
Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
those factors do not exist to the same degree for Democratic voters.
That is hope against logic, empirical evidence and reveals a seriously large blind spot.
The reason why republican voters collectively believe a fk ton of conspiracy theories isn't because I think individual democratic voters believe fewer conspiracies. It is due to the nature of the republican and democratic parties and voters. Republican elected officials at the national level don't really discuss policy because most of their policies are unpopular, so their appeal to voters imo is cultural grievance and distrust of government that helps and empowers people republican voters believe to be undeserving. And because republicans don't really want their policies discussed in specifics, they started telling their voters that the media was out to get republicans and couldn't be trusted and that the only sources to trust concerning republicans or their policies were other republicans.
This makes sense so I am concerned about mental state (I took my night meds an hour ago) ...
Prudence says I should sleep on this and reassess my understanding later today.


Well-Known Member
That is hope against logic, empirical evidence and reveals a seriously large blind spot.

This makes sense so I am concerned about mental state (I took my night meds an hour ago) ...
Prudence says I should sleep on this and reassess my understanding later today.
No, it is not. democratic voters are very diverse, and individually they do believe a lot of conspiracies just like republican voters believe conspiracies collectively. Older black southern voters who vote for democrats get their information and trusted sources about politics from a different source than say young urban liberals in Los Angelos, those groups may have different reasons for why they vote for democrats which means the democratic party has to give them two different messages and depend on separate trusted sources to relay that message. So for instance those urban liberal voters may vote for Democrats because of climate change or gay rights, but those black southern voters may not even believe in climate change and don't really care about gay rights and they may support democrats because they want democrats to focus on black civil rights issues. Its the combination of diverse voters who have extremely differing reasons for supporting democrats and those diverse voters getting their information from different trusted sources that make it far less likely that democrats will collectively share these mass conspiracy theories, because republican voters are very homogenous, trust far fewer news sources which means they get their trusted news from the same few sources, and that homogeneity causes republican voters to have a much closer shared outlook on American society so that republican politicians are giving them all the same political messaging so because of that homogeneity and shared outlook they tend to vote for republicans for very similar reasons.
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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
No, it is not. democratic voters are very diverse, and individually they do believe a lot of conspiracies just like republican voters believe conspiracies collectively. Older black southern voters who vote for democrats get their information and trusted sources about politics from a different source than say young urban liberals in Los Angelos, those groups may have different reasons for why they vote for democrats which means the democratic party has to give them two different messages and depend on separate trusted sources to relay that message. So for instance those urban liberal voters may vote for Democrats because of climate change or gay rights, but those black southern voters may not even believe in climate change and don't really care about gay rights and they may support democrats because they want democrats to focus on black civil rights issues. Its the combination of diverse voters who have extremely differing reasons for supporting democrats and those diverse voters getting their information from different trusted sources that make it far less likely that democrats will collectively share these mass conspiracy theories, like republican voters.
Sounds believable but I never accept someone's conjecture and made up beliefs until backed up with empirical data.

What you are postulating has no scientific cred,


Well-Known Member
Sounds believable but I never accept someone's conjecture and made up beliefs until backed up with empirical data.

What you are postulating has no scientific cred,
Oh yeah it is just my opinion. It is not scientific at all, and it flattens out the differences amongst republican voters and there are some big differences and it decreases the shared outlook of democratic voters, because obviously if a person identifies as a democrat, there is some common understanding and identifying with the democratic party political message as muddled as it is, but even with those caveats, I think I am largely right.
I just wanted to clarify, it's not that I think only republican voters believe conspiracies, individually democratic voters believe a fk ton of conspiracies as well, but republicans voters believe a fk ton of conspiracies all together.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Lots of green on there


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
covid has mutated in UK. EU countries and canada have closed the borders to them.
Covid has mutated a handful of times already.

It’s has apparently mutated to spread more easily. Usually this means it weakens when this happens.

If it’s spreading that easily and it’s been muted for weeks......well it’s not hard to figure out. It’s already outside the country. Closing borders does no good


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I see a lot of red. Try looking at hospitalizations and deaths then get back to us
1) I never claimed there was red. Only that this shows regionally what’s happening.

2) deaths and hospitalizations are trailing factors. They show how the virus was spreading weeks ago.