different pay rates??


Well-Known Member
Probably gonna piss of a few people, but thats what I do best. Why are there different rates for full time employees? For example, package car/feeder/inside are all different. I think seniority should prevail instead of someone with half my seniority making $5 more than me because they sit in a truck and I don't. Union needs to get this one right.

Uhhhh. if thats your logic then all part timers should also get paid just as much. Hell ya. Why shouldn't I be making $22/hr loading if the combo guy i'm loading next to is making $22/hr? its the same job isn't it? Me thinks there is a reason why though.


Well-Known Member
Same point to you as others are making to corycar7: if you think it's such a great deal, bid back inside. You can try to work until you're 80 that way, if you want. Who's stopping you?

There are only a few of these jobs in my hub. New openings are only open to PT bid and not open to full time bid in our supplement. Only vacated 22.3's are open to FT bid. You had to have major PT seniority to score one of these 22.3 jobs. Guys who could have been drivers well before I even hired on with UPS are the type of people who get these jobs.

If I had the opportunity to become 22.3 I would have taken it. Now that I'm FT I'm just waiting to get into feeder. Feeder will come before a vacated 22.3 job does.


To Endeavor To Persevere
There are only a few of these jobs in my hub. New openings are only open to PT bid and not open to full time bid in our supplement. Only vacated 22.3's are open to FT bid. You had to have major PT seniority to score one of these 22.3 jobs. Guys who could have been drivers well before I even hired on with UPS are the type of people who get these jobs.

If I had the opportunity to become 22.3 I would have taken it. Now that I'm FT I'm just waiting to get into feeder. Feeder will come before a vacated 22.3 job does.

What"s the logic behind that?


To Endeavor To Persevere
Article 22, section 3:

Section 3
The parties agree that providing part-time employees the opportunity to become full-time employees is a
priority of this Agreement. Accordingly, the Employer commits that during the life of this Agreement,
it will offer part-time employees the opportunity to fill at least twenty thousand (20,000) permanent fulltime
job openings throughout its operations covered by this Agreement.

This commitment shall include the obligation to create at least ten thousand (10,000) new full-time jobs
from existing part-time jobs during the life of this Agreement throughout its operations covered by this
Agreement; two thousand five hundred (2500) jobs during each year beginning in the third year of this
Agreement. The Employer shall, wherever possible, reschedule part-time employees to make additional
full-time jobs or combination full-time jobs. No part-time employee shall be laid off or suffer a loss of a
job as a result of creating a full-time job under this Article or Article 40.

The Employer’s obligation under this Article and Article 40 of this Agreement to create full-time jobs
from part-time jobs shall be satisfied by the creation of 10,000 full-time jobs during the life of this
Agreement notwithstanding any other provisions in this Agreement, any Supplement, Rider or
In order to enable the Union to enforce and monitor this provision, the Employer shall provide a
quarterly report to the Parcel and Small Package Trade Division Director containing the location of each
job created under this Section during the previous quarter and the identity of the jobs combined to create
the positions.

Part-time employees shall be selected for full-time openings in accordance with the procedures
contained in the applicable Supplement, Rider or Addendum.

The number of full-time jobs created under Article 22, Section 3 of the 1997-2002 and the 2002-2008
Agreements shall not be reduced. Within sixty (60) days of the ratification of this Agreement the
Employer shall provide the International Teamsters Union a report detailing and identifying the
full-time jobs which will need to be maintained pursuant to this paragraph.​


Well-Known Member
There are only a few of these jobs in my hub. New openings are only open to PT bid and not open to full time bid in our supplement. Only vacated 22.3's are open to FT bid. You had to have major PT seniority to score one of these 22.3 jobs. Guys who could have been drivers well before I even hired on with UPS are the type of people who get these jobs.

If I had the opportunity to become 22.3 I would have taken it. Now that I'm FT I'm just waiting to get into feeder. Feeder will come before a vacated 22.3 job does.

So you think feeder is even more of a scam than 22.3?


Well-Known Member
So you think feeder is even more of a scam than 22.3?

uhh, what ? No. If 90% of feeder drivers did it for 8.50$ an hour and I was one of the lucky few doing it for 28$ an hour then yes I think I would be scamming UPS.

Why pay a guy 23$ an hour to drive a truck to the airport. Then sort smalls all night. When there are many people with much worse and more difficult positions working for 8.50$ an hour. Those easy / easy combo jobs are a joke. I'm glad they exist. And glad UPS made more full time jobs. And I would love to sort smalls and drive to the airport for 23$ an hour and only work 8 hours per day. But I wouldn't feel as though I was contributing to the success of the company by any means.


uhh, what ? No. If 90% of feeder drivers did it for 8.50$ an hour and I was one of the lucky few doing it for 28$ an hour then yes I think I would be scamming UPS.

Why pay a guy 23$ an hour to drive a truck to the airport. Then sort smalls all night. When there are many people with much worse and more difficult positions working for 8.50$ an hour. Those easy / easy combo jobs are a joke. I'm glad they exist. And glad UPS made more full time jobs. And I would love to sort smalls and drive to the airport for 23$ an hour and only work 8 hours per day. But I wouldn't feel as though I was contributing to the success of the company by any means.

if you don't do it, then don't comment about it. IMO

The only people doing two "easy" jobs are stewards in our building, and maybe a few management pets that have been around forever.

Everyone else has at least one difficult job, if not two (if management really doesn't like you they try to make 22.3s quit by favoring the P/Ters giving them easy loads or work assignments and giving the 22.3 the worst)

you have no idea what yo're talking about on this one.


What"s the logic behind that?

In this area, newly created jobs are open to P/T bid only. The opening of existing 22.3, pkg, feeder etc are only bid on by friend/T employees. these are actual bids from an extension of our biannual bidding. Since there's no new 22.3 jobs being created anymore, there sure as heck won't be many available to P/Ters.


Well-Known Member
The union has gotten this one right! I am understanding that there is no easy job at ups. However do not compare what a full time 22.3 does inside the building to what a package car or feeder driver does. There is no comparison, and that is not a knock on our hard working 22.3s by any means and they know that. If any of these 22.3s wanted more money they would bid into a driver position or feeder.

If 22.3s were paid the same as package, ups would never be able to hire any more package drivers, no one would do it! JMO

I agree with 705 Red as I am a full time 22.3 inside/inside. I don't mind the drivers making more money, the work they do it much harder and more stressfull in many ways. I was a driver for a while and it was hard and stressfull compared to what I do now. I don't make as much money but I don't mind if I wanted to make more money I would put my name on the list.


Large Member
willsome ound this corcar in the head and tellhim gorn up and gop full if he has the balls too drive and feel the pressure]
Isn`t this that langauge from that kids show "ZOOM" ?
Oby gwoby doby sop?
I speak Gobbly Goop.

I will translate.: Will someone pound this person (corycar7) in the head and tell him to grow up? Let him go fulltime, if he has the balls to drive, and let him feel the pressure.


To Endeavor To Persevere
In this area, newly created jobs are open to P/T bid only. The opening of existing 22.3, pkg, feeder etc are only bid on by friend/T employees. these are actual bids from an extension of our biannual bidding. Since there's no new 22.3 jobs being created anymore, there sure as heck won't be many available to P/Ters.

I just don't understand why a full timer is not allowed to bid a newly created job open if it is a different full time position. The full timer should have first opportunity then the part timers. Why would a P/T have more claim to the job than a friend/T? That language in your supplement seems weird and I don't understand what purpose it would serve not to allow a full timer to bid a newly created full time job?


Well-Known Member
I guess i'm part of the scam, not laid off, no lost hours, inside all day and home by noon.(I was laid off for a year or so but got "new" job) I do my fair share of package handling too.