Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
They listened to DeathSantis and now they are unemployed. They have been deceived by DeathSantis. More Republicans will abandon the party of deceit
Not sure what state you live in, Here in Florida we love the man. With the exception of the 2 weeks that the federal government closed down we have been open for business and fun. Even the very liberal Disney World was opened after those 2 weeks. Yes we have had covid related deaths but we have a lot of elderly and visitors. Even with that, our covid deaths per 100,000 is lower the New York,New Jersey and Mass. They had strict (China like) restrictions. If you do some serious research on Ron Desantis and forget his political affiliation,you may find he would be a fine replacement for Joe


Well-Known Member
Not sure what state you live in, Here in Florida we love the man. With the exception of the 2 weeks that the federal government closed down we have been open for business and fun. Even the very liberal Disney World was opened after those 2 weeks. Yes we have had covid related deaths but we have a lot of elderly and visitors. Even with that, our covid deaths per 100,000 is lower the New York,New Jersey and Mass. They had strict (China like) restrictions. If you do some serious research on Ron Desantis and forget his political affiliation,you may find he would be a fine replacement for Joe


Inordinately Right
Florida has plunged so rapidly that it has the third-fasted descent in rates of cases in the nation over the last two weeks, trailing only Alabama and Hawaii.

According to The New York Times chart on Thursday, Florida’s case rate per 100,000 people over the last week was 13, third only behind Connecticut and Hawaii, which both have a rate of 11 cases per 100,000.


Well-Known Member
Yes if most of the endangered are already dead.They can’t die twice.DEATHSANTIS will be a mockery for all of history


Well-Known Member
Are you just a complete idiot or are you just trolling?

You just linked to a Facebook fact check.

Whether you're too stupid to realize you're using Facebook or not doesn't change the fact that you are getting your information from Facebook.
Not sure what state you live in, Here in Florida we love the man. With the exception of the 2 weeks that the federal government closed down we have been open for business and fun. Even the very liberal Disney World was opened after those 2 weeks. Yes we have had covid related deaths but we have a lot of elderly and visitors. Even with that, our covid deaths per 100,000 is lower the New York,New Jersey and Mass. They had strict (China like) restrictions. If you do some serious research on Ron Desantis and forget his political affiliation,you may find he would be a fine replacement for Joe
He should be charged with manslaughter for all the unnecessary death and destruction to families he has caused with his inept policies. Ask the 3 dead coworkers families at my state how they feel about his carefree covid attitude


Inordinately Right