
Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I have no idea what this means or how it relates to my posts. These kind of pretend philosophical discussions about does the government care about me are irrelevant. The question is can government power and policy be used to address real world problems? yes. Rich people are constantly begging the government. They created a whole industry where they do nothing but pay other people millions of dollars to beg the government on their behalf. Do you imagine industries worry about the philosophical question of whether the government cares about them when they are constantly begging the government to help them?

Again this has nothing to do with what I think about trump. Like objective reality exists, is trump thinking about declaring martial law in order to keep being president? Yes. Are republicans pretending there was massive voter fraud in the last election that only hurt trump and not other republicans? Yes. Do republicans believe that trump is waging a secret war on an cabal that controls the world molests children and drinks their blood and whose members are top Democrats, Hollywood elites, and big business? Yes. Are republicans in the Senate not wanting to give checks or extend unemployment benefits and aid to states, but do want to protect corporations from being sued if their employees get COVID? Yes Are republicans pretending that mandatory masks or vaccines are communism and taking away their freedom? Yes Are republicans saying that the government doesn't know how many people have died of covid and that the government is lying about how many people have died of covid? yes
You believe in a lot of conspiracies!
Yea, how many of those with other medical problems? Who remembers that guy in Florida who crashed his motorcycle and the death was listed as covid?
The number of deaths in the United States through September 2020 is at least 10% and likely 13% higher than it would have been if the coronavirus pandemic had never happened, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. Conservatively, that’s at least 224,173 deaths and probably as many as 279,700 deaths above what was expected, just for the first nine months of the year. That’s 24,000 to 79,000 extra fatalities above the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
The number of deaths in the United States through September 2020 is at least 10% and likely 13% higher than it would have been if the coronavirus pandemic had never happened, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. Conservatively, that’s at least 224,173 deaths and probably as many as 279,700 deaths above what was expected, just for the first nine months of the year. That’s 24,000 to 79,000 extra fatalities above the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19.
Regardless, most are wearing masks.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
The number of deaths in the United States through September 2020 is at least 10% and likely 13% higher than it would have been if the coronavirus pandemic had never happened, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. Conservatively, that’s at least 224,173 deaths and probably as many as 279,700 deaths above what was expected, just for the first nine months of the year. That’s 24,000 to 79,000 extra fatalities above the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19.
If you won’t look into how the data has been manipulated to make you believe this than it afraid you can’t be helped.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Who cares what the numbers are. Doesn't matter, as we can see worldwide, you can't stop it. All that tried, failed.
WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is pushing to let businesses and governments deny sick leave to workers who fall ill with COVID-19.

As Congress negotiates an end-of-year pandemic aid bill, McConnell is trying to block an extension of a paid sick leave program for people who get COVID that expires in two weeks, according to multiple Hill sources with knowledge of the negotiations.
Excess deaths. CDC dropped their baseline deaths for the first time ever.
They did? Where did you get that info from?


I'm a star
This is Drumpf's CDC. Why would he have the CDC manipulate numbers?

Do you really believe that any of his appointees care about making Trump look good? Anyone who might have been loyal to him had the legal system weaponized against them. Everyone else knew the score from the get go. You can't drain the swamp without getting rid of the snakes and rats first.


Do you really believe that any of his appointees care about making Trump look good? Anyone who might have been loyal to him had the legal system weaponized against them. Everyone else knew the score from the get go. You can't drain the swamp without getting rid of the snakes and rats first.
The biggest rat will be gone Jan. 20.🙃


I'm a star
Excess deaths. CDC dropped their baseline deaths for the first time ever.

I find it astonishing that the CDC, WHO, FDA and Fauci basically have told everyone that everything they say is a lie, or just wrong, but people keep accepting the "official" narrative and statistics anyway. Like, what else do you need to know before you accept reality?

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
I have no idea what this means or how it relates to my posts. These kind of pretend philosophical discussions about does the government care about me are irrelevant. The question is can government power and policy be used to address real world problems? yes. Rich people are constantly begging the government. They created a whole industry where they do nothing but pay other people millions of dollars to beg the government on their behalf. Do you imagine industries worry about the philosophical question of whether the government cares about them when they are constantly begging the government to help them?

Again this has nothing to do with what I think about trump. Like objective reality exists, is trump thinking about declaring martial law in order to keep being president? Yes. Are republicans pretending there was massive voter fraud in the last election that only hurt trump and not other republicans? Yes. Do republicans believe that trump is waging a secret war on an cabal that controls the world molests children and drinks their blood and whose members are top Democrats, Hollywood elites, and big business? Yes. Are republicans in the Senate not wanting to give checks or extend unemployment benefits and aid to states, but do want to protect corporations from being sued if their employees get COVID? Yes Are republicans pretending that mandatory masks or vaccines are communism and taking away their freedom? Yes Are republicans saying that the government doesn't know how many people have died of covid and that the government is lying about how many people have died of covid? yes
Woahhhhh tldr

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is pushing to let businesses and governments deny sick leave to workers who fall ill with COVID-19.

As Congress negotiates an end-of-year pandemic aid bill, McConnell is trying to block an extension of a paid sick leave program for people who get COVID that expires in two weeks, according to multiple Hill sources with knowledge of the negotiations.

They did? Where did you get that info from?
You should be happy with mitch for selling out the Republican party


I'm a star
The biggest rat will be gone Jan. 20.🙃

Be that as it may, he didn't help build the corrupt system. Whatever you think about Trump, and I don't care if you hate him or not, he's being used as a cautionary tale to anyone who might dare stand up to the establishment. That's something everyone should be concerned about, because it doesn't stop with Trump. People think that they're winners if "their" party is in control. But the more the establishment can act with impunity, the more the rest of us lose.