Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
You’re talking about a time when we literally knew nothing about the virus. Scientists were guessing as much as he was. And Fauci was telling us we didn’t need to wear masks. But you’re right, TRUMPS flip flopping was the problem lol.
His downplaying it and saying it would be almost zero cases in a couple days sure didn't help matters.


Well-Known Member
The false yet widely stated pre-existing condition excuse. Not true for the major of cases.
My wife's a nurse worked on a COVID floor for 6 weeks. I've heard the stories.Depending on the pre-existing condition, it weakens the immune system, making that person more susceptible to becoming gravely ill.
Anyway, anti-vax isn't anything new. it was in 1918 with smallpox where they were doing the same * and the human race survived.
Just because someone doesn't want to take an untested and unapproved vaccine, doesn't make them anti-vaccine
2 dead at my station. One at 59.5 years in about to retire and he good life. He voted Trump. He dead
Sorry to hear that. But, what does voting for Trump have anything to do with it?


Just telling it like it is
Is this the same person who came up with Trump Airlines, Trump Steaks, Trump Ice, Trump University etc? He's definitely a genius.
And now the same guy who has ordered to turn his tax returns over to congress.

Can’t until they roast his sorry ass.


Well-Known Member
And now the same guy who has ordered to turn his tax returns over to congress.

Can’t until they roast his sorry ass.
And was caught ordering the Department of Justice to declare the election corrupt and he “would do the rest.” Donald Trump will go down in history as a traitor to this country. The man is pure evil.


Well-Known Member
My wife's a nurse worked on a COVID floor for 6 weeks. I've heard the stories.Depending on the pre-existing condition, it weakens the immune system, making that person more susceptible to becoming gravely ill.

Just because someone doesn't want to take an untested and unapproved vaccine, doesn't make them anti-vaccine

Sorry to hear that. But, what does voting for Trump have anything to do with it?
It’s called correlation. Didn’t get vaccine. Voted Trump.Most fatalities by % of population are in the Red States

Basement Dweller

Active Member
I'm thinking too that FedEx can't afford to demand employees get the shot. They can't even hire people as it is and if they try to force people to get the shot, people will not apply to work there and people already working there will quit. You said coworkers came back when mask mandates were lifted, but what happened to them? Did they quit or take a leave of absence? Or did they somehow get unemployment while still being employed by the company? I wanna know so if it happens again I can do whatever they did and still keep my job without going to work.
One guy managed to get his doctor to approve that he cannot wear masks while working, so he was kept as a fedex employee but on permenant unpaid leave while still managing to collect unemployement checks. His unemployement ended in April.

Another guy just flatout refuses to wear masks because to him it's a sign of government control, same with the vaccine so he quit. He came back when the CDC lifted mask mandates. I don't think he got unemployment but he was also 22 so probably still living with his parents. Right now the mask mandates are back, but not really enforced because they need all the bodies they can get. Kind of funny that big corporations suddenly don't really care about a pandemic if their profits are in peril.


Well-Known Member
One guy managed to get his doctor to approve that he cannot wear masks while working, so he was kept as a fedex employee but on permenant unpaid leave while still managing to collect unemployement checks. His unemployement ended in April.

Another guy just flatout refuses to wear masks because to him it's a sign of government control, same with the vaccine so he quit. He came back when the CDC lifted mask mandates. I don't think he got unemployment but he was also 22 so probably still living with his parents. Right now the mask mandates are back, but not really enforced because they need all the bodies they can get. Kind of funny that big corporations suddenly don't really care about a pandemic if their profits are in peril.
I love how right wingers are okay with black people being executed in the streets, but having to wear a mask during a pandemic is where they draw the line with government overreach.