When in reality, there is no empirical evidence that those things slow the spread. The only factor that has shown a strong connection to virus spread is absolute humidity. The greater the humidity, the less contagious the virus.
This anti-science bent popular opinion is on about masking and social distancing is only distracting from understanding the reality about viruses, how they spread, and the best measures to take to slow them down. People only think masks work because they fail to understand the scale of the world of viruses. But let's keep haranguing people for not doing something that has no evidence of working, that'll solve everything.
A lot of people like to string random words together and hope they form meaningful sentences. Better luck next time.
so doctors who study science are wrong? you'd think they would maybe change the rules at their clinics if that were the case.
Trump’s Barrett Nomination Another Step Toward Christian Fascism
All fascist and totalitarian movements paper over their squalid belief systems with the veneer of morality.scheerpost.com
r u a christian?Wow, they put together a whole article of nonsense. Impressive.
these ppl specialize in science. you'd think they maybe know something. like just maybe were doing something right, its only 2020. how long have we been at science for now... 400 years?See, you still don't even understand the fallaciousness of your own thinking. There are so many reasons why that is not a valid argument. There are also experts in health care ppe who understand and promote the reality of masks, and yet the myth about masks still persists.
these ppl specialize in science. you'd think they maybe know something. like just maybe were doing something right, its only 2020. how long have we been at science for now... 400 years?
yea you'd think doctors would have some understanding of how to read scientific literature including the stuff on masks LOLYou are talking about made up people who only exist in your head. No one "specializes" in science. But there are scientific principles that people who consider themselves scientists should adhere to. Science requires logic, and that is something the average person has no education in. Appeal to authority in and of itself is no basis for a public health strategy. Bias and poor logic are something scientists have to contend with to get a clearer picture of reality. Arguing from a conclusion is an illogical approach. Believing "experts" must be right always is illogical, especially when experts disagree. Double blind random controlled tests and experiments are the best tools we have for eliminating bias. All such tests that measure the efficacy of masks have shown insignificant evidence that masks slow the spread of respiratory illnesses. It's that simple. Any "expert" who recommends wearing masks is either unaware of the facts, believes they can't hurt so why not, or is simply trying to give the public what they want, or some combination of those, and possibly other things.
You are talking about made up people who only exist in your head. No one "specializes" in science. But there are scientific principles that people who consider themselves scientists should adhere to. Science requires logic, and that is something the average person has no education in. Appeal to authority in and of itself is no basis for a public health strategy. Bias and poor logic are something scientists have to contend with to get a clearer picture of reality. Arguing from a conclusion is an illogical approach. Believing "experts" must be right always is illogical, especially when experts disagree. Double blind random controlled tests and experiments are the best tools we have for eliminating bias. All such tests that measure the efficacy of masks have shown insignificant evidence that masks slow the spread of respiratory illnesses. It's that simple. Any "expert" who recommends wearing masks is either unaware of the facts, believes they can't hurt so why not, or is simply trying to give the public what they want, or some combination of those, and possibly other things.