DOW 30000


Well-Known Member
But everything will be free!

Go to college until you are 40 years old.

Bernie says you will pay more taxes but you wont be paying for health care.

so instead of shopping around and paying for the best health insurance.

the government will provide you health insurance from one source that has no incentive to do a good job or keep cost down.

did i mention you'll be expected to sacrifice good health care for the 40 million who dont have any?

that guy that sits in moms basement smoking weed and playing video games while you're busting your ass humping cardboard thanks you for your sacrifice.
Bernie says you will pay more taxes but you wont be paying for health care.

so instead of shopping around and paying for the best health insurance.

the government will provide you health insurance from one source that has no incentive to do a good job or keep cost down.

did i mention you'll be expected to sacrifice good health care for the 40 million who dont have any?

that guy that sits in moms basement smoking weed and playing video games while you're busting your ass humping cardboard thanks you for your sacrifice.
Everyone blames the millennials being lazy but they should blame the parents for enabling them to be lazy


Well-Known Member
If the economy is soooo strong then why is the Fed cutting rates?

um to deal with a temporary coronavirus issue?
because Trump keeps beating the fed about high interest rates while the german fed pays germany to borrow money?
because the best way to stimulate the economy is to do so proactively and not reactively?

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
What happens next? An additional rate cut, QE, government stimulus spending package, bailout of airlines, bailout of oil producers, bailout of banks or liquidation of gold reserves.
It's how you made it your "own" has changed.
You worked.
The miltards hold out their hand and the parentard puts money in it.
Nothing wrong with trying to do nice things for your children but you have to teach them responsibility. Just like when my kids wanted to get a drivers license. I told them you are getting a job first , you have to be able to afford to out gas in the car. I did pay half of their car insurance. I didn't want them to feel like they was working for free.


Well-Known Member
Trumps economy is like the millennials being discussed in this thread. Have to give it free money because it can't support itself.
cadillac economy.jpg


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Bernie says you will pay more taxes but you wont be paying for health care.

so instead of shopping around and paying for the best health insurance.

the government will provide you health insurance from one source that has no incentive to do a good job or keep cost down.

did i mention you'll be expected to sacrifice good health care for the 40 million who dont have any?

that guy that sits in moms basement smoking weed and playing video games while you're busting your ass humping cardboard thanks you for your sacrifice.
It ends up, "get on line", "come back in 10 months or so".

The rich and the elites will have their private systems in place, so no worries there. Off shore medical centers with the best.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Nothing wrong with trying to do nice things for your children but you have to teach them responsibility. Just like when my kids wanted to get a drivers license. I told them you are getting a job first , you have to be able to afford to out gas in the car. I did pay half of their car insurance. I didn't want them to feel like they was working for free.
I thought I was tough and here I paid the entire insurance premium for my kids.