Well-Known Member
They have tried to do the same thing to me with the you are harassing other drivers and or implied I was threatening this one or that one. All lies.Hey guys whats up? its been a while since you heard from me for a couple of reasons which I wont get into here. I figured I would share a story with you. Some of you may remember I was waiting for a couple of grievances to be heard. And I know some of you didnt like my oppinions toward some members of management. Well I would like to share a little story with you maybe open your eyes a little, When the hearing finally came it was delayed for a long time.( They were trying to come up with something on me). Which they werent able to do! So what was their next step LIE! One of the cardnial sins here at UPS. They decided to make up a story about me harrassing other employees (since i filed a article 37) They accused me of being violent toward employees but yet didnt fire, me go figure another cardinal sin. Yet im still working here and have never had a writeup! What really killed me was morals maybe some of the higher up people have lost them on their way to the top. And thats pretty scary people with that much power over other people have to resort to lies and scare tactics because they dont like an employee. Let me explain when I say they, "a group of corportate thugs" for its not all my managers I get along with others great, but its the ones that hold the power. Just something for some of you to think about. Its me today you tomorrow kinda thing
One driver they said I was harassing ended up thanking me over and over when I got her job back and them to back off. Then she ended up helping me file against another one of their managers who ended up losing out on some promotions/raises/ bonuses and so forth. Their plan to turn her against me failed miserably.
Another driver they turned to the dark side against me got fired and yet needed my help to get job back. Sorry no back pay but deserved the firing to be honest. Then got suspended for another 3 days after that for other screw up. So in return for lies about me this drivers new buddies in management fired said driver once and suspended again after that. What goes aound comes around. Never befriend a wolf in sheeps clothing. Driver is a pain in their side and funny thing is no longer gets help from fellow drivers for two faced actions.
I can not tell you how many drivers have either spinelessly turned their back on fellow divers when we needed their help as witnesses or outright lied and said oh that never happened or I did not hear that. These same drivers in turn ended up in hot water and were the ones wondering why no one would help them out when they were fired or suspended.
What goes around comes around!!!