DOW 30000


Inordinately Right
So what happens if you buy a company like Intel and the company goes under? How do you decide which companies come out of the next recession alive? You got to be an idiot not to ask such questions.
FFS do you know how many people buy individual stocks? Not very many. This is investing 101 wtf is wrong with you?

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
The DOW would be below 12000.
Thanks for asking.
Of course it's all speculative, but without the tax reduction, companies wouldn't have bought back stock. PE ratios were inflated and companies valuations were skewed to the unrealistic levels. The fact that the current "bailout" will include stock buy back restrictions shows that the government recognizes the flaws in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Giving businesses blank checks and hoping that they write them responsibly was a miscalculation by this current government. I agree the Dow would most likely be in the 12,000-14,000 range without the tax breaks, but also believe that the Dow would have not gotten above 26,000 also.


Well-Known Member
the welfare for the rich from the FED has worked!!!! 30000 and no possibility of record corporate profits in this economy! we have entered a new frontier of capitalism (?)