dow 27000


Well-Known Member
I don’t think you get it.

We look at Western European democracies and insist that we can be better than we are and can do what Europe does better than they because we are the greatest country on earth.
We have the greatest economy on Earth because of capitalism. The EU is in trouble structurally because of socialism.


Well-Known Member
It will all be decided by the Mueller investigation and what a federal grand jury decides what to do with it and there's a report out today that says that a federal judge has been presented with a brief on what the investigation has uncovered thus far. Funny that Manafort and Cohen are singing liked canaries. If what they have to say can be collaborated .
Then again you were pronouncing Hillary Clinton guilty even before the investigation had concluded and you still can't accept the fact that they couldn't find enough evidence to warrant a prosecution.
For someone who is going to South America to live ( or so you claim) you seem scared to death of what the outcome of the matter might be.
You couldn't find within yourself to give Hillary the benefit of the doubt so why should anyone give Trump that same consideration.?
It's an absolute fact that Hillary committed felonies. She admitted to the press she had a server at home conducting government business. That's a felony. Amongst the emails she turned over there were top secret documents. Felony. She destroyed 30,000 emails rather than turn them over under subpoena. That's obstruction of justice. Felony. Smashed her and her aides cellphones and blackberries. Obstruction. If we had those emails it would've shown a pay-for-play scheme that reaped her and Bill tens of millions. Felony. I can't help that Comey covered for her. But you can help not perpetuate this charade by saying there was nothing there.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
It's an absolute fact that Hillary committed felonies. She admitted to the press she had a server at home conducting government business. That's a felony. Amongst the emails she turned over there were top secret documents. Felony. She destroyed 30,000 emails rather than turn them over under subpoena. That's obstruction of justice. Felony. Smashed her and her aides cellphones and blackberries. Obstruction. If we had those emails it would've shown a pay-for-play scheme that reaped her and Bill tens of millions. Felony. I can't help that Comey covered for her. But you can help not perpetuate this charade by saying there was nothing there.
This how you lefties sound going on and on about the Trump-Russian collusion.


Well-Known Member
It's an absolute fact that Hillary committed felonies. She admitted to the press she had a server at home conducting government business. That's a felony. Amongst the emails she turned over there were top secret documents. Felony. She destroyed 30,000 emails rather than turn them over under subpoena. That's obstruction of justice. Felony. Smashed her and her aides cellphones and blackberries. Obstruction. If we had those emails it would've shown a pay-for-play scheme that reaped her and Bill tens of millions. Felony. I can't help that Comey covered for her. But you can help not perpetuate this charade by saying there was nothing there.
Go back and read what I said. What was uncovered was in the opinion of qualified legal minds which neither one of us are had little chance of a conviction. You're leaving the country....And don't come back here just to leach off of social programs the evil Democrats managed to pass into law. You programs which are in your opinion are corrupt and a waste of public funds.....except those which benefit you personally.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Yes. Because we should all have faith in corporations, their lobbyists, and the “invisible hand” guiding economics in America.
Even better, government is actively involved in regulating and forming policy.
Get rid of lobbyists and make them illegal.
Make campaign contributions limited to $5000 for all individuals and for Corporations and companies smaller than a Corporation.


Staff member
It's an absolute fact that Hillary committed felonies. She admitted to the press she had a server at home conducting government business. That's a felony. Amongst the emails she turned over there were top secret documents. Felony. She destroyed 30,000 emails rather than turn them over under subpoena. That's obstruction of justice. Felony. Smashed her and her aides cellphones and blackberries. Obstruction. If we had those emails it would've shown a pay-for-play scheme that reaped her and Bill tens of millions. Felony. I can't help that Comey covered for her. But you can help not perpetuate this charade by saying there was nothing there.
When the democratic House of Representatives compels the president to bring forth his tax returns, we will have hard copy proof of felonies.

Will you be ready to stand for justice then? Or is yours simply a political rant.

And for the record, I’ve had no problem with investigating and if called for charging Clinton. It does seem odd that Trump’s justice department, not really headed up by nonpartisans, has not come up with indictments.


Well-Known Member
As long as it doesn’t involve the government.

We tried to fix our sink, it didn’t work. (Blame sink fixers).

We tried to fix the roof, it didn’t work. (Blame roofers).

We tried to fix the plumbing, it didn’t work. (Blame the plumbers).

We tried to fix the government, it didn’t work.

Blame us.