I do the very same on my own and i'm just a driver.....have a solid amount of years in.
Never consume or stand for any bull
they try with me. Too much self pride I guess.
I was always told "I'm on the radar"....."have a target on me"........all the typical crap.
Ran easily 3-4 hours over on my old route and when then pulled their stupid reports out asking why I was a couple minutes extra here or there I would laugh. Then would tell the sup at the time "I was trying to keep all the restaurants on my route in business and took 3 to 4 extra lunches on top of my regular one and I'm sure in your report you can see all the extra 50 minutes gaps in there." And continued on "therefore I was stealing time and I think you should fire me".
Actually got a 3 day from a Division Manager when back when this took place and he never had anything wrong to say with how I was working.......more so complimented me.
Pretty much the same takes place nowadays.......still run easily 2 over a day and it is not uncommon to go 3 if needed. But it's because I do it all by the book. And when you do the job takes time.
When they ask nowadays what took so long I tell them they are defaming my character as a hard worker with their numbers. And I say it like this........"I started at 8:30am......arrived at route by 9am......I took my fob starter off my belt loop and throw it down and say
UPS and kicked my feet up on the dash until noon.......and then I started my route......and that explains my 3 hours over.......and I should be fired".
They look at me like I'm nuts.......which isn't very far off......and I'm like "anything else?"
Do your job right.......don't step on your dick......let them do that to themselves (they're good at it)......try your best to shrug off the crap you hear and keep plugging along daily.