Covid Vaccinations


Just telling it like it is
Not sure Biden was the best choice but it was the lesser of two evils. He might have gotten reelected if he could just STFU for a day and not constantly lie and bully everyone. We teach our kids not to do either one, but it's okay when a president does it?
Yeah that’s @falcon back ‘s big idol.


Well-Known Member
Who cares? Get the shot or get Covid. Those are your options at this point.
I haven't gotten the shot or gotten COVID. See? There's a 3rd choice
The unvaccinated make up more than 99% of the cases that require hospitalization and deaths. It baffles me why people would take that risk. I think now that it's mostly about pride and people don't want to admit they were wrong in not getting it sooner.
Look up how many of the hospitalized and deaths had pre-existing conditions.....I'll wait for the results
And not die
COVID is NOT a death sentence. I know 11 people that have had it and are fine now. None required hospitalization.
Please inform everyone what you believe the risks of the vaccine are.
You can tell us in 5 years or so......if you're still around.
They already had too many employees quit because of mask mandates,
I don't know a single person that quit or retired because of mask mandates. Plus, the mandates wee nationwide, where would they go?


Well-Known Member
Biden was never the threat to this country. He’s a threat to gun rights but that’s about it. It’s the radical progressives that he’s slave to that are the real danger. Trump didn’t have that problem. There was no young extremist right wing movement forcing his hand in anything. He was focused on restructuring deals with foreign countries and sealing off the border. All the garbage the left cried about was just noise. Now we have a president that has no line in the sand. There’s no left agenda that’s too far for him. He’ll do it all. Critical race curriculum in schools, ban guns, monthly checks forever for everyone, covid shutdowns. He doesn’t care. There isn’t a document he signs that he’s actually read. While Trump couldn’t ignore the noise, at least his focus was right.
What a complete and utter load of smilet


Well-Known Member
I haven't gotten the shot or gotten COVID. See? There's a 3rd choice

Look up how many of the hospitalized and deaths had pre-existing conditions.....I'll wait for the results

COVID is NOT a death sentence. I know 11 people that have had it and are fine now. None required hospitalization.

You can tell us in 5 years or so......if you're still around.

I don't know a single person that quit or retired because of mask mandates. Plus, the mandates wee nationwide, where would they go?

The false yet widely stated pre-existing condition excuse. Not true for the major of cases.


Well-Known Member
Biden was never the threat to this country. He’s a threat to gun rights but that’s about it. It’s the radical progressives that he’s slave to that are the real danger. Trump didn’t have that problem. There was no young extremist right wing movement forcing his hand in anything. He was focused on restructuring deals with foreign countries and sealing off the border. All the garbage the left cried about was just noise. Now we have a president that has no line in the sand. There’s no left agenda that’s too far for him. He’ll do it all. Critical race curriculum in schools, ban guns, monthly checks forever for everyone, covid shutdowns. He doesn’t care. There isn’t a document he signs that he’s actually read. While Trump couldn’t ignore the noise, at least his focus was right.

Yes, Aqua. Things work so well now under the current system. Affordable health care, living wages, affordable child care. Your cops and EMS are a one payer system. Healthcare needs the same to push the obese insurance execs under the bus. Democracy is unraveling, anyway. Why not plug some holes on the way down?


Well-Known Member
The big orange monster hurt you with a tweet did he?
Yeah, “mean tweets” is all he did. Letting 600,000 Americans die and trying to overthrow the government have nothing to do with my disdain for him. It was just the “mean tweets.” What a stupid talking point.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Aqua. Things work so well now under the current system. Affordable health care, living wages, affordable child care. Your cops and EMS are a one payer system. Healthcare needs the same to push the obese insurance execs under the bus. Democracy is unraveling, anyway. Why not plug some holes on the way down?
Years of Fox News viewership, coupled with no formal education have left his brain too undeveloped to realize that schools, police, roads, libraries, etc are all socialized and no commies took over.


Well-Known Member
Lemme guess…you don’t believe he lost the election either, right? It’s funny how you Trump supporters are too dumb to even understand the scope of just how dumb you actually are.
I'm not a Trump supporter my man. I'm a libertarian. 95% of the "covid" deaths are in people 60 years of age and older. You're democratic governors shoved sick people into nursing homes, causing the elderly to get sick. And guess what people who are old die, it's a fact of life. So sorry "covid" caused someone's 92 year old great grandmother to die.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a Trump supporter my man. I'm a libertarian. 95% of the "covid" deaths are in people 60 years of age and older. You're democratic governors shoved sick people into nursing homes, causing the elderly to get sick. And guess what people who are old die, it's a fact of life. So sorry "covid" caused someone's 92 year old great grandmother to die.
Oh, it was old people dying?? That changes it. friend- - k all of them, right? Their lives don’t matter. Bet you’re an “all lives matter” guy when it comes to racism though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, “mean tweets” is all he did. Letting 600,000 Americans die and trying to overthrow the government have nothing to do with my disdain for him. It was just the “mean tweets.” What a stupid talking point.
Blaming him for COVID when he followed Fauci and was responsible for pushing the vaccine through. He was the one who shut down international travel. Remember when the democrats threw a fit about it? Saying he’s responsible for 600,000 deaths shows your true IQ.. If anything he delayed the inevitable outbreak here by a little bit. I guess Biden would have saved all those lives🙄. What an incredibly stupid thing to think haha. You can despise Trump all you want, but blaming him for covid is rich.


Well-Known Member
Lemme guess…you don’t believe he lost the election either, right? It’s funny how you Trump supporters are too dumb to even understand the scope of just how dumb you actually are.
It’s funny the impact democrats believe a temporary employee has on this country. The president is responsible for nothing. Just another cog in the wheel. Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell are more powerful than the president. Because they hold positions for 40+ years, gaining contacts and influence beyond anything the president could dream about. But Trump bad. He create pandemic. He kill old people. He racist.

Star B

White Lightening
Biden was never the threat to this country. He’s a threat to gun rights but that’s about it. It’s the radical progressives that he’s slave to that are the real danger. Trump didn’t have that problem. There was no young extremist right wing movement forcing his hand in anything.
Hmm, Q?

Anyway, anti-vax isn't anything new. it was in 1918 with smallpox where they were doing the same :censored2: and the human race survived.

History of Anti-vaccination Movements | History of Vaccines (probably heavily biased)

Should just make it mandatory and throw the people who break the law in jail, because, remember, they are the party of law and order.

Oh, lol, forgot, only when it benefits them.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Hmm, Q?

Anyway, anti-vax isn't anything new. it was in 1918 with smallpox where they were doing the same * and the human race survived.
Not without a fight sht head. If you got the balls come and make me
History of Anti-vaccination Movements | History of Vaccines (probably heavily biased)

Should just make it mandatory and throw the people who break the law in jail, because, remember, they are the party of law and order.

Oh, lol, forgot, only when it benefits them.