Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
I described the series of events accurately. Feel free to rebut any of it if you'd like. I have no concern over being called a racist.

Arbery did everything he could to make them shoot him, and he got it. The guys handled it well.
And where are the victims that shot this alleged theif..hint it’s 10 feet by 10 feet


Well-Known Member
There is only god or Satan. Those that believe in satan don't even have to know that they do. Just don't believe that Jesus is the only way to salvation, and there you will have it. That's neither here nor there, every believer in Jesus knows that he will protect us.
Their is only blah blah blah. And if blah blah.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Wow, sick burn. Maybe if you'd spend more time in the real world instead of on here you'd come to your senses. Instead you spend your whole day and night arguing with everyone in every topic on BC. Looking at your posting history you are just one pathetic little man with nothing else to do. Just on here day and night.
And your left wing wack job.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Wow, sick burn. Maybe if you'd spend more time in the real world instead of on here you'd come to your senses. Instead you spend your whole day and night arguing with everyone in every topic on BC. Looking at your posting history you are just one pathetic little man with nothing else to do. Just on here day and night.
Never ending fight against the loons like you


Extra Large Package
No black people have been executed in the streets.

Actually they are everyday in fellow blacks. Oh there was also a Puerto Rican couple who were executed at point blank range by a group of blacks a few weeks ago in Chicago (You probably didn't hear about it in the MSM since it doesn't fit their agenda). You know Chicago, where they have some of the strictest gun control laws in the US. It's working very well there. We need to turn the whole US into a giant Chicago with their style gun control laws.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Well look at the other guy. He’s actually applauding a lynching. I used to think all that “racist, nazi, etc” talk was just hyperbole from leftists, but it’s not.

Leftists are inherently racist people who reject wholesale nazism, only to embrace it piecemeal.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
I love how right wingers are okay with black people being executed in the streets, but having to wear a mask during a pandemic is where they draw the line with government overreach.
I love how left wingers are okay with black people being executed in the streets as long as it's another black person doing the executing, which it is nearly 90% of the time, but some white guy in Mississippi doesn't wear a mask when he goes to the live bait shack and OMG YOU'RE GOING TO KILL US ALL!!!!

Off the leash

Well-Known Member