

I'm a star
Any source for this? I’ve never once considered the potential fine when wearing a seatbelt.

I don't need a source for my opinion, which I can support with logic. If you believe people would continue wearing seatbelts regardless of potential fines, then you should support eliminating fines for not wearing a seat belt. You don't think about fines because it's a habit, but a habit that is supported by threats of force. Remove the threat of force, people would become more unlikely to wear a seatbelt. Change my mind.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I don't need a source for my opinion, which I can support with logic. If you believe people would continue wearing seatbelts regardless of potential fines, then you should support eliminating fines for not wearing a seat belt. You don't think about fines because it's a habit, but a habit that is supported by threats of force. Remove the threat of force, people would become more unlikely to wear a seatbelt. Change my mind.
Copy that. It’s something you made up as I expected.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I don't need a source for my opinion, which I can support with logic. If you believe people would continue wearing seatbelts regardless of potential fines, then you should support eliminating fines for not wearing a seat belt. You don't think about fines because it's a habit, but a habit that is supported by threats of force. Remove the threat of force, people would become more unlikely to wear a seatbelt. Change my mind.
I've got an equally crazy theory that most people wear seatbelts for their own safety rather than the threat of fines.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I guess we'll never know, since no one believes your theory enough to eliminate fines.
Might as well have them in place so the "BUT MUH FREEDUMS!" anti-seatbelters who wear them only due to fines don't become burdens on society after they're ejected through a window/door or suffer severe internal injuries in an accident.


I'm a star
Copy that. It’s something you made up as I expected.

That's right. Other people have a right to post their opinions that are completely unsupported and based on some fanciful delusions about the how people behave the way said people think they should. I'm certainly allowed to post my opinions that are extremely logical and consistent with actual human behavior.


I'm a star
Might as well have them in place so the "BUT MUH FREEDUMS!" anti-seatbelters who wear them only due to fines don't become burdens on society after they're ejected through a window/door or suffer severe internal injuries in an accident.

Tsk tsk. Those naughty people who can't be trusted because they don't act the way you think they should. Oh dear, oh dear.

Like I said, socializing liability is used as the basis for eliminating individual liberty. At least you're clear about the fact that you approve of tyranny.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Like I said, socializing liability is used as the basis for eliminating individual liberty. At least you're clear about the fact that you approve of tyranny.
Actually, not having seatbelt laws would be socializing liability. Because if one is dumb enough to not wear a seatbelt and goes through a windshield they're probably not going to be able to afford the medical care that they're gonna need afterward either. We all pick up that tab.

Seatbelt laws are tyranny. LOL.


I'm a star
Actually, not having seatbelt laws would be socializing liability. Because if one is dumb enough to not wear a seatbelt and goes through a windshield they're probably not going to be able to afford the medical care that they're gonna need afterward either. We all pick up that tab.

Seatbelt laws are tyranny. LOL.

That's what I'm talking about. Forcing everyone to pick up the tab for other people's follies creates an excuse for eliminating freedom. All laws that don't protect natural rights are tyranny. The fact that you are ok with this one suggests that you are likely to be ok with others, as long as there's a "good enough" reason. And somehow there's always a "good enough" reason.

According to the NHSTA, in 2017 47% of people who died in car crashes weren't wearing seatbelts. Oops. For anyone who doesn't understand statistics, that means 53% of people who died in car crashes in 2017 were wearing seatbelts. I guess seat belts really do save lives. I'd lol, but it's too sad.


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Bill Gates says we will see the worst of the Coronavirus pandemic in the next 6 months.

What qualifies this man, who is from an engineering and business background, to speak on matters related to health?
Prior to establishing the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation? none whatsoever.

But since it was established in 2000, the BMGF has become the largest private philanthropic organization in the world, with an endowment worth some 47 billion dollars. Bill and Melinda Gates themselves have donated some 36 billion dollars from their personal wealth to the foundation.

The BMGF invests in projects around the world to enhance healthcare and reduce the impact of health disparities due to extreme poverty. The projects the BMGF has supported include a wide range of health, social, and educational development issues. Importantly, the foundation has also supported scientific research on vaccines for infectious diseases such as malaria, which are primarily endemic in developing countries and for which there is not a lot of financial incentives for the big pharmaceuticals. When it comes to this novel coronavirus, the BMGF has committed some 100 million dollars on projects aimed at improving detection, isolation and treatment efforts; protecting at-risk populations in Africa and South Asia; and accelerating the development of vaccines, drugs and diagnostics.

So the thing that qualifies “this man” to speak on matters related to health is that his family has personally invested more in global health than most (maybe any?) other private individuals that have ever lived in the history of the planet.

As one of the three trustees of the foundation (Bill and Melinda, Warren Buffet), they have surrounded themselves with plenty of very knowledgeable people in various aspects of public health. They have had to learn a lot about public health because they have skin in the game: they fund projects, they fund research, they have to do due diligence on their investments. In my field of public health (infectious diseases). That alone tells me that Bill and Melinda are not running the foundation as some vanity tax shelter scheme but rather as a proactive philanthropic venture that puts its money where its mouth is.

Since then, I’ve heard Bill and Melinda speak on a range of public health issues with a depth of knowledge that tells me that they have learned a thing or two since taking on a greater role with the foundation more than a decade ago.
They have both spoken very eloquently on the pandemic because they have experts on speed dial.
Hell, why should we listen to politicians with no public health expertise talk on the matter?
Anyway, these folks have been at it for a while; they know their stuff.

And who can forget Bill’s highly prescient TED talk on the next big outbreak from 2015?
“This man” seemed to know a lot about the threat of the next pandemic because it was his role as trustee of the BMGF to know about public health crises likely to be right around the corner. Incidentally, that’s why The Obama administration had left the White House a pandemic preparedness plan.

Oh, and before I forget, you know the Moderna vaccine that is on the verge of being shipped around the globe to help halt the pandemic? the BMGF funded Moderna Therapeutics with a grant of 20 million dollars back in 2016.

I guess that’s why Bill Gates created the virus so that vaccines could implant microchips in our bodies, or whatever the hell conspiracy theorists are saying.

Yep. These men and women knew a lot about public health issues. Hence, I think they are more than qualified to speak on the matter.

They were qualified years ago.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
According to the NHSTA, in 2017 47% of people who died in car crashes weren't wearing seatbelts. Oops. For anyone who doesn't understand statistics, that means 53% of people who died in car crashes in 2017 were wearing seatbelts. I guess seat belts really do save lives. I'd lol, but it's too sad.
A higher percentage of fatalities were wearing seatbelts because a far greater percentage of the total population wear seatbelts. 90.7% in 2019 according to your link. Their use doesn't guarantee you'll survive an accident. They increase your chance of surviving an accident. And many of the non-wearer fatalities wouldn't have been fatalities had they made better choices. 2,549 of them according to your link.

Also according to your link:
  1. If you buckle up in the front seat of a passenger car, you can reduce your risk of:
    • Fatal injury by 45% (Kahane, 2015)
    • Moderate to critical injury by 50%
  2. If you buckle up in a light truck, you can reduce your risk of:
    • Fatal injury by 60% (Kahane, 2015)
    • Moderate to critical injury by 65% (NHTSA, 1984)"

Tell all your friends to buckle up so I don't have to pay for their fatal, moderate or critical injuries all socialist-like.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Worried they'll keep Georgia blue? ;)
Georgia has not gone Blue yet ... hopefully November 3rd election was an aberration.
All Georgia statewide seats are held by Repugs.
However, Georgia is definitely getting Bluer and Darker.
My county has gone Black-Democrat in 2018 and blowing money on silly crap and taxes are going up.
I've been looking for another state/locality to move to.

We like the hill country of Texas north of Austin and the area south of Nashville.


I'm a star
A higher percentage of fatalities were wearing seatbelts because a far greater percentage of the total population wear seatbelts. 90.7% in 2019 according to your link. Their use doesn't guarantee you'll survive an accident. They increase your chance of surviving an accident. And many of the non-wearer fatalities wouldn't have been fatalities had they made better choices. 2,549 of them according to your link.

Also according to your link:
  1. If you buckle up in the front seat of a passenger car, you can reduce your risk of:
    • Fatal injury by 45% (Kahane, 2015)
    • Moderate to critical injury by 50%
  2. If you buckle up in a light truck, you can reduce your risk of:
    • Fatal injury by 60% (Kahane, 2015)
    • Moderate to critical injury by 65% (NHTSA, 1984)"

Tell all your friends to buckle up so I don't have to pay for their fatal, moderate or critical injuries all socialist-like.

Naw, I respect my friends' rights to make decisions for themselves. I know you hate the idea of other people making decisions you think are too risky.

I know what the rest of the page says. What they try to gloss over is that since so many fatalities were wearing seatbelts it would take an act of pure divination to suggest seat belts would have saved any of the other lives. Plus, the 91% compliance rate is based on what? A survey, and we all know everyone tells the absolute truth in a survey. Other sources say 1 in 4 don't wear seatbelts.

To try and clarify, (which I know is probably a pointless exercise, but I like lost causes) I would not personally drive on the freeway without a seat belt on. But most people would likely choose not to wear a seatbelt to drive down the street to the grocery store, if they didn't have to worry about possibly getting a fine.


Well-Known Member
Georgia has not gone Blue yet ... hopefully November 3rd election was an aberration.
All Georgia statewide seats are held by Repugs.
However, Georgia is definitely getting Bluer and Darker.
My county has gone Black-Democrat in 2018 and blowing money on silly crap and taxes are going up.
I've been looking for another state/locality to move to.

We like the hill country of Texas north of Austin and the area south of Nashville.
Austin is pretty liberal these days. Want awesome? Fredericksburg, TX!


Bad Moon Risen'
Georgia has not gone Blue yet ... hopefully November 3rd election was an aberration.
All Georgia statewide seats are held by Repugs.
However, Georgia is definitely getting Bluer and Darker.
My county has gone Black-Democrat in 2018 and blowing money on silly crap and taxes are going up.
I've been looking for another state/locality to move to.

We like the hill country of Texas north of Austin and the area south of Nashville.
Good choices. Stay the hell out of Colorado.