
for what it's worth:



Well-Known Member
Yeah we're all awaiting for that evidence of widespread Covid fraud along with widespread voter fraud any day now. 🙃
Voter fraud happens every election. How could it not? You don’t need an ID. Keep wearing panties on your face thinking your safe and keeping others safe. And stroking healthcare hoes.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Naw, I respect my friends' rights to make decisions for themselves. I know you hate the idea of other people making decisions you think are too risky.

I know what the rest of the page says. What they try to gloss over is that since so many fatalities were wearing seatbelts it would take an act of pure divination to suggest seat belts would have saved any of the other lives. Plus, the 91% compliance rate is based on what? A survey, and we all know everyone tells the absolute truth in a survey. Other sources say 1 in 4 don't wear seatbelts.

To try and clarify, (which I know is probably a pointless exercise, but I like lost causes) I would not personally drive on the freeway without a seat belt on. But most people would likely choose not to wear a seatbelt to drive down the street to the grocery store, if they didn't have to worry about possibly getting a fine.
Choice makes people nervous.
Please Mr. Government, tell us what to do and we will.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Actually, not having seatbelt laws would be socializing liability. Because if one is dumb enough to not wear a seatbelt and goes through a windshield they're probably not going to be able to afford the medical care that they're gonna need afterward either. We all pick up that tab.

Seatbelt laws are tyranny. LOL.
I used to love riding.
I don't own a motorcycle now because of the helmet law in my state.


Well-Known Member
Fined or harrased by snowflakes. How many are using the same old mask for weeks on end?
watch someone wearing a mask and you will see multiple times where they touch and adjust the contaminated area while wearing it. Its why masks dont work. a medical professional will wear gloves and a mask and have a system where they dispose of both without their bare skin ever touching the contaminated area of either.


I'm a star
watch someone wearing a mask and you will see multiple times where they touch and adjust the contaminated area while wearing it. Its why masks dont work. a medical professional will wear gloves and a mask and have a system where they dispose of both without their bare skin ever touching the contaminated area of either.

Masks increase aerosolization of moisture droplets, that's mainly why they don't work against respiratory viruses. Sure, they'll keep larger droplets from travelling as far, but they make it so that more are suspended in the air for hours.

Contamination inside a clinical setting is pretty much a given. Outside a clinical setting it's a certainty. Imagine being an expert who knows more or less how the virus will spread, then imposing interventions you know won't work, then blaming people for not doing it right when they don't. Now imagine a person who still believes those experts.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The 'Health Workers' that are refusing to take the vaccine are doing so for political reasons.
My New Years wish for them is I hope they get COVID and die! :backingout:

Anybody so stupid to take the vaccine because it's available due to Trump is too stupid to live! :devil3:


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
The majority of deaths in California are in SoCal where the population density is some of the highest in the country. Florida underreports their cases. Their cases and deaths are on the rise. Ttku....
Yeah, that pit they call Los Angeles, the county with over 10 million. With that pit of a mayor, Garcetti along with his cohort Gov Newsom locking everyone down in their homes so they can't breath, get the Covid anyway, and then lock them down again & again. It's like banging your head against a wall till it effing falls off. When will they learn?

Florida, no lock-downs and less deaths...DUH! With a huge elderly population to boot.

Sting back in 93/94 said this in one of his songs.

"If I Ever Lose My Faith In You"

Some would say I was a lost man in a lost world
You could say I lost my faith in the people on TV
You could say I'd lost my belief in our politicians
They all seemed like game show hosts to me

Amen, brother Sting...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that pit they call Los Angeles, the county with over 10 million. With that pit of a mayor, Garcetti along with his cohort Gov Newsom locking everyone down in their homes so they can't breath, get the Covid anyway, and then lock them down again & again. It's like banging your head against a wall till it effing falls off. When will they learn?

Florida, no lock-downs and less deaths...DUH! With a huge elderly population to boot.

Sting back in 93/94 said this in one of his songs.

"If I Ever Lose My Faith In You"

Some would say I was a lost man in a lost world
You could say I lost my faith in the people on TV
You could say I'd lost my belief in our politicians
They all seemed like game show hosts to me

Amen, brother Sting...
They have less deaths because they have a lower population in less density. Cases and deaths are on the rise. Ttku....