Well-Known Member
actually id say the reason young people, myself included, prefer socialism to capitalism is how badly capitalism is working for average joes.

average student debt in US is highest in the world. thats partly because the govt stopped funding post secondary.

people havent gotten a raise adjusted for inflation since 1973 last i heard. you have environmental devastation. corporate crime (2008 bailouts was a major event). the govt doesnt work anymore because of money.

alot of bad things people say about socialism could equally be said about capitalism. i think the debate of government passing laws vs a free market was the wrong debate to be having. the debate should have been about concentrations of power which you get in state socialism and capitalism.

Dont get me wrong, I totally think theyre are tons of problems with capitalism. But reverting to socialism as a solution is like dumping gas on a fire to put it out


Staff member
actually id say the reason young people, myself included, prefer socialism to capitalism is how badly capitalism is working for average joes.

average student debt in US is highest in the world. thats partly because the govt stopped funding post secondary.

people havent gotten a raise adjusted for inflation since 1973 last i heard. you have environmental devastation. corporate crime (2008 bailouts was a major event). the govt doesnt work anymore because of money.

alot of bad things people say about socialism could equally be said about capitalism. i think the debate of government passing laws vs a free market was the wrong debate to be having. the debate should have been about concentrations of power which you get in state socialism and capitalism.
I'm pretty sure I'm younger than you.
Capitalism has been great to me.

The rules are pretty simple.

Bring something other people need, to the table. (In my case, time and work ethic, mostly. UPS doesn't care about my brains. :) )
Trade that for what you need.
Don't need more than you can afford to bring to the table.

We don't need a government to protect us from businesses. Businesses only have power if you believe they have power. Nobody is forcing you to buy from those companies.
If I decide UPS isn't good enough, I'll find somewhere that is. Or start my own business.


Well-Known Member
Dont get me wrong, I totally think theyre are tons of problems with capitalism. But reverting to socialism as a solution is like dumping gas on a fire to put it out

Capitalism works when everyone is involved; however, those too lazy to involve themselves seem to think that those who are not should take care of them.


Well-Known Member
The Biden/Obama ticket would win in a landslide.

If it wasnt a winning ticket, it would be dang close. Again, people who make decisions based on their emotions are very easy to manipulate. And there are tons of such people in our country. Its not that I dont care about genuine problems that our country has, its that, I prefer actual solutions, not feel good verbal bj's


Well-Known Member
Capitalism works when everyone is involved; however, those too lazy to involve themselves seem to think that those who are not should take care of them.

Its just like all the junkies that ask me for a dollar literally every single day when I go to get coffee at the gas station. I tell them all the time, "I work 3 jobs because I want to pay MY bills, not YOURS". I had a problem with alcohol when I was younger and could have easily ended up in a similar situation but I CHOSE to get help and get better. Its amazing what you can actually do when you arent shatfaced all the time


Well-Known Member
i agree giving alot of power to the government is a bad idea.

Its actually worse than a friend-in terrible idea lol. These people may appear to be like the common man, but they are infact power hungry psychopaths with only themselves in mind. Couple that with the near absolute power of socialism/communism and you have a bloodbath waiting to happen


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure I'm younger than you.
Capitalism has been great to me.

The rules are pretty simple.

Bring something other people need, to the table. (In my case, time and work ethic, mostly. UPS doesn't care about my brains. :) )
Trade that for what you need.
Don't need more than you can afford to bring to the table.

We don't need a government to protect us from businesses. Businesses only have power if you believe they have power. Nobody is forcing you to buy from those companies.
If I decide UPS isn't good enough, I'll find somewhere that is. Or start my own business.
businesses have tons power whether you believe it or not. being told what to do at work is an example of that. so does government. and its a problem. im in favor of democracy, decentralized power. i dont subscribe to the idea that if you work hard you will succeed either. alot of it has to do whether youre born rich or not.


Well-Known Member
If it wasnt a winning ticket, it would be dang close. Again, people who make decisions based on their emotions are very easy to manipulate. And there are tons of such people in our country. Its not that I dont care about genuine problems that our country has, its that, I prefer actual solutions, not feel good verbal bj's

You just described Trump's base.


Well-Known Member
Its actually worse than a friend-in terrible idea lol. These people may appear to be like the common man, but they are infact power hungry psychopaths with only themselves in mind. Couple that with the near absolute power of socialism/communism and you have a bloodbath waiting to happen
corporations also exhibit psychopathic behavior. and i dont think bloodbaths are unique to state socialism.


Well-Known Member
Im just as much anti-leftism as I am anti-libertarianism. The people who think that "out of the kindness of their hearts people will maintain the roads". Uhhhhhh, the cities allocate MILLIONS of dollars for major infrastructure repairs. It isnt a weekend warrior trip to lowes for some asphalt in a bag and tada youve repaired the interstate lol. There are bad ideas all over the place. People have to dodge them like Neo in the Matrix dodging bullets.


Well-Known Member
heres one example. i am born rich so i will inherit alot of wealth in terms of property simply because my parents bought a big house decades ago. but someone who moves to my town and earns a middle class wage will never be able to make up for the fact that the cost of housing is way out of wack with wages. so theres a lack of economic mobility with this example.


Well-Known Member
Im just as much anti-leftism as I am anti-libertarianism. The people who think that "out of the kindness of their hearts people will maintain the roads". Uhhhhhh, the cities allocate MILLIONS of dollars for major infrastructure repairs. It isnt a weekend warrior trip to lowes for some asphalt in a bag and tada youve repaired the interstate lol. There are bad ideas all over the place. People have to dodge them like Neo in the Matrix dodging bullets.
alot of bad ideas was propaganda to get away with more bad ideas / actions.


Well-Known Member
Ricky Bobby----with all due respect, you are a lazy POS who has had everything handed to him. You are not the person who should offering perspective on a topic that you know nothing about.


Well-Known Member
Ricky Bobby----with all due respect, you are a lazy POS who has had everything handed to him. You are not the person who should offering perspective on a topic that you know nothing about.
actually i do because i listen to good journalists which is something you should try doing