

Well-Known Member
That doesn't suck. It is absolutely unacceptable. As for Austrailia, do you think it was worth the $260 billion to have 18,000 fewer deaths (based on California's numbers, since they have a similar population size) in a category of people who are likely to die within the next few years anyway? I don't know about you, but $7.7 million per person per year to extend 18,000 peoples lives a couple of years, seems like money better spent elsewhere. That's only counting the budget shortfall their response created for Australia, plus the projected shrinking of GDP over the next year. That's not counting the actual expenditures of their response. Nor is it counting the costs to individuals affected by the response through job loss and business closure, nor any other of the terrible problems that will spring up from the fall out. How many extra suicides? How many other illnesses left untreated due to inaccessibility of healthcare? The list goes on. To say Australia got it right just because they took action and their numbers look good is to deny the 99% of the rest of the picture. How people who think like that can manage to function in the real world at all is baffling to me.
i would guess its america that has inaccessible healthcare since u dont have a right to it. i read ppl were putting off corona treatment to save on insurance lol. did australia have inaccessible healthcare? its currently canada (amongst others) hospitals who are approaching capacity because we didnt manage the pandemic.

i would also guess economists steve keen and michael hudson approve of australia's response although there was probably corporate welfare like america which was in the trillions. sweden botched their corona response and yet norway and finland have less economic shrinkage. i couldnt find australia in this chart.

how much did california spend? wasnt cali a bad state for corona? or was that just becasue they had alot of ppl.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't suck. It is absolutely unacceptable. As for Austrailia, do you think it was worth the $260 billion to have 18,000 fewer deaths (based on California's numbers, since they have a similar population size) in a category of people who are likely to die within the next few years anyway? I don't know about you, but $7.7 million per person per year to extend 18,000 peoples lives a couple of years, seems like money better spent elsewhere. That's only counting the budget shortfall their response created for Australia, plus the projected shrinking of GDP over the next year. That's not counting the actual expenditures of their response. Nor is it counting the costs to individuals affected by the response through job loss and business closure, nor any other of the terrible problems that will spring up from the fall out. How many extra suicides? How many other illnesses left untreated due to inaccessibility of healthcare? The list goes on. To say Australia got it right just because they took action and their numbers look good is to deny the 99% of the rest of the picture. How people who think like that can manage to function in the real world at all is baffling to me.

suicide for 2020. USA one of top countries.


Strength through joy
Comparing Australia to California is just plain wrong.
Does Australia have people from other countries sneaking across its borders every day ?
These border jumpers are not subject to any health screenings.
God knows what other illnesses they are bringing with them.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't suck. It is absolutely unacceptable. As for Austrailia, do you think it was worth the $260 billion to have 18,000 fewer deaths (based on California's numbers, since they have a similar population size) in a category of people who are likely to die within the next few years anyway? I don't know about you, but $7.7 million per person per year to extend 18,000 peoples lives a couple of years, seems like money better spent elsewhere. That's only counting the budget shortfall their response created for Australia, plus the projected shrinking of GDP over the next year. That's not counting the actual expenditures of their response. Nor is it counting the costs to individuals affected by the response through job loss and business closure, nor any other of the terrible problems that will spring up from the fall out. How many extra suicides? How many other illnesses left untreated due to inaccessibility of healthcare? The list goes on. To say Australia got it right just because they took action and their numbers look good is to deny the 99% of the rest of the picture. How people who think like that can manage to function in the real world at all is baffling to me.
now of course with suicides per capita that was just hte first thing i saw that i pulled up, its not from anyone i trust. and these countries with suicides were probably high suicide before corona virus, i know japan was and probably south korea was as well. so we'd have to find the results from other years.

what id like to know is how much bankruptcies increased by countries. try and pull that up.


Strength through joy
Starting Monday, Nov. 16 , Chicago will be in lockdown.
CDPH Health Orders require any gatherings held inside private residences be limited to six non-household members.
At least NYC allows 10 persons.
“If changes are not made by Chicago residents, businesses, and visitors to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the city is on track to lose 1,000 more Chicagoans by the end of the year or even more,” said Mayor Lightfoot.

Lists YTD homicides at 699.


Well-Known Member
Starting Monday, Nov. 16 , Chicago will be in lockdown.
CDPH Health Orders require any gatherings held inside private residences be limited to six non-household members.
At least NYC allows 10 persons.
“If changes are not made by Chicago residents, businesses, and visitors to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the city is on track to lose 1,000 more Chicagoans by the end of the year or even more,” said Mayor Lightfoot.

Lists YTD homicides at 699.
how many corona deaths did they have so far?


Well-Known Member
Starting Monday, Nov. 16 , Chicago will be in lockdown.
CDPH Health Orders require any gatherings held inside private residences be limited to six non-household members.
At least NYC allows 10 persons.
“If changes are not made by Chicago residents, businesses, and visitors to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the city is on track to lose 1,000 more Chicagoans by the end of the year or even more,” said Mayor Lightfoot.

Lists YTD homicides at 699.
cook county almost 6000 corona deaths. 10x more deadly than murder


Bad Moon Risen'
That doesn't suck. It is absolutely unacceptable. As for Austrailia, do you think it was worth the $260 billion to have 18,000 fewer deaths (based on California's numbers, since they have a similar population size) in a category of people who are likely to die within the next few years anyway? I don't know about you, but $7.7 million per person per year to extend 18,000 peoples lives a couple of years, seems like money better spent elsewhere. That's only counting the budget shortfall their response created for Australia, plus the projected shrinking of GDP over the next year. That's not counting the actual expenditures of their response. Nor is it counting the costs to individuals affected by the response through job loss and business closure, nor any other of the terrible problems that will spring up from the fall out. How many extra suicides? How many other illnesses left untreated due to inaccessibility of healthcare? The list goes on. To say Australia got it right just because they took action and their numbers look good is to deny the 99% of the rest of the picture. How people who think like that can manage to function in the real world at all is baffling to me.
Gotta keep aborting fetuses with birth defects. Probably gonna die in the next few years anyway.


Bad Moon Risen'
Comparing Australia to California is just plain wrong.
Does Australia have people from other countries sneaking across its borders every day ?
These border jumpers are not subject to any health screenings.
God knows what other illnesses they are bringing with them.
Are any tourists flying into the country subject to health screening?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
It’s like Pritzker here in Illinois. The little science he’s pointed out that they use has been widely shot Down as bad science.

Now he refuses to release any of the science they’re using. Like a good little dictator.
Yep, just like the good little dictator here in California. He always, always says he's following the science which is a lie. He's making up his own science, a pseudoscience as he goes. They should be prosecuted for what they're doing because their so called cure is far worse than the disease.

We just got back from an outing and saw some people walking, riding bikes and driving their cars, all by themselves with masks on. What is world coming to. All programmed by the government and the media, ridiculous and sad!


nowhere special
Starting Monday, Nov. 16 , Chicago will be in lockdown.
CDPH Health Orders require any gatherings held inside private residences be limited to six non-household members.
At least NYC allows 10 persons.
“If changes are not made by Chicago residents, businesses, and visitors to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the city is on track to lose 1,000 more Chicagoans by the end of the year or even more,” said Mayor Lightfoot.

Lists YTD homicides at 699.


I'm a star
Comparing Australia to California is just plain wrong.
Does Australia have people from other countries sneaking across its borders every day ?
These border jumpers are not subject to any health screenings.
God knows what other illnesses they are bringing with them.

I realize there are other factors at play. I chose California strictly for population size and death count. Assuming everything else being the same, Australia spent/lost $7.7 million per person per year to extend the lives of about 18,000 people a couple of years. That was the only point I was trying to make. Australia may have extended thousands of lives, but at the cost of several million a piece.

Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!
Yep, just like the good little dictator here in California. He always, always says he's following the science which is a lie. He's making up his own science, a pseudoscience as he goes. They should be prosecuted for what they're doing because their so called cure is far worse than the disease.

We just got back from an outing and saw some people walking, riding bikes and driving their cars, all by themselves with masks on. What is world coming to. All programmed by the government and the media, ridiculous and sad!
Meanwhile his kids go to a Private school that is open.


I'm a star
Gotta keep aborting fetuses with birth defects. Probably gonna die in the next few years anyway.

Intentionally slaughtering helpless babies is the exact same as not bankrupting your whole country to prolong the lives of people who have already lived generally long lives. SMH. Do you even think before you write?