dow 27000


Well-Known Member
You've already stated that you don't think Republicans should receive Social Security benefits. We should be required to pay into them, but not receive them according to you. Please name one social program I'm against? I'm against keeping able bodied people dependent on government support. That's it. Not against having that help for those between jobs or who physically can't work. I'm against excessive spending in every area of government. That's it. I'm against forcing people to buy something they don't want, and against the lying to get that program passed, resulting in millions of people having to pay a lot more for less quality. That's medical care of course, but that concept applies to anything. And I'm against government officials getting rich while in office, which seems to happen on both sides of the aisle, but is particularly bad when someone uses the actual power of their office to cash in. And gets covered for it. Legal minds didn't say she was innocent, and it has already come out Comey had written a letter of exoneration about two months before even interviewing her. That FBI management handled the investigation, not their normal investigators. She wasn't even put under oath in her interview. So there's another set of rules for the rich and powerful. Doubtful however that Trump would've been extended the same courtesy.
Now I told you this before at no time did I say that Rep's didn't deserve it. What I did say was that we Dems and our policy initiatives are tired of being demonized by pseudo conservatives who are currently or will soon be benefiting from the legislation we somehow managed to get passed into law despite bitter opposition from the political party they so tightly embrace.
I once delivered to a place and was signed for by this close to retirement gentleman. He said: ' I love my country but I don't rust my government". My response: Well, there's one person who will not be drawing Social Security and Medicare". He just stood there with that shot in the nuts look on his face. I said to him: Why would you want to entrust something as important your old age health and economic security to a government you say you don't trust?"

He was clearly embarrassed by his own stupid comment but by the sound of things some conservative demagogue got in his head.

By all means you should apply for benefits when the time comes provided that you have met the qualifying criteria but consider this question:

What would your options be if we DIDN'T somehow get those programs passed into law?

The answer would be damn few and you know it.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Now I told you this before at no time did I say that Rep's didn't deserve it. What I did say was that we Dems and our policy initiatives are tired of being demonized by pseudo conservatives who are currently or will soon be benefiting from the legislation we somehow managed to get passed into law despite bitter opposition from the political party they so tightly embrace.
I once delivered to a place and was signed for by this close to retirement gentleman. He said: ' I love my country but I don't rust my government". My response: Well, there's one person who will not be drawing Social Security and Medicare". He just stood there with that shot in the nuts look on his face. I said to him: Why would you want to entrust something as important your old age health and economic security to a government you say you don't trust?"

He was clearly embarrassed by his own stupid comment but by the sound of things some conservative demagogue got in his head.

By all means you should apply for benefits when the time comes provided that you have met the qualifying criteria but consider this question:

What would your options be if we DIDN'T somehow get those programs passed into law?

The answer would be damn few and you know it.
Does anybody believe this story?


Victory Ride
Now I told you this before at no time did I say that Rep's didn't deserve it. What I did say was that we Dems and our policy initiatives are tired of being demonized by pseudo conservatives who are currently or will soon be benefiting from the legislation we somehow managed to get passed into law despite bitter opposition from the political party they so tightly embrace.
I once delivered to a place and was signed for by this close to retirement gentleman. He said: ' I love my country but I don't rust my government". My response: Well, there's one person who will not be drawing Social Security and Medicare". He just stood there with that shot in the nuts look on his face. I said to him: Why would you want to entrust something as important your old age health and economic security to a government you say you don't trust?"

He was clearly embarrassed by his own stupid comment but by the sound of things some conservative demagogue got in his head.

By all means you should apply for benefits when the time comes provided that you have met the qualifying criteria but consider this question:

What would your options be if we DIDN'T somehow get those programs passed into law?

The answer would be damn few and you know it.
Lord ... I will pray for you ...


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I'm against keeping able bodied people dependent on government support

At some point you need to start thinking for yourself, and stop regurgitating Faux News crap! Please provide proof anyone is, "keeping able bodied people dependent on government support."

I'm against excessive spending in every area of government.

"Excessive spending" is an opinion you nitwit! What you call, "fully funding the military" I would call excessive when you consider we are not at war!

I'm against forcing people to buy something they don't want, and against the lying to get that program passed, resulting in millions of people having to pay a lot more for less quality. That's medical care of course, but that concept applies to anything.

