Decline of the Middle Class


Well-Known Member
It’s all money going to the federal government in the form of taxes.
I dug up an old check stub and looked at the deductions, among them were listed:

Fed Med/EE, That is my deduction towards medicare

FED OASDI/EE, that is my deduction for SS

Nowhere do I see a line item deduction for medicaid. There is no medicaid tax deducted, that tells me the money to provide the services come from total tax receipts collected by the government. Most persons on medicaid pay little or no federal tax, it's part of qualifying for the "benefit." Please figure it out, I don't want to spend my time explaining a concept to you.


Staff member
I dug up an old check stub and looked at the deductions, among them were listed:

Fed Med/EE, That is my deduction towards medicare

FED OASDI/EE, that is my deduction for SS

Nowhere do I see a line item deduction for medicaid. There is no medicaid tax deducted, that tells me the money to provide the services come from total tax receipts collected by the government. Most persons on medicaid pay little or no federal tax, it's part of qualifying for the "benefit." Please figure it out, I don't want to spend my time explaining a concept to you.

It’s all a giant slush fund.


Well-Known Member
I should definitely get more than somebody how paid way less than me.
You are. And don't think you'll get just a little more. My mother gets about $800 a month. She worked two and three jobs at a time in an area where there was little more than restaurant work. You'll probably get close to the maximum. That and your pension and your 401k will give you a nice retirement. She only gets SS. Plenty of people in her shoes. And more and more with a service economy. Do we just end it and put them all on the street? I've spent a lot of time in Mexico and elsewhere. Not uncommon to have 3 or 4 generations in the same household. They honor their seniors there, and take care of them in their old age. Not spit on them like angry young people often do here. I shudder to think what this country would be like without SS.


Well-Known Member
It’s all a giant slush fund.
That is correct, that is why you should not attack SS/Medicare current and future recipients. The federal govt continues to run the scam that there is a separate fund, going as far as to require certain lines to denote the numerical deduction on each W2.
You are. And don't think you'll get just a little more. My mother gets about $800 a month. She worked two and three jobs at a time in an area where there was little more than restaurant work. You'll probably get close to the maximum. That and your pension and your 401k will give you a nice retirement. She only gets SS. Plenty of people in her shoes. And more and more with a service economy. Do we just end it and put them all on the street? I've spent a lot of time in Mexico and elsewhere. Not uncommon to have 3 or 4 generations in the same household. They honor their seniors there, and take care of them in their old age. Not spit on them like angry young people often do here. I shudder to think what this country would be like without SS.
So I should pay double or triple what they do and get very little benefit out of it?
I work my balls off, sign up for extra overtime, keep myself out of debt and try to save. So it's my fault that other people aren't responsible??


Inordinately Right
And your (D) are the ones running up debt.
Not mine.
Shouldn't you be busy sweeping up your Muslim landlord's front porch or something? Some of us care enough about this country to actually live here. Others run away from work and cry about how it's everyone else's fault. Need some tissue snowflake?


Well-Known Member
So I should pay double or triple what they do and get very little benefit out of it?
I work my balls off, sign up for extra overtime, keep myself out of debt and try to save. So it's my fault that other people aren't responsible??
So there's these great paying jobs everywhere for anyone who wants one? I wonder why there's a huge debt with everyone working great paying jobs and paying substantial taxes? By the way, if there were great paying jobs for the taking, would you still be humping at UPS when the guy down the street works half as hard for the same pay and benefits? Good for you that you're willing to work. And good for you that you have a union backing you up. Untold millions of people work very hard for less than half of what you make. They don't have your home, your toys, your bank account. But let's only give them $400 a month so that you can get $4000. Seriously?


Well-Known Member
Not mine.
Shouldn't you be busy sweeping up your Muslim landlord's front porch or something? Some of us care enough about this country to actually live here. Others run away from work and cry about how it's everyone else's fault. Need some tissue snowflake?
Do you hear me crying? I'm doing exactly what I said I would do for the last 20 years. My beef is my employer didn't keep their word. But I'm making the most of what I have. Do you have the cojones to do what I'm doing? Do you even have cojones?


Well-Known Member
Not mine.
Shouldn't you be busy sweeping up your Muslim landlord's front porch or something? Some of us care enough about this country to actually live here. Others run away from work and cry about how it's everyone else's fault. Need some tissue snowflake?
And P.S. Young man. Keep doing what you're doing and when you get to my age you'll be all too happy to walk away with your back, hip, knee, and foot problems. And be thankful you'll get SS.


Well-Known Member
That’s not how Fedex works. If that tax went away, the next financial negotiations would reflect that in X’s favor.
You signed the BS contract, continue making matching payments.
If you didn't have to match payments would you pay your guys more or keep the windfall. I already know the answer.


Well-Known Member
Not mine.
Shouldn't you be busy sweeping up your Muslim landlord's front porch or something? Some of us care enough about this country to actually live here. Others run away from work and cry about how it's everyone else's fault. Need some tissue snowflake?
Care about the country, now that is really rich coming from your mouth.