DOW 30000


Staff member
Worst case scenario would be something like the 73-74 bear market, where the DOW lost 50% of it's value in a slow motion 2 year mudslide.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Sam, you and I have seen this coming for months. Stock market is not the economy, companies were given a golden ticket with no restrictions. Corporate bubbles break and unfortunately it has long lasting affects on real people. Trump's idea of feeding everyone candy bars sounds great in the short term, but you eventually end up with bad teeth and a stomach ache. Slow and steady growth with corporate stress tests isn't sexy but more calming for the middle class.


Inordinately Right
Sam, you and I have seen this coming for months. Stock market is not the economy, companies were given a golden ticket with no restrictions. Corporate bubbles break and unfortunately it has long lasting affects on real people. Trump's idea of feeding everyone candy bars sounds great in the short term, but you eventually end up with bad teeth and a stomach ache. Slow and steady growth with corporate stress tests isn't sexy but more calming for the middle class.
Democrats have "seen it coming" for three years..... that's called being wrong lol.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
If the White House Black History month meeting was aired nationally the stock market would be popping. What a beautiful display of patriotism and love.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
That’s a lot of selling off and not a lot of confident money coming in behind. And of course the stock market isn’t the economy, but if it’s true that manufacturing and transport from China is shutting down, that’s huge for the world economy. How long will companies have to be in a holding pattern? I imagine some will go under.
Just seems like this kind of slowdown could take a long time to pull out of.
Actually, supply chain companies are actually increasing their output in China ... that was one of my inputs into this decision making process.
China's GNP or economy is not important to supply chain needs in the US.
Even if it goes down another 10%, I'll be OK with my decision 5 years from now.
Alright ... you made me a bit more wary.
I put off my buy back into the market until Monday morning.
2 free days of developments over the weekend makes a lot of sense too.