Covid Vaccinations


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Look, if you don't want to get vaccinated, that's fine....Nobody cares whether you do or do not become vaccinated.
However, your refusal to get vaccinated it must not be based on the dumb assumption that if you contract the virus hospital personnel will be able to not only save your life but also spare you from the paralysis and permanent lung damage many COVID victims have experienced . They're not going to care whether you make it or not because there's plenty more where you come from .

Nobody is as important or as invincible as they have themselves believing....."All in all you're just another brick in the wall"... Pink Floyd.


Inordinately Right
Overrun hospitals filled with dumb dumbs wasting everyone’s resources.
You're talking about fat people right?
Or drug addicts maybe?
Maybe you're talking about the poors and illegals who refuse to get health insurance?

Go ahead and expound on who you think is really dragging down the system comrade.
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Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Interesting conjecture in the comments.

Some brave soul speculated that the Delta variant is in reality the Pfizer and/or Moderna vaccine manifesting its side effects.

Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants.


Well-Known Member
Boy I'd love to tie this 1% guy up in a room full of unvaccinated people and let them all breathe in his direction..
I do that every single day (except for the tied-up part) and everything is fine.

Take a deep breath. Everything is okay. Hours with dozens of unvaccinated people indoors is completely fine.


Well-Known Member
You're a :censored2:...

Show me where an individual, who has immunity from the China Flu, and their immunity "failed" them and they contracted the China Flu again in the worst way????

I'm not talking about a so-called vaccinated individual who contracted the China Flu, I'm talking about an un-vaccinated individual who caught it, survived, built an immunity to it, and then caught the worst way, as you say.

Show me...
If your natural immunity fails you, you will be dead and you won't catch covid again. DUH!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Fortunately we only need 2 weeks to flatten the curve.
Actually, 2000 people per day are dying from covid now. So in two weeks, it is 'only' about 30,000 more deadif everyone took proper precautions. A hard lockdown at the beginning and whenever cases were spreading in areas would have had the US with about the same number of dead as the rest of the advanced countries have around the globe. Instead, the troglodyte red states are afraid of masks and vaccine shots, which likely won't change in 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Geez you're uninformed. Science has proved that natural immunity conveys many times more protection than vaccines do. You don't seem to understand that the vaccines, the Moderna and Pfizer ones, focused on one aspect of the virus, the spike protein. Natural immunity resists many elements of the virus. Which is why it's more protective. What do you think happened before vaccines were invented? Ultimately in even the worst viruses they ran their course as the survivors built up herd immunity. Covid is dangerous but it isn't the Bubonic Plague or Ebola. It is very contagious though and it's working its way through the population. And people should get vaccinated if they're in high risk groups, especially if they're loud mouthed Northerners who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. See, I care.
People who previously had the virus are catching it again and dying from it. The 'immunity' gained naturally above your regular immune system lasts only a few months- LESS than the vaccines, and to 'boost' your natural immunity again, you need either the vaccine, or you need to catch the viruse\ again. I already posted links you didn't want to read.

Just like it took months for you to comprehend that the deductibles under the ACA don't apply to most care, and you continued to cite 'high deductibles' as a reason to hate the ACA, I imagine it will take months before you actually look into those who have had repeat bouts with covid. At first, you were insisting that you then had lifelong immunity from covid after getting it once, and now you have moved a little bit in admitting you CAN be re-infected. In a few more months, you will finally be up to date and admit that you can die from re-infection, but fewer people die from re-infection compared to the first infection, just exactly how vaccines reduce death. But I would rather have a vaccine to reduce my risk as oppposed to catching the virus, which could be deadly. I don't see the sense in getting a deadly virus to boost my immunity to the virus. Must be a Texas thing. Or maybe just some people are REALLY slow to accept new information on a subject they THOUGHT they knew about but were wrong. about. You- VT, have been CONSISTENTLY wrong on facts, believing things you have been told, but never checked for yourself.


Well-Known Member
Our response to it has been insane and deadly. That's Biden, and Fauci.

I don't blame them for tht virus. I blame them for costing us 20 trillion dollars and the future of the republic.
Asking people to wear masks IS deadly AND insane. That, and basic hygeine is definitely not a reasonable request to a deadly virus.


Well-Known Member
this study indicates that a second bout with covid can actually be much worse than the original case, so if you caught covid once, and had mild symptoms- your next bout could kill you.

COVID-19 reinfection: a rapid systematic review of case reports and case series | Journal of Investigative Medicine
"The current case series indicate that COVID-19 reinfection is possible, and the second infection may result in worse symptoms in nearly 20% of patients and serious complications in those who are elderly and immunocompromised."


Well-Known Member
The Trump administration pushed through the vaccines which at the time prominent Democrats openly questioned the safety of. Funny how that gets swept under the rug now and blamed on Bubba and Cletus for not getting vaccinated.
The virus was let into the US under Trump , and spread under Trump to well over 100 million. No argument for those facts- just diversion.


Well-Known Member
It will work it's way through the courts.
It could go either way.

It very obviously violates the intent of the ACA, but left wing judges will allow it. It will take time to get a high court ruling. Even then, they can simply refuse to ever hear the case.
The ACA sets minimum standards, and for employer plans, they can raise rates for employees absent a union agreement to the maximum alllowed. A non-union employer can charge every employee different rates if they want. A private employer is NOT required to treat all employers equally, as long as the discrimination is not based on race, sex, or religion. Equal insurance premiums for all employees is not a constitutionally guaranteed right, no matter what numb skulls think.


Well-Known Member
Interesting conjecture in the comments.

Some brave soul speculated that the Delta variant is in reality the Pfizer and/or Moderna vaccine manifesting its side effects.

Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants.
Except that the Delta variant was first found in India BEFORE vaccines were developed. Some people are SOOOOOOOO uninformed, yet so willing to publicly prove just how ignorant they are.