Instead of your constantly repeated idiotic and worn out responses why not give us some data to work with?Get some Kleenex for the sniffles.
Drama queen.
Instead of your constantly repeated idiotic and worn out responses why not give us some data to work with?Get some Kleenex for the sniffles.
Drama queen.
Instead of your constant repeated idiotic and worn out crying, why not just mind your own damn business lady?Instead of your constantly repeated idiotic and worn out responses why not give us some data to work with?
Says the minion who refuses to respond directly to a challenge.Instead of your constantly repeated idiotic and worn out responses why not give us some data to work with?
And your response:You're a...
Show me where an individual, who has immunity from the China Flu, and their immunity "failed" them and they contracted the China Flu again in the worst way????
I'm not talking about a so-called vaccinated individual who contracted the China Flu, I'm talking about an un-vaccinated individual who caught it, survived, built an immunity to it, and then caught the worst way, as you say.
Show me...
So tell me, just how many of those 720,000 dead Americans believed that they too had so called "natural immunity" and that it alone would spare them from becoming infected?
It obvious some people in this thread do not understand what natural immunity is. Glad to see that you understand.You're a...
Show me where an individual, who has immunity from the China Flu, and their immunity "failed" them and they contracted the China Flu again in the worst way????
I'm not talking about a so-called vaccinated individual who contracted the China Flu, I'm talking about an un-vaccinated individual who caught it, survived, built an immunity to it, and then caught the worst way, as you say.
Show me...
I is so confusedered nowDo you think other vaccines set up a bubble around you to keep viruses out????? Every vaccine works by allowing you to get the virus, and then fighting it off. You clearly obviously believed that vaccines were like force fields that kep people from ever getting a virus!!!! WOW!!!!! American education clearly is in terrible shape. Vaccines of any type ONLY work when you contract the disease the virus is made to fight. I thought it was common knowledge, and you seem disappointed that the covid vaccine doesn't work to stop the virus from even entering your body..
Sad that you need to live in a world that you are clearly so confused about.
And effectiveness declining a few percent is not the same as 'effectiveness going away." I am now wondering if your confusion is because English is your second language. That would be at least some excuse for all your confusion.
Fortunately we only need 2 weeks to flatten the curve.Over 1500 per day, and more kids, and more pregnant women without vaccines are dying than with the earlier variant. With about half the population vaccinated, 1500 or so per day is to be expected, because when no one was vaccinated, there were 3000 or more per dau dying. If the other 50% got vaccinated, we might have 100 per day dying, and the economy would go back to normal. Your news sources apparently aren't telling you about the deaths, so you might need to look for it for yourself instead of depending on Bubba to tell you how many are dying.
You can't seem to get that deaths are per 100,000 cases. I said per million cases before but I believe it's per 100,000. The vaccinated aren't factored in except for breakthrough cases. So considering who's infected it's killing at a lower rate than before. I know that offers little comfort to the families of those who die. Get vaccinated, especially if you're in a high risk group. But stop the bullying, the scare tactics, for those of us who choose not to for various reasons. I for one want to see how the vaccines affect people long term. I'll probably need to be vaccinated to travel at some point but until then I'm waiting. And I'm looking at the same published numbers that everyone else is. If you can't see for yourself that the number of deaths haven't increased at the rate they were before and the implications of that then maybe Bubba is more clever than you are.Over 1500 per day, and more kids, and more pregnant women without vaccines are dying than with the earlier variant. With about half the population vaccinated, 1500 or so per day is to be expected, because when no one was vaccinated, there were 3000 or more per dau dying. If the other 50% got vaccinated, we might have 100 per day dying, and the economy would go back to normal. Your news sources apparently aren't telling you about the deaths, so you might need to look for it for yourself instead of depending on Bubba to tell you how many are dying.
Answer my question first and then I'll answer yours...So tell me, just how many of those 720,000 dead Americans believed that they too had so called "natural immunity" and that it alone would spare them from becoming infected?
Geez you're uninformed. Science has proved that natural immunity conveys many times more protection than vaccines do. You don't seem to understand that the vaccines, the Moderna and Pfizer ones, focused on one aspect of the virus, the spike protein. Natural immunity resists many elements of the virus. Which is why it's more protective. What do you think happened before vaccines were invented? Ultimately in even the worst viruses they ran their course as the survivors built up herd immunity. Covid is dangerous but it isn't the Bubonic Plague or Ebola. It is very contagious though and it's working its way through the population. And people should get vaccinated if they're in high risk groups, especially if they're loud mouthed Northerners who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. See, I care.Except science has proven that natural immunity wears off faster than the vaccines, and to even get limited natural immunity you have to live through a disease that could kill you. Lets see- a shot that activates your natural immunity, but gives you a sore arm. or try to get the disease which might kill you to have your body activate it's immune system. Either way, it is your body creating the natural immunity from reacting to either something that won't kill you, or something that has already killed 2/3 of a million people. Only Texans think that getting the virus is a better way to get immunity, and maybe Floridians, Mississippians,, etc
And if natural immunity was so effective, why is ANYONE dying from covid. Your idea of natural immunity is nonsense, to put it nicely.
Not 720,000.So tell me, just how many of those 720,000 dead Americans believed that they too had so called "natural immunity" and that it alone would spare them from becoming infected?
Not 720,000 and many of those deaths were actually due to other causes.If natural immunity is the more effective approach then we wouldn't have 720.000 Americans currently on the wrong side of the grass.
BTW, is Medicare still picking up the bill for your father's joint replacement surgery and rehabilitation?
Our response to it has been insane and deadly. That's Biden, and Fauci.675,000 is a tiny number of dead people. So why try to blame Biden, or Fauci, or China when it is so insignificant? It is either terrible or it isn't. It can't be both, except in an insane mind.
Ask them. I don't know any of them.So tell me, just how many of those 720,000 dead Americans believed that they too had so called "natural immunity" and that it alone would spare them from becoming infected?
Biden was president in 2020? That's news to me.Our response to it has been insane and deadly. That's Biden, and Fauci.
I don't blame them for tht virus. I blame them for costing us 20 trillion dollars and the future of the republic.
Yes Trumpy delay quite deadly response to it has been insane and deadly. That's Biden, and Fauci.
I don't blame them for tht virus. I blame them for costing us 20 trillion dollars and the future of the republic.
The Trump administration pushed through the vaccines which at the time prominent Democrats openly questioned the safety of. Funny how that gets swept under the rug now and blamed on Bubba and Cletus for not getting vaccinated.Yes Trumpy delay quite deadly
You mean the Chinese delay when they lied and censored whistleblowers while spreading the virus into a worldwide pandemic?Yes Trumpy delay quite deadly
That is false.Well now you are going to get fired for not vaccinated and your insurance won’t cover you.
So tell me all about your 'natural immunity" and what medical credentials you possess that permits you to speak from a standpoint of qualified expertise.It obvious some people in this thread do not understand what natural immunity is. Glad to see that you understand.