
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
If I don’t post from “a liberal Trump hater”, then you’ll claim the person you disagree with is a “RINO” or a “deep stater”. It’s not your fault. Your TDS has simply blocked any rational thoughts you might have.
Rational thoughts from you have been blocked by your TDS (Total Dip S:censored2:T)

Method Mensch

Well-Known Member
Sleepy Joe has something major going on. I never hear Joe stutter. What I've been hearing is memory loss. Maybe he's just extremely fatigued?
There's a whole slew of examples of both men slurring their speech, and an accompaniment of a whole slew of news articles regarding both men slurring their speech. They speculate on what underlying malady they suffer from and hint at why, based on whatever ailments they pin on these guys, they are unfit for office. Truth is, if you speak publicly to the extent these guys do, you're very likely to be recorded slurring your speech.


Well-Known Member
looking forward to donald trump tearing biden apart:



Well-Known Member
Isnt it funny that during the last couple years we saw explosions of black violence, shooting police, shutting down interstates screaming black lives matter, promoting reparations and discussing institutionalized racism, only to turn around and prop up an old as dirt, white, kid-sniffing cho mo who has the support of about a room full of 20 diaper-wearing boomer retards?


Well-Known Member
Isnt it funny that during the last couple years we saw explosions of black violence, shooting police, shutting down interstates screaming black lives matter, promoting reparations and discussing institutionalized racism, only to turn around and prop up an old as dirt, white, kid-sniffing cho mo who has the support of about a room full of 20 diaper-wearing boomer retards?
a majority of people didnt vote in 2016


Well-Known Member
I suspect the Bernie bros wont vote again this time due to being let down. Although all that money they sent to Bernie will likely buy him another $100,000 sportscar or maybe a new mansion. *shrug*
yea they deserved better. bernie shouldve ripped biden apart like trump will, not cater to him.

but the plan B for bernie bros is to start a movement like you referenced with with black lives matter.


Well-Known Member
Isnt it funny that during the last couple years we saw explosions of black violence, shooting police, shutting down interstates screaming black lives matter, promoting reparations and discussing institutionalized racism, only to turn around and prop up an old as dirt, white, kid-sniffing cho mo who has the support of about a room full of 20 diaper-wearing boomer retards?

At this point he is the best that the Dems have to offer.


Well-Known Member
yea they deserved better. bernie shouldve ripped biden apart like trump will, not cater to him.

but the plan B for bernie bros is to start a movement like you referenced with with black lives matter.

The part that kills me is, we all know that China has been pumping money into our universities. It isnt really surprising that in just one generation kids are out in the streets screaming in favor of socialism, with many in favor of full blown communism. Never realizing that they arent the beneficiaries of it, those in power are the beneficiaries as they decide where your money ACTUALLY goes. Thats, of course, how socialism works. They may SAY they will do one thing with it, but after the people have been stripped of their rights and means to self-defense, its time to grab some ankles and bend over that barrel.

They are experts at selling dreams, only to manifest nightmares in their place once in power. Its so easy to exploit some people it unreal.


Well-Known Member
My money is on either Klobuchar or Harris.

Thank goodness AOC is too young.

Since democrats sell themselves on sensationalized emotional reactions, Im still waiting to see Michelle Obama pop up... I mean lets be realistic, thats the last mental nuke they have left at this point


Well-Known Member
The part that kills me is, we all know that China has been pumping money into our universities. It isnt really surprising that in just one generation kids are out in the streets screaming in favor of socialism, with many in favor of full blown communism. Never realizing that they arent the beneficiaries of it, those in power are the beneficiaries as they decide where your money ACTUALLY goes. Thats, of course, how socialism works. They may SAY they will do one thing with it, but after the people have been stripped of their rights and means to self-defense, its time to grab some ankles and bend over that barrel.

They are experts at selling dreams, only to manifest nightmares in their place once in power. Its so easy to exploit some people it unreal.
actually id say the reason young people, myself included, prefer socialism to capitalism is how badly capitalism is working for average joes.

average student debt in US is highest in the world. thats partly because the govt stopped funding post secondary.

people havent gotten a raise adjusted for inflation since 1973 last i heard. you have environmental devastation. corporate crime (2008 bailouts was a major event). the govt doesnt work anymore because of money.

alot of bad things people say about socialism could equally be said about capitalism. i think the debate of government passing laws vs a free market was the wrong debate to be having. the debate should have been about concentrations of power which you get in state socialism and capitalism.