dow 27000


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Trump as well as the GOP congress were told as plainly as it could be made not to cut taxes because it could not be made up without a continuous 4% annual growth in GDP which as never happened.
We are now desperately trying to find a new level of support. If I had to make purely a guess the new support level with be in the general area of DOW 22,500, S&P 2515 NASDAQ 6200.
With the debt clearly piling up it's important to remember that the GOP members of Congress who hollered the loudest about the deficit hollered the loudest for tax cuts in order to appease their donors with the expectation that future massive spending cuts would offset the revenue loss.
Losing the House was something they didn't planned on.
The massive amount of debt is probably the thing I’m most upset with this administration about.

The government does not need to run with a huge surplus like a household. I get that but when the 10 thousand dollar number on the debt clock is moving faster than the seconds hand. There’s a serious problem.


Staff member
The massive amount of debt is probably the thing I’m most upset with this administration about.

The government does not need to run with a huge surplus like a household. I get that but when the 10 thousand dollar number on the debt clock is moving faster than the seconds hand. There’s a serious problem.
I think the thing that’s even more galling is that there is a very small percentage of Americans that made a killing off this.

I don’t generally like to use terms like “robber barrons” but it sure seems to fit this time.


Well-Known Member
Trump as well as the GOP congress were told as plainly as it could be made not to cut taxes because it could not be made up without a continuous 4% annual growth in GDP which as never happened.
We are now desperately trying to find a new level of support. If I had to make purely a guess the new support level with be in the general area of DOW 22,500, S&P 2515 NASDAQ 6200.
With the debt clearly piling up it's important to remember that the GOP members of Congress who hollered the loudest about the deficit hollered the loudest for tax cuts in order to appease their donors with the expectation that future massive spending cuts would offset the revenue loss.
Losing the House was something they didn't planned on.

Your spin here is blatantly partisan with no economic basis only your own DNC talking points.


Well-Known Member
I think the thing that’s even more galling is that there is a very small percentage of Americans that made a killing off this.

I don’t generally like to use terms like “robber barrons” but it sure seems to fit this time.

401k's didn't benefit?


Well-Known Member
Your spin here is blatantly partisan with no economic basis only your own DNC talking points.
Hahaha. As if my spin is the only one here that is partisan. if the ill advised tax cuts and tariff wars throws us into a steep recession and the Mueller report does not speak kindly of Trump and his minions you'll be right there with the best spin you can offer.


Staff member
Was just telling my dad today that we are due for a large market correction and probably due for a recession. He was kind of dumbfounded because things like unemployment look so good right now.

But isn’t that always how it happens? Just when everyone thinks it’s smooth sailing BAM!!!
Exactly. Go back to the period right before every big crash and you'll find plenty of analysts talking about how "sound the fundamentals are" and how things look great for the foreseeable future.


Staff member
Exactly. Go back to the period right before every big crash and you'll find plenty of analysts talking about how "sound the fundamentals are" and how things look great for the foreseeable future.
But this one was foretold months ago with the tax cut debate going on and still we walk straight into it. Weird.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a time frame for that? I know China has been quietly but aggressively attempting to move in where the US has stepped back.
China has its own systemic issues and depends very much on U.S. trade. That's the leverage Trump has in negotiations. And as the saying goes Rome wasn't built in a day. It took decades to get us where we are and it'll take time for us to be rebuilt. That's a glaring difference between us and China. We want immediate results, driven by quarterly reports. China is on a long range plan to improve everything.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha. As if my spin is the only one here that is partisan. if the ill advised tax cuts and tariff wars throws us into a steep recession and the Mueller report does not speak kindly of Trump and his minions you'll be right there with the best spin you can offer.
Except the tax cuts have resulted in more government revenue, not less. We don't have a every problem, we have a spending problem.