

I'm a star
He has had his TDS blinders on for along time. Nothing said makes any sense. :devil2:

I wasn't a big fan of Trump, but the ferocity with which the government schills and forced narrative media went after him, doing everything they could think of to discredit him, no matter how obvious and dishonest it was, got my attention . I don't think Trump is any saint, but if you can get the devil that worked up, you must be doing something right.


Well-Known Member
Yea, how many of those with other medical problems? Who remembers that guy in Florida who crashed his motorcycle and the death was listed as covid?
i dunno look it up, but my guess is this is another american style :censored2: up comparable to 9/11 and hurricane katrina

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
At this point in time this whole discussion is mute. Look at what happened in Japan. What, you say? Not much in terms of death or excess deaths. Why you say? Japan has some of the healthiest elderly who by the way are not deficient in vitamin d.

So you can't compare Japan to the USA because it's not an apple's to apple's compare.


Inordinately Right
My party didn't just win, we took the trash out of the White House and the entire country won.


Well-Known Member
This is how radical republicans have become, I frequently forget that there is a deadly new virus, that they still downplay its threat and pretend that wearing masks or government taking steps to protect public health is communism or an infringement on their freedoms. I mean these absurd positions are the actual positions of republicans. I mean the republican party is just incredibly radical. Let it sink in. In a world in which mandatory vaccinations have eradicated deadly diseases. In a world in which a deadly virus has killed well over 300,000 Americans the republican position is mandatory vaccinations are communism, and taking their freedom, wearing a mask to prevent the spread of the virus is communism and taking their freedom, and the government has no idea how many people have died from the virus or are the government is officially misleading everyone about the virus and china really created the virus. This is what republicans believe. Insane radical bs.
yea the party is deranged by world standards. especially their position on global warming.


Well-Known Member
yea the party is deranged by world standards. especially their position on global warming.
It is not just the party. It is the voters. I work in a refinery. There are a lot of trump supporters here, and they believe a lot of insane shyt. I hear them discussing it. Everything is an insane conspiracy theory, They are pretending to be worried about how a Biden administration would deal with our industry. I'm thinking mfers there have been a lot of layoffs in the O&G industry under trump, and we are all getting a pay cut next year because of trump's utter incompetence. Biden can't do worse than that. they pretend to believe everything is corrupt. Hell one of them tonight was talking about that crazy Lin Wood character and how its not over and how every election has fraud. It is all bizarre shyt.
It is these bizarre conspiratorial mindsets that allow elected republicans to have such radical policies because their voters don't care about policy and that allows elected republicans to not discuss their radical policies and instead focus on insane conspiratorial bs. The republican party is objectively radical on policy and republican voters believe insane conspiracies.


Well-Known Member
It is not just the party. It is the voters. I work in a refinery. There are a lot of trump supporters here, and they believe a lot of insane shyt. I hear them discussing it. Everything is an insane conspiracy theory, They are pretending to be worried about how a Biden administration would deal with our industry. I'm thinking mfers there have been a lot of layoffs in the O&G industry under trump, and we are all getting a pay cut next year because of trump's utter incompetence. Biden can't do worse than that. they pretend to believe everything is corrupt. Hell one of them tonight was talking about that crazy Lin Wood character and how its not over and how every election has fraud. It is all bizarre shyt.
It is these bizarre conspiratorial mindsets that allow elected republicans to have such radical policies because their voters don't care about policy and that allows elected republicans to not discuss their radical policies and instead focus on insane conspiratorial bs. The republican party is objectively radical on policy and republican voters believe insane conspiracies.
i forget about what enables republicans to have radical policies. partly cuz democrats are a right wing party starting with bill clinton. republicans had no where else to go but far right. democrats just finished 4 years of russia conspiracy which of course enabled the democratic party to carry on with same old neoliberal agenda which biden is a prime example of. nazi germany probably ran on jewish conspiracies. thats where many places in the world are at or approaching.


Well-Known Member
i forget about what enables republicans to have radical policies. partly cuz democrats are a right wing party starting with bill clinton. republicans had no where else to go but far right. democrats just finished 4 years of russia conspiracy which of course enabled the democratic party to carry on with same old neoliberal agenda which biden is a prime example of. nazi germany probably ran on jewish conspiracies. thats where many places in the world are at or approaching.
The democrats I guess depending on your frame of reference could be considered a moderate to right leaning party, but in the American political context, they aren't conservative. Joe Biden wants to expand the ACA, create a public option, automatically enroll eligible Americans in the expanded ACA Medicaid program, republicans want to get rid of all of that.
The fbi lead by republican Comey started the Russia investigation. Then the republican Rosenstein of the DOJ appointed a special prosecutor another republican Mueller because trump fired Comey after having a meeting in which Comey declined to end the Russia investigation. Trump on national tv begged the russians to release the hacked Clinton emails. Trump on national tv said he fired Mueller because he wouldn't end the Russian investigation. How the hell that was the democrats is conspiracy theory bs. Did the Democrats believe trump helped Russia interfere with the elections? Sure, and russia did interfere with our election and they did hack democratic emails and released them. did a lot democrats hope the russia investigation would take trump down? yes, and two trump officials were convicted of crimes related to russia and Ukraine, but the actual investigation was started by republicans and handled by very conservative institutions like the FBI and the DOJ. I have no idea why you think the Democrats being neo liberal has anything to do with the trump Russia investigation. It doesn't make any sense.
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Well-Known Member
i forget about what enables republicans to have radical policies. partly cuz democrats are a right wing party starting with bill clinton. republicans had no where else to go but far right. democrats just finished 4 years of russia conspiracy which of course enabled the democratic party to carry on with same old neoliberal agenda which biden is a prime example of. nazi germany probably ran on jewish conspiracies. thats where many places in the world are at or approaching.
Also the Mueller led Russia investigation lasted 22 months, that's very far from four years.


Well-Known Member
The reason why republican voters collectively believe a fk ton of conspiracy theories isn't because I think individual democratic voters believe fewer conspiracies. It is due to the nature of the republican and democratic parties and voters. Republican elected officials at the national level don't really discuss policy because most of their policies are unpopular, so their appeal to voters imo is cultural grievance and distrust of government that helps and empowers people republican voters believe to be undeserving. And because republicans don't really want their policies discussed in specifics, they started telling their voters that the media was out to get republicans and couldn't be trusted and that the only sources to trust concerning republicans or their policies were other republicans. This caused republican voters to have way fewer trusted sources of information which creates a warped relation to political reality that is tailor made for self reinforcing conspiracy bs. Also republican voters are very homogenous and share a much more homogenous outlook on American society so there are fewer identity based cross pressures that cause republican voters to reject the republican party line. those factors do not exist to the same degree for Democratic voters.