I run across this a lot, mostly from those who don't have a clue how the medical care delivery system works in this company. When you go to a hospital and get charged $25 for the same ibuprofen you can buy for $.59 at the counter of a gas station there is a poroblem. When any insurance company can deny coverage to anyone claiming "preexisting conditions," even after you have paid for said insurance for years just because the treatment is expensive there is a problem. You need to look up the definition of what an insurance company is. WTF am I thinking? You are way to lazy to do anything other than hit the power button on the remote to get you daily fill of Hannity.

And I'm against government officials getting rich while in office, which seems to happen on both sides of the aisle, but is particularly bad when someone uses the actual power of their office to cash in. And gets covered for it. Legal minds didn't say she was innocent, and it has already come out Comey had written a letter of exoneration about two months before even interviewing her.

You actually said this while we have our current president raping the treasury to put into his pockets with trip to all his porperties?!?!?! Legal minds did say she was not guilty, do you even for 1 second think the FBI didn't consult with JD's at every turn in the investigation?

That FBI management handled the investigation, not their normal investigators. She wasn't even put under oath in her interview. So there's another set of rules for the rich and powerful. Doubtful however that Trump would've been extended the same courtesy.

So in your opinion the lowest levels of the FBI, the gum shoes as it were, should have been the ones making all the decisions? There were more interviews, hearings and investigations into her than any other person since Watergate! My god man, she sat for 11 hours in front of the idiots in congress and absolutely nothing wrong was found!

And that was an administration who's IRS denied approval of tax free status to numerous Republican political organizations while approving almost all Democrat ones. Trump probably has legal maneuverings in them that would've been embarrassing to his candidacy, but if he had broken the law it would've come out when he was openly criticizing Obama and he certainly wouldn't have been allowed to get away with them.

Look up the definition of a 501c is AT THAT TIME then get back to us as to why these filings were flagged for closer evaluation.


Well-Known Member
Now I told you this before at no time did I say that Rep's didn't deserve it. What I did say was that we Dems and our policy initiatives are tired of being demonized by pseudo conservatives who are currently or will soon be benefiting from the legislation we somehow managed to get passed into law despite bitter opposition from the political party they so tightly embrace.
I once delivered to a place and was signed for by this close to retirement gentleman. He said: ' I love my country but I don't rust my government". My response: Well, there's one person who will not be drawing Social Security and Medicare". He just stood there with that shot in the nuts look on his face. I said to him: Why would you want to entrust something as important your old age health and economic security to a government you say you don't trust?"

He was clearly embarrassed by his own stupid comment but by the sound of things some conservative demagogue got in his head.

By all means you should apply for benefits when the time comes provided that you have met the qualifying criteria but consider this question:

What would your options be if we DIDN'T somehow get those programs passed into law?

The answer would be damn few and you know it.
Now you're just lying. You have said several times on the FedEx forum that Republicans shouldn't be allowed their benefits because they are against it and other programs. That we only want to use the programs that benefit us. You just called me a leach on the system even though I paid into the system like everyone else. SS is the law of the land and I've said numerous times that IMO it's the best idea Democrats have ever had. My criticism of Democrats lies primarily with the pushing of abortion on us and in recent years getting extreme with the social engineering like trying to allow boys to shower with girls at school if the boy thinks he's a girl. I'm well aware there's Republican businessmen who demonize SS because they have to pay the matching funds. If they didn't I doubt you'd hear a peep out of them. Capitalism works best as economic systems go, but it is exploitive. If businesses force people to work for as little as possible then IMO they should at least be required to assist in their employees' retirement. I'm taking my SS, and rather than try to just exist on it here in the States, I'm going to where it'll provide a decent life. You're obviously against that, but you really ought to consider it too, because the forces behind making everything so expensive, especially healthcare, want to remove as much wealth from you as possible before you die, and don't care if you struggle in the meantime.


Bad Moon Risen'
Now you're just lying. You have said several times on the FedEx forum that Republicans shouldn't be allowed their benefits because they are against it and other programs. That we only want to use the programs that benefit us. You just called me a leach on the system even though I paid into the system like everyone else. SS is the law of the land and I've said numerous times that IMO it's the best idea Democrats have ever had. My criticism of Democrats lies primarily with the pushing of abortion on us and in recent years getting extreme with the social engineering like trying to allow boys to shower with girls at school if the boy thinks he's a girl. I'm well aware there's Republican businessmen who demonize SS because they have to pay the matching funds. If they didn't I doubt you'd hear a peep out of them. Capitalism works best as economic systems go, but it is exploitive. If businesses force people to work for as little as possible then IMO they should at least be required to assist in their employees' retirement. I'm taking my SS, and rather than try to just exist on it here in the States, I'm going to where it'll provide a decent life. You're obviously against that, but you really ought to consider it too, because the forces behind making everything so expensive, especially healthcare, want to remove as much wealth from you as possible before you die, and don't care if you struggle in the meantime.
Who the hell pushed abortion on you? If you don't want one nobody forces you.

It's all about a woman's/couple's right to choose without government interference.


Well-Known Member
At some point you need to start thinking for yourself, and stop regurgitating Faux News crap! Please provide proof anyone is, "keeping able bodied people dependent on government support."

"Excessive spending" is an opinion you nitwit! What you call, "fully funding the military" I would call excessive when you consider we are not at war!

I run across this a lot, mostly from those who don't have a clue how the medical care delivery system works in this company. When you go to a hospital and get charged $25 for the same ibuprofen you can buy for $.59 at the counter of a gas station there is a poroblem. When any insurance company can deny coverage to anyone claiming "preexisting conditions," even after you have paid for said insurance for years just because the treatment is expensive there is a problem. You need to look up the definition of what an insurance company is. WTF am I thinking? You are way to lazy to do anything other than hit the power button on the remote to get you daily fill of Hannity.

You actually said this while we have our current president raping the treasury to put into his pockets with trip to all his porperties?!?!?! Legal minds did say she was not guilty, do you even for 1 second think the FBI didn't consult with JD's at every turn in the investigation?

So in your opinion the lowest levels of the FBI, the gum shoes as it were, should have been the ones making all the decisions? There were more interviews, hearings and investigations into her than any other person since Watergate! My god man, she sat for 11 hours in front of the idiots in congress and absolutely nothing wrong was found!

Look up the definition of a 501c is AT THAT TIME then get back to us as to why these filings were flagged for closer evaluation.
I'm against what welfare used to do, keep millions of able bodied adults at home on government support. Republicans pushed for that to end but even now there are problems with the system including paying benefits to illegal aliens, who the taxpayers shouldn't be supporting.

What has been investigated with Clinton in the past has nothing to do with this particular investigation. The Clintons net worth soared to over $100,000,000 while she was the Secretary of State and then the presumptive future president. How'd that happen? Huge speaking fees from corporations and foreign governments. And when it was discovered she had used a private server to conduct business, the emails from that server were demanded by subpoena. She had the server bleached bitted, and had all cellphones and blackberries used by her and staff smashed with hammers. This is documented fact.

And yes, the FBI has experienced investigators looking into such matters but they weren't allowed to interview her. And yes, the same people who covered for her were also involved in trying to take down the president with the Russian collusion business. You can deny that all you want, but to date everyone connected to the Russian hoax has been fired after being demoted, or has resigned. You want to paint anyone relaying this as a quack as if your side never does anything wrong. Well Hillary supporters have done some serious wrong here, and if had been Trump supporters doing the same to her you'd be screaming.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Who the hell pushed abortion on you? If you don't want one nobody forces you.

It's all about a woman's/couple's right to choose without government interference.
Who the hell pushed abortion on you? If you don't want one nobody forces you.

It's all about a woman's/couple's right to choose without government interference.
A lot of people see it as murder, and don't believe you should have the right to murder your child. If a cop comes to a house after a 911 call, and finds a mother has just smothered her baby, is he going to let her off the hook because the mother says it's her right to choose? And I'm not really interested in getting into a long snarky conversation with you. You know how I feel, and I know how you do. But I have just as much right to believe it's wrong as you do to believe it's ok.


Bad Moon Risen'
A lot of people see it as murder, and don't believe you should have the right to murder your child. If a cop comes to a house after a 911 call, and finds a mother has just smothered her baby, is he going to let her off the hook because the mother says it's her right to choose? And I'm not really interested in getting into a long snarky conversation with you. You know how I feel, and I know how you do. But I have just as much right to believe it's wrong as you do to believe it's ok.
Never said I was pro-abortion. I believe in a woman's right to choose what to do with her body without government and/or religious interference.


Well-Known Member
Now you're just lying. You have said several times on the FedEx forum that Republicans shouldn't be allowed their benefits because they are against it and other programs. That we only want to use the programs that benefit us. You just called me a leach on the system even though I paid into the system like everyone else. SS is the law of the land and I've said numerous times that IMO it's the best idea Democrats have ever had. My criticism of Democrats lies primarily with the pushing of abortion on us and in recent years getting extreme with the social engineering like trying to allow boys to shower with girls at school if the boy thinks he's a girl. I'm well aware there's Republican businessmen who demonize SS because they have to pay the matching funds. If they didn't I doubt you'd hear a peep out of them. Capitalism works best as economic systems go, but it is exploitive. If businesses force people to work for as little as possible then IMO they should at least be required to assist in their employees' retirement. I'm taking my SS, and rather than try to just exist on it here in the States, I'm going to where it'll provide a decent life. You're obviously against that, but you really ought to consider it too, because the forces behind making everything so expensive, especially healthcare, want to remove as much wealth from you as possible before you die, and don't care if you struggle in the meantime.
First show me where I specifically said the Republican's are NOT entitled to social programs they are qualified to receive? You're simply trying to double down on your criticism of Democrat sponsored social programs which will at some time in your life you'll be dependent on .

Politics is a game of give and take. So let's play the game. Would you agreeable to a full , complete and immediate repeal of the Social Security and Medicare programs meaning that you won't receive any assistance when you're too old and too frail to work in exchange for a full and complete overturning of Roe vs. Wade and accept an income tax surcharge specifically earmarked to provide for the needs of the millions of unwanted kids who will be wards of the state?

I commend you for your unwavering contempt for Roe vs. Wade but you've never gone on record as saying exactly what personal sacrifices you're willing to make in order to cope with the unpleasant consequences should Roe vs. Wade be overturned. Simple letting them to die from disease, starvation insufficient clothing and or housing or to die in a rich man's war is not an option. Like the old saying......"Money talks and BS walks". So tell us what part you're willing to do in order for your right to life agenda can prevail throughout the decades to come.


Well-Known Member
First show me where I specifically said the Republican's are NOT entitled to social programs they are qualified to receive? You're simply trying to double down on your criticism of Democrat sponsored social programs which will at some time in your life you'll be dependent on .

Politics is a game of give and take. So let's play the game. Would you agreeable to a full , complete and immediate repeal of the Social Security and Medicare programs meaning that you won't receive any assistance when you're too old and too frail to work in exchange for a full and complete overturning of Roe vs. Wade and accept an income tax surcharge specifically earmarked to provide for the needs of the millions of unwanted kids who will be wards of the state?

I commend you for your unwavering contempt for Roe vs. Wade but you've never gone on record as saying exactly what personal sacrifices you're willing to make in order to cope with the unpleasant consequences should Roe vs. Wade be overturned. Simple letting them to die from disease, starvation insufficient clothing and or housing or to die in a rich man's war is not an option. Like the old saying......"Money talks and BS walks". So tell us what part you're willing to do in order for your right to life agenda can prevail throughout the decades to come.
Before Roe v Wade we weren't swamped with millions of unwanted kids because most people were much more cautious with their sexual habits. False argument to say we suddenly will be. It's a despicable thing to do, and should be illegal. And I will take up your challenge and dredge up past posts on the FedEx forum where you unequivocally said Republicans shouldn't be allowed to take SS. As for my SS I'm entitled to it, just as everyone else is, because I paid into it. Has nothing to do with abortion, but if you want to go there, using your logic, if you want to murder babies then Democrats should surrender their SS to take care of all the children unwanted but not aborted. After all , Democrats care about people so much more than Republicans do. Give up your SS too to support minorities who are discriminated against and shouldn't have to work jobs for the racist white man. After all, Democrats care so much more about minorities than those nasty white businessmen do. Maybe use Democrats SS to pay reparations. You use racism every election cycle to drum up votes so you should put your money where your mouth is to take care of minorities you claim to care about so much. You don't need SS because you have white privilege and thus money just grows on trees for you. Yeah, let's go there, set an example for us hard hearted people who want to save innocent babies and think people are better served by having jobs that take care of them rather than government payouts.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I'm against what welfare used to do, keep millions of able bodied adults at home on government support. Republicans pushed for that to end but even now there are problems with the system including paying benefits to illegal aliens, who the taxpayers shouldn't be supporting.What has been investigated with Clinton in the past has nothing to do with this particular investigation. The Clintons net worth soared to over $100,000,000 while she was the Secretary of State and then the presumptive future president. How'd that happen? Huge speaking fees from corporations and foreign governments. And when it was discovered she had used a private server to conduct business, the emails from that server were demanded by subpoena. She had the server bleached bitted, and had all cellphones and blackberries used by her and staff smashed with hammers. This is documented fact.
And yes, the FBI has experienced investigators looking into such matters but they weren't allowed to interview her. And yes, the same people who covered for her were also involved in trying to take down the president with the Russian collusion business. You can deny that all you want, but to date everyone connected to the Russian hoax has been fired after being demoted, or has resigned. You want to paint anyone relaying this as a quack as if your side never does anything wrong. Well Hillary supporters have done some serious wrong here, and if had been Trump supporters doing the same to her you'd be screaming.

Keep with the lies! The Clinton non-profit CHARITABLE Foundation had the cash, they,themselves did not, Einstein! All public emails used by her and kept on an un-hack-able server have been turned over! PERIOD! The is no evidence otherwise! To say otherwise is the same as claiming Sandy hook or 9/11 never happened!

The fact that everyone involved with investigating the Russian Collusion has been terminated is proof of exactly the opposite of what you are trying to argue!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Keep with the lies! The Clinton non-profit CHARITABLE Foundation had the cash, they,themselves did not, Einstein! All public emails used by her and kept on an un-hack-able server have been turned over! PERIOD! The is no evidence otherwise! To say otherwise is the same as claiming Sandy hook or 9/11 never happened!

The fact that everyone involved with investigating the Russian Collusion has been terminated is proof of exactly the opposite of what you are trying to argue!
Your logic in that post was just damn Goofy!


Well-Known Member
Before Roe v Wade we weren't swamped with millions of unwanted kids because most people were much more cautious with their sexual habits. False argument to say we suddenly will be. It's a despicable thing to do, and should be illegal. And I will take up your challenge and dredge up past posts on the FedEx forum where you unequivocally said Republicans shouldn't be allowed to take SS. As for my SS I'm entitled to it, just as everyone else is, because I paid into it. Has nothing to do with abortion, but if you want to go there, using your logic, if you want to murder babies then Democrats should surrender their SS to take care of all the children unwanted but not aborted. After all , Democrats care about people so much more than Republicans do. Give up your SS too to support minorities who are discriminated against and shouldn't have to work jobs for the racist white man. After all, Democrats care so much more about minorities than those nasty white businessmen do. Maybe use Democrats SS to pay reparations. You use racism every election cycle to drum up votes so you should put your money where your mouth is to take care of minorities you claim to care about so much. You don't need SS because you have white privilege and thus money just grows on trees for you. Yeah, let's go there, set an example for us hard hearted people who want to save innocent babies and think people are better served by having jobs that take care of them rather than government payouts.
Just answer the questions. When I asked you what would you're personal options be if SS and Medicare would not be waiting there for you when you as is the case with every other human being you too reached the end of your working lifetime?.......No response. When I asked you the question if you would be willing to forego your SS and Medicare benefits or any other actions undertaken on your part in order to pay for the care of millions of unwanted kids birthed in the aftermath of a complete overturning of Roe vs. Wade you pointed your finger at everyone and everybody you could think of in an effort to avoid having to answer the question. Like so many other pseudo conservatives you're barking the conservative ideology but always stop short of getting out your wallets.
The only type of government that can impose and enforce a strict morality and social order would be a totalitarian theonomy under the control of an autocratic dictator or an unelected clergy . Is that what you want ? Fine. But you'll have to learn to live with it right along with the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
First show me where I specifically said the Republican's are NOT entitled to social programs they are qualified to receive? You're simply trying to double down on your criticism of Democrat sponsored social programs which will at some time in your life you'll be dependent on .

Politics is a game of give and take. So let's play the game. Would you agreeable to a full , complete and immediate repeal of the Social Security and Medicare programs meaning that you won't receive any assistance when you're too old and too frail to work in exchange for a full and complete overturning of Roe vs. Wade and accept an income tax surcharge specifically earmarked to provide for the needs of the millions of unwanted kids who will be wards of the state?

I commend you for your unwavering contempt for Roe vs. Wade but you've never gone on record as saying exactly what personal sacrifices you're willing to make in order to cope with the unpleasant consequences should Roe vs. Wade be overturned. Simple letting them to die from disease, starvation insufficient clothing and or housing or to die in a rich man's war is not an option. Like the old saying......"Money talks and BS walks". So tell us what part you're willing to do in order for your right to life agenda can prevail throughout the decades to come.

you type a lot of words