dow 24000


Staff member
I believe most of the abrogated responsibilities and authorities has been Congressional based.
States sue the US National government all the time when the US National Executive branch exceeds powers limited by the Tenth Amendment.
The States are no longer represented in the US National government with the passing of the 17th Amendment in 1913.

Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
The Seventeenth Amendment (Amendment XVII) to the United States Constitution established the popular election of United States senators by the people of the states. The amendment supersedes Article I, §3, Clauses 1 and 2 of the Constitution, under which senators were elected by state legislatures. It also alters the procedure for filling vacancies in the Senate, allowing for state legislatures to permit their governors to make temporary appointments until a special election can be held.

The amendment was proposed by the 62nd Congress in 1912 and became part of the Constitution on April 8, 1913 on ratification by three-fourths (36) of the state legislatures.
States can sue but we know how long that process takes.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
States can sue but we know how long that process takes.
There seems to be a new tactic of the US Federal Court of Appeals' judges declare a moratorium/stop order of Executive Orders.
I'm sure when a DemWit becomes President, the 5th, 8th and 11th Appeal Courts will take up the baton.



Well-Known Member
There seems to be a new tactic of the US Federal Court of Appeals' judges declare a moratorium/stop order of Executive Orders.
I'm sure when a DemWit becomes President, the 5th, 8th and 11th Appeal Courts will take up the baton.


if trump gets another term the political mix of the judiciary may change dramtically

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
SEC considering reinstating the "uptick rule" for short sellers. I believe you have to let the market work itself out. Not every company deserves a participation award. Stuffing the market with federal dollars is bad enough, stop changing the rules at halftime.