
"That comprehensive vaccination plans have not been developed at the federal level and sent to the states as models is as incomprehensible as it is inexcusable. I have experience organizing a major logistical event but nothing on the scale of what is called for today. Nor do I have any relevant medical or public health experience. But I know that when something isn't working, you need to acknowledge reality and develop a plan—particularly when hundreds of thousands of lives are at stake."

A since-fired Wisconsin hospital worker was arrested for removing more than 500 doses of COVID-19 vaccine from refrigeration, causing them to spoil, police said Thursday. A statement from police in Grafton, near Milwaukee, said the suspect was charged after “tampering with and causing the destruction of 57 vials containing approximately 570 doses of the novel coronavirus vaccine.”

Wanna bet it's a right wingnut?


Strength through joy
A since-fired Wisconsin hospital worker was arrested for removing more than 500 doses of COVID-19 vaccine from refrigeration, causing them to spoil, police said Thursday. A statement from police in Grafton, near Milwaukee, said the suspect was charged after “tampering with and causing the destruction of 57 vials containing approximately 570 doses of the novel coronavirus vaccine.”

Wanna bet it's a right wingnut?
No, thanks.


Well-Known Member
A since-fired Wisconsin hospital worker was arrested for removing more than 500 doses of COVID-19 vaccine from refrigeration, causing them to spoil, police said Thursday. A statement from police in Grafton, near Milwaukee, said the suspect was charged after “tampering with and causing the destruction of 57 vials containing approximately 570 doses of the novel coronavirus vaccine.”

Wanna bet it's a right wingnut?

Is it you, or gas pumper that finds ALL this stuff, ASSUME it's got to be republican nonsense, but "have no knowledge" that video evidence exists that Biden is a pedophile?


I'm a star

Healthcare workers are right when they tell people to wear masks, but wrong when they refuse vaccines. Hmm...

"'Our ability as a society to get back to a higher level of functioning depends on having as many people protected as possible,' said Marc Lipsitch."

I think it mostly depends on getting rid of lying and incompetent "experts" and power mad politicians. None of the interventions they've instituted have had any positive impact, and have ruined lives without saving any. They need to go... to jail.
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Experts say a variety of factors combined to wipe out the past efforts, which for much of the year held the virus to manageable levels. Cramped housing, travel and Thanksgiving gatherings contributed to the spread, along with the public’s fatigue amid regulations that closed many schools and businesses and encouraged — or required — an isolated lifestyle.

Another factor could be a more contagious variant of the virus detected in Southern California, although it’s not clear yet how widespread that may be.


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BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Lol. Masks. It takes a while, because the average person isn't very bright, but the longer the officials pretend that this thing is as big a deal as they want everyone to believe, the more people will start to realize they've been duped. Even though cases are higher than they've ever been, people in my neck of the woods are pretty much over it. The only reason businesses are still requiring masks is to avoid getting fined.
Fined or harrased by snowflakes. How many are using the same old mask for weeks on end?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns