

Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
That Judge is a coward. Trying to make it seem like he cares about the law by making a correct judgment that he immediately invalidates by capitulating to what he knows is an equally illegal state rule that is not part of the matter he is deciding on.
The judge did call out the county I'm not sure what recourse he has with the State mandate that just went into effect on Monday. The ruling does show that Garcetti and the fake Dr. Barbara Ferrer are acting without science and using their government positions to crush hard working business owners.

"Complicating the legal challenge against the county ban is the state’s “regional stay-at-home order,” which took effect in Southern California late Sunday night. That order, which bars the majority of public gatherings and restricts capacity at retail businesses, also restricts restaurants to takeout and delivery service."

Also, there was a study by the county of L.A. that showed INDOOR dining spreading at a rate of 3.2% and they were attaching that to outdoor dining with no stats for that. The same study showed that government offices showed a 7.1% spread, yet their :censored2:ing offices remain open. smh


I'm a star
Yes if it had been a Democrat he would've handled the pandemic better than any world leader ever has. Trump could personally cure the virus and be accused of about a million things concerning it.

I think I made a post a long while back with that same sentiment. If a China-loyal Democrat had been president, we probably would only have heard a short blurb about how pneumonia deaths were occurring at a slightly higher rate than normal, but that experts say it's nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Early on but he stopped that and blamed China for everything. Early on he was also in negotiations over a trade deal with China too. He wouldn't have gotten that passed if he was slamming them. Early on he also put on a travel ban to China and was called racist and xenophobic by major Democrats including Biden. You need to pay closer attention.
But he did it. So if someone truly believes China is the big villain concerning coronavirus then trump spreading their propaganda for weeks has to be a huge strike against trump. And if not then they are just pretending to believe china is the big villain.


Well-Known Member
Yes if it had been a Democrat he would've handled the pandemic better than any world leader ever has. Trump could personally cure the virus and be accused of about a million things concerning it.
heard joe biden is doing not far from what trump did which is protecting profits. think it just shows america is exceptionally more corrupt and more of a failed state than other countries.


Well-Known Member
I know republicans are pretending trump did a great job handling coronavirus now, but based on reports they turned down getting more of the Pfizer vaccine. I mean what utter corrupt incompetent failures this administration will be viewed historically on everything but especially coronavirus. It is difficult to overstate how badly trump has failed here. I posted all this back in March.
thats why trump didnt get re-elected


Inordinately Right
But he did it. So if someone truly believes China is the big villain concerning coronavirus then trump spreading their propaganda for weeks has to be a huge strike against trump. And if not then they are just pretending to believe china is the big villain.
The Obama Biden pandemic response plan was to coordinate with the World Health Organization. The WHO is China's bitch just like Biden.

President Trump wisely went his own direction after a few weeks when it became clear the WHO was covering for China.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
How many vaccines have to be administered for those of us that already had the virus to be able to stop wearing masks? Does everyone just give up on that around March? When it gets warm again it’ll go away like a miracle.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage


Well-Known Member
But he did it. So if someone truly believes China is the big villain concerning coronavirus then trump spreading their propaganda for weeks has to be a huge strike against trump. And if not then they are just pretending to believe china is the big villain.
China steals our intellectual property amongst numerous other grievances. If you think they're ok you're naive.


Strength through joy
Well, it's official in Massachusetts.
Prisoners will receive a vaccine before any one over the age of 65.
  • Massachusetts announced its three-phase vaccine distribution plan Wednesday
  • Prisoners and homeless shelters will be in phase one of receiving the vaccine, along with medical workers and first responders from December to February
  • Phase two from February to April includes those at high risk of virus complications, teachers, and adults over the age of 65
  • Phase three from April to June will be open to the general public


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Well, it's official in Massachusetts.
Prisoners will receive a vaccine before any one over the age of 65.
  • Massachusetts announced its three-phase vaccine distribution plan Wednesday
  • Prisoners and homeless shelters will be in phase one of receiving the vaccine, along with medical workers and first responders from December to February
  • Phase two from February to April includes those at high risk of virus complications, teachers, and adults over the age of 65
  • Phase three from April to June will be open to the general public
Now stop trying to keep up with us here in California. :lol:
Well, it's official in Massachusetts.
Prisoners will receive a vaccine before any one over the age of 65.
  • Massachusetts announced its three-phase vaccine distribution plan Wednesday
  • Prisoners and homeless shelters will be in phase one of receiving the vaccine, along with medical workers and first responders from December to February
  • Phase two from February to April includes those at high risk of virus complications, teachers, and adults over the age of 65
  • Phase three from April to June will be open to the general
What did you expect from Republican Governor Charlie Baker?


Strength through joy
One can not eat a meal within a building.
You must be outside in a secure seating area.
Now due to climate changes, that secure area needs to be heated and enclosed.
Is any of this making sense ?