

nowhere special


Just a turd
Well, it's official in Massachusetts.
Prisoners will receive a vaccine before any one over the age of 65.
  • Massachusetts announced its three-phase vaccine distribution plan Wednesday
  • Prisoners and homeless shelters will be in phase one of receiving the vaccine, along with medical workers and first responders from December to February
  • Phase two from February to April includes those at high risk of virus complications, teachers, and adults over the age of 65
  • Phase three from April to June will be open to the general public
So they are experimenting on prisoners and homeless people

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
CDC director says daily COVID-19 deaths likely to exceed 9/11 toll for 2-3 months — The Hill

“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield issued a stark warning about the worsening death toll from the coronavirus on Thursday, saying that in a coming brutal stretch of time the country is likely to see more deaths from the virus each day than from the Sept. 11 attacks or Pearl Harbor.

“We are in the timeframe now that probably for the next 60 to 90 days we're going to have more deaths per day than we had at 9/11 or we had at Pearl Harbor,” Redfield said during an event hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations.

The U.S. on Wednesday set a new record for single-day deaths from coronavirus, with 3,054.

That total is more than the roughly 2,900 people who died on 9/11 or the roughly 2,400 who died in the Pearl Harbor attack at the start of World War II.

Redfield said Thursday he expects the death toll from those attacks to continue to be exceeded for weeks, a staggering loss of life.”


Inordinately Right
CDC director says daily COVID-19 deaths likely to exceed 9/11 toll for 2-3 months — The Hill

“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield issued a stark warning about the worsening death toll from the coronavirus on Thursday, saying that in a coming brutal stretch of time the country is likely to see more deaths from the virus each day than from the Sept. 11 attacks or Pearl Harbor.

“We are in the timeframe now that probably for the next 60 to 90 days we're going to have more deaths per day than we had at 9/11 or we had at Pearl Harbor,” Redfield said during an event hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations.

The U.S. on Wednesday set a new record for single-day deaths from coronavirus, with 3,054.

That total is more than the roughly 2,900 people who died on 9/11 or the roughly 2,400 who died in the Pearl Harbor attack at the start of World War II.

Redfield said Thursday he expects the death toll from those attacks to continue to be exceeded for weeks, a staggering loss of life.”
How many flu deaths?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Why did you just switch from talking about this year's statistics to talking about last year's statistics?
Because current season flu deaths haven’t yet been reported on a national level as far as I can tell from a search on my phone. And the 2019-2020 statistics from “last year” actually include Q1 of this year.

Let me know if you can find the current national numbers. And if you can’t, give me an estimate of how many Americans you think are dying from the standard flu every week.


Well-Known Member
Because current season flu deaths haven’t yet been reported on a national level as far as I can tell from a search on my phone. And the 2019-2020 statistics from “last year” actually include Q1 of this year.

Let me know if you can find the current national numbers. And if you can’t, give me an estimate of how many Americans you think are dying from the standard flu every week.
How old is your phone?


Inordinately Right
Because current season flu deaths haven’t yet been reported on a national level as far as I can tell from a search on my phone. And the 2019-2020 statistics from “last year” actually include Q1 of this year.

Let me know if you can find the current national numbers. And if you can’t, give me an estimate of how many Americans you think are dying from the standard flu every week.
Why did you switch from talking about illnesses and deaths, to talking about estimated illnesses and deaths?