
Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Lol. Masks. It takes a while, because the average person isn't very bright, but the longer the officials pretend that this thing is as big a deal as they want everyone to believe, the more people will start to realize they've been duped. Even though cases are higher than they've ever been, people in my neck of the woods are pretty much over it. The only reason businesses are still requiring masks is to avoid getting fined.


Well-Known Member
california had 432 deaths yesterday , florida 130 . its an interesting contrast.
florida is wide open and much less restrictive than california
the more california shuts down the worse it gets
The majority of deaths in California are in SoCal where the population density is some of the highest in the country. Florida underreports their cases. Their cases and deaths are on the rise. Ttku....


I'm a star

Most people who wear seatbelts do it to avoid getting fined, so yes, fear.

No one is being threatened with government intervention for not wearing sunscreen. I only put on sunscreen when I am going to be continually exposed to direct sunlight for more than about 20 to 30 minutes at a time, which is almost never.

In my state, anyone over the age of 16 has the right to decide whether or not to wear helmets while riding a bike. I'd say well over 50% choose not to.

In a free society, good ideas don't have to be enforced under the threat of force, and people are at liberty to decide what level of risk they are comfortable taking. Making liability a social burden is used over and over as justification to limit freedom